This video shows you how to control devices from Puck.js when a door opens.
It uses the Magnetometer to sense when a Magnet is near the Puck.
The code used in the video is:
var zero = Puck.mag();
var doorOpen = false;
function onMag(p) {
p.x -= zero.x;
p.y -= zero.y;
p.z -= zero.z;
var s = Math.sqrt(p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y + p.z*p.z);
var open = s<1000;
if (open!=doorOpen) {
doorOpen = open;
digitalPulse(open ? LED1 : LED2, 1,1000);
Puck.on('mag', onMag);
function send(cmd) {
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Puck.js' }] }).then(function(device) {
require("ble_simple_uart").write(device, cmd, function() {
var zero = Puck.mag();
var isOpen = false;
function onMag(p) {
p.x -= zero.x;
p.y -= zero.y;
p.z -= zero.z;
var s = Math.sqrt(p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y + p.z*p.z);
var open = s<1000;
if (open != isOpen) {
isOpen = open;
digitalPulse(open ? LED1 : LED2,1,1000);
if (open)
Puck.on('mag', onMag);
You can buy the IR remote control lights like the ones I used from eBay. They are also available in strip form.
Note: while some of these lights look identical, they often use a different set of control codes. About the only way to be sure is to record your own codes.
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