BTHome and Home Assistant Setup

This video shows you how to set up Home Assistant with BTHome on a Raspberry Pi.

You'll need

Install Home Assitant

Follow the steps at

But in short:

Once that's done, put the card in your Pi, connect to ethernet and power, and wait a few minutes!

You can now follow to set it up by going to http://homeassistant.local:8123/ in your browser - although it's pretty straightforward as you can see from the video!

Make/buy a BTHome device

There are a bunch of supported devices listed on, but for Espruino devices:


Once Home Assistant is running, it will automatically pick up BTHome devices that are advertising within range.

You can see these by going to Settings -> Devices & Services -> BTHome : http://homeassistant.local:8123/config/integrations/integration/bthome

Once you have a device, click on the link under it that says 1 Device - here you can see the Logbook, current sensor values, and can even set up Automations.

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