// ----- setup lon and log() (considering emulating _eConsole)
var lon = true // logging is on / off
, log = function() { if (lon) { var lgr;(lgr=(typeof _eConsole
// ----- pull in ui base and ui element(s)
var ui = require("ui")
.adx(require("uiExt")) // for extra / complimentary drawings and for uiEBC
.adx(require("uiEBC")) // only when used with push button usage
// ----- define callback(s): log ui element id and value (only)
var cb = function(id, v, _, e, t) { log( "id:",id,"val:",v
,(t)?((t.t)?"":"un")+"touch focused":t); }
, ca = ( (typeof ca === "undefined")
? function(id, v, _, e, t) { var s=(t.f|65536).toString(2); // log flags
log("id:",id,"v:",v,"f:",[s.substr(5,4),s.substr(9,4),s.substr(13,4)].join(" "),t.f); }
: ca )
, u; // for space / memory / var saving value of * undefined *
// ----- define UI (in level 0 - built to be saved)
//---------- Slider examples ----------
////....0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
////.flgs clazz id x y w h bc fcs value cb, ls (arr of labels [[...],..])
////.......sli ->x2->y2 [0] fs tc x y txt fmt
//ui.c( 3,"sli","s1" , 10, 30,220, 26, 6,[ 4, 1],0, cb, u, u, u, u, u, u
//// min max si
// ,-10, 10,[3]);
//....0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
//.flgs clazz id x y w h bc fcs value cb, ls (arr of labels [[...],..])
//.......sli ->x2->y2 [0] fs tc x y txt fmt
ui.c( 3,"sli","s1" , 10, 30,220, 26, 6,[ 4, 1],0, cb, u, u, u, u, u, u
// min max si o a flgs
,-10, 10,[3],0,0, 0
// left top right bot margins
, 5, 5, 5);
var s2 = // hold on to "s2" slider ui element for direct access app later on.
//....0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
//.flgs clazz id x y w h bc fcs value cb, ls (arr of labels ([[...],..]))
// sli ->x2->y2 [0] fs tc x y txt fmt
ui.c( 3,"sli","s2" , 30, 60,180, 26, -4,[-4,0],25, ca, [[12, 6, 70, 6, u
,function(v,_,l){ // v,ui,labl
var s="", f=_.te.f; return (!(f===0 || f&184)) ? s : ((v<1)?"0":"") // 128+32+16+8
+(s=_.mr(v*10)+"%").substr(0,s.length-2)+"."+s.substr(-2); } // #.##%
// _.mr=Math.round min max si o a flgs
, 0,100,[3],0,0, 168]
// [>0] fs tc x y txt fmt
,[12, 7, -25, 6, "%:0"] // frnt
,[12, 7, 182, 6, "100"] // back
// Pixl or 2 colors only adjusting 'on-top' label placing (colors for TFT, flip'm for LCD):
// AND creating extra left and right margins for large min and max touch areas
//....0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
//.flgs clazz id x y w h bc fcs value cb, ls (arr of labels ([[...],..]))
// sli ->x2->y2 [0] fs tc x y txt fmt
ui.c( 3,"sli","s3" , 30, 90,180, 26, 7,[7,0] ,33, ca, [[12, u, 70, 6, u // formatter
,function(v,_,l){ // val,ui,labl
var s="", f=_.te.f; return (!(f===0 || f&184)) ? s : ((v<1)?"0":"") // 128+32+16+8
+(s=_.mr(v*10)+"%").substr(0,s.length-2)+"."+s.substr(-2); } // val label
// _.mr=Math.round min max si o a flgs
, 0,100,[3],0,1, 168
// left top right bot margin
, 9, 0, 8, 0]
// [>0] fs tc x y txt fmt
,[12, 7, -25, 6,"%:0"] // frnt
,[12, 7, 182, 6,"100"] // back
// Using left and right labels for large min and max touch areas; could also use buttons,
// but they add separate ui elts to cycled tru when using no-touch / push btns nav only
//....0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
//.flgs clazz id x y w h bc fcs value cb, ls (arr of labels ([[...],..]))
// sli ->x2->y2 [0] fs tc x y txt fmt s flgs a
ui.c( 3,"sli","s4" , 3,117,237, 29, 7,[7,0] ,66, ca, [[12, u, 70,10, u // formatter
,function(v,_,l){ // val,ui,labl
var s="", f=_.te.f; return (!(f===0 || f&184)) ? s : ((v<1)?"0":"") // 128+32+16+8
+(s=_.mr(v*10)+"%").substr(0,s.length-2)+"."+s.substr(-2); } // #.##%
// _.mr=Math.round min max si o,a, flgs
, 0,100,[3],0,1, 168
// left top right bot margins
, 28, 5, 26]
// [>0] fs tc 2 y label text
,[12, 7, 2,10, "%:0"] // frnt
,[12, 7, 209,10, "100"] // back
//....0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
//.flgs clazz id x y w h bc fcs value cb, ls (arr of labels [[...],..])
//.......sli ->x2->y2 [0] fs tc x y txt fmt
ui.c( 3,"sli","s5" , 10,150, 55,170, 2,[ 4, 1], 4, cb, [[14, 6, 6, u, "v" // y val dep
,function(v,_,l){ // val,ui,labl
var s="",y, f=_.te.f; if (f===0 || f&184) { // 128+32+16+8
s=((_.mu(s=_.mr(v))<10)?" ":"")+((s<0)?s:"+"+s)+l[4]; // ./ position value dependent:
l[3]=(((y=_.mr(170/2-v*(170-2-2-5-5)/(10-(-10)))-18)>=2+5+3)?y:y+23); } return s; }
// min max si o a flgs
,-10, 10,[3],1,0, 168
// left top right bot margins
, 0, 5, 5, 5]
// [>0] fs tc x y txt fmt
,[10, 4, 80 , 1, "max"]
,[10, 1, 83,156, "min"]
//---------- extra drawings ----------
// function for extra / complementary drawings on initial and re-drawings
// of display, such as:
var xDs = function(ui) { // e (2nd arg of no use on draw all)
var d = ui.dsp, e; // display - Espruino Graphics object
// - screen title
ui.ld([18,7,26,0,"Sliders - all kinds of"]);
// - ticks for slider ui elts (that have margins to put them)
ticks_s1(ui,d,ui.e("s1")); // get slider w/ id s1 as ui element e
ticks_s4(ui,d,ui.e("s4")); // get slider w/ id s4 as ui element e
ticks_s5(ui,d,ui.e("s5")); // get slider w/ id s5 as ui element e
function ticks_s1(ui,d,e) { if (e) { // horizontal slider
var x = e[3] // get e's left - x
, m = e[11][0] // to access margins 12,13,14/left,top,right
, b = x+2+m[12] // start of slider bar (border, value 0)
, l = e[4]+2+m[13] // get e's top-1=y-1=lower y of tick (1 pixel above bar)
, w = e[5]-b-2-1-m[14] // get e's slider bar width (right border (-1?), val 100)
, v = w/20 // pixels per w pixels)
, u = l-3 // upper y of tick, use all 4 margin pixels betw. bar & sel/focus line
, t // tick pos
ui.clr(e[7]); // same as slider bar's border color
for (var i=-0;i<=30;i+=5) {
t = ui.mc(b + i * v) + 0.5; // weird +0.5, only in emulation / canvas
d.drawLine(t,l-((i % 10)?1:0),t,u-((i % 10)?0:2)); // short (2px) and long (4px) ticks
} } }
function ticks_s4(ui,d,e) { if (e) {
var x = e[3] // get e's left - x
, m = e[11][0] // to access margins 12,13,14/left,top,right
, b = x+2+m[12] // start of slider bar (border, value 0)
, l = e[4]+2+m[13] // get e's top-1=y-1=lower y of tick (1 pixel above bar)
, w = e[5]-b-2-1-m[14] // get e's slider bar width (right border (-1?), val 100)
, v = w/2 // pixels per 1% (100% = w pixels)
, u = l-3 // upper y of tick, use all 4 margin pixels betw. bar & sel/focus line
, t // tick pos
ui.clr(e[7]); // same as slider bar's border color
for (var i=0;i<=100;i+=10) {
t = ui.mc(b + i * v) + 0.5; // weird +0.5, only in emulation / canvas
d.drawLine(t,l-((i % 50)?1:0),t,u-((i % 50)?0:2)); // short (2px) and long (4px) ticks
} } }
function ticks_s5(ui,d,e) { if (e) { // vertical slider
console.log("ticks for "+e[1]+"...");
var y = e[4] // get e's top - y
, m = e[11][0] // to access margins 13,14,15/top,right,bottom and min and max
, b = e[6]-2-m[15] // start of slider bar (bottom border value -10)
, l = e[5]-1-m[14]+1 // get e's right-1=y-1=left x of tick (1 pixel right to the bar)
, w = b-y-2-m[13] // get e's slider bar height (top border (-1?), val +10)
, v = w/20 // pixels per unit - v pixels)
, r = l+5 // right x of tick, use all 4 margin pixels betw. bar & bounding box rect
, mn = m[6] // minimum value
, mx = m[7] // maximum value
, t // tick pos
ui.clr(e[7]); // same as slider bar's border color, number labels w/ value related colors
for (var i=mn;i<=mx;i+=5) {
t = ui.mc(b - (i - mn) * v) + 0.5; // weird +0.5, only in emulation / canvas
ui.clr(e[7]); d.drawLine(l-((i % 10)?0:1),t,r-((i % 10)?2:1),t); // ticks
ui.ld([10,(i>0)?4:(i<0)?1:7,r+9,t-6,i]); // numbers <0 blue, 0 white, >0 red
} } }
//----- pull in display w/ width / height and touch screen
var dsp, dspMod = require("ILI9341"), dspW=240, dspH=320
, touch, touchMod = require("XPT2046")
// ----- run UI
function onInit() {
SPI2.setup({sck:B13, miso:B14, mosi:B15, baud: 1000000});
// spi, dc, cs, rst, callback
dsp = dspMod.connect(SPI2, B10, B1, A4, function() {
dsp.clear(); A1.set(); // display clear and turn back light on
// connect ui to dsp and display it
.w(0,0,dspW-1,dspH-1) // wipe screen (rect) w/ background color
.d(u,xDs) // display all elements and extra drawings
.di = true; // set display changes to immediate
// setup touch screen and connect it to ui
SPI1.setup({sck:A5, miso:A6, mosi:A7, baud: 2000000});
// spi, cs, irq, callback, calc (calibrated)
touch = touchMod.connect(SPI1, A3, A2, function(x,y){ ui.evt(x,y);}
, function(yr, xr, d) {
return [ Math.round(xr / -121.44 + 259.70685111989)
, Math.round(yr / 88.90357142857 + -19.78130398103)
setTimeout(onInit,999); // for dev only, remove before upload for save()
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