Web IDE on a Raspberry Pi

If you want to use Node-RED on your Raspberry Pi there is also a Node-RED Tutorial.

We'd recommend you use a Raspberry Pi 3 - it's faster, and has Ethernet, WiFi and Bluetooth LE on-board. If you use a different Raspberry Pi you'll have to find a compatible Bluetooth LE adaptor and plug it in.

Initial Pi Setup

If you've got a Raspberry Pi with an up to date OS and a command primpt (either via network, or with a monitor & keyboard) then you can skip this bit.

Setting up the IDE Server

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo npm install -g espruino-web-ide

This will probably give some errors, but should soldier on and complete successfully.

sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)

Using the Web IDE from Raspberry Pi

On the Pi, all you need to do is run espruino-server

Now, connect to the Pi on port 8080 by typing http://raspberrypi.local:8080 into your web browser's address bar.

If you click the orange connect icon in the top right, you should now see a list of devices that you can connect to. Click one of them and you'll be able to program your Pi!

Installing command-line tools

Once you've installed what's needed for the IDE server, you can also install command-line tools.

Just type:

sudo npm install -g espruino

You can now just type espruino to access your Espruino/Puck.js devices.

Type espruino --help for help, or see the GitHub README page

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