Using RGB LEDs with Espruino is straightforward and you don't really need any extra modules - you can interact with them directly using the digitalWrite()
and analogWrite()
On the other hand, if you want to start quickly with operations like strobing or changing the color in a familiar way then you may want to use this module instead.
There is only one thing to remember: on the board use either DAC or PWM output pins.
Create a LED instance with red on C7, green on C8 and blue on C9. By default it is on and the color is "#ffffff"
var led = require("RGBLed").connect([C7, C8, C9])
If you want the LED to be off by default then pass falsey value as a second argument:
var led = require("RGBLed").connect([C7, C8, C9], false)
If you want, you can also specify initial color:
var led = require("RGBLed").connect([C7, C8, C9], true, "#00ff00")
The same as above but for common anode LED (eg all LEDs connected to VCC rather than GND):
var led = require("RGBLed").connect([C7, C8, C9], true, "#00ff00");
Start blinking every second:
Change the color:
Stop blinking and leave LED on:
require("RGBLed").connect(pins, initialState, initialColor, isAnode)
- The initialisation function has four parameters, but only the first one is required for a common cathode LED.
function invert(inv)
- Set inv
to true to indicate the LED is a common anode LED (eg all LEDs connected to VCC rather than GND). Defaults to false, indicating a common cathode LED.
function on()
- Turn the Led on using previous color value. Stops the interval operation, if any.
function off()
- Turn the Led off and save its color value for later use. Stops the interval operation, if any.
function toggle()
- Toggle the current state. If Led is on then turn it off, if off then turn it on.
function getState()
- Return current state.
function setColor(color)
- Set the Led color specified as hexadecimal color value (#RRGGBB). Leading hash sign is optional. Doesn't change LED's state, so if it was off then it will stay off.
function strobe(ms)
- Strobe the Led on/off in phases over time specified in milliseconds (defaults to 100ms). This is an interval operation and can be stopped by calling on()
or off()
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