The Useless Box is a box with a button on it. When you press it, a hand pops out of a trapdoor and turns the button off. The box we've made uses an articulated arm made by taping two servo motors end to end - as well as a pushbutton and light rather than a toggle switch.
In order to move the arm in a controlled way, we have an array of positions for the two servos. When the button is pressed, the 'pos' variable increments and interpolates positions for the two servos from the array.
Espruino | Connection |
B12 | Arm lower servo |
B13 | Arm upper servo |
C6 | Pushbutton Light |
B15 | Pushbutton Switch |
var inAnim = false;
var pos = 0;
var anim = [
//[pointer, arm],
[1,0], // folded away
[0.9,0.0], // touching the lid
[0.8,0.05], // push up
[0.25,1], // press
var lastPress = 0;
function onPress(e) {
if (e.time < lastPress + 0.5) return;
lastPress = e.time;
if (inAnim) {
C6.reset(); // light off
} else {
// startanim
C6.set(); // light on
inAnim = true;
pos = 0;
print("interval "+setInterval(onAnimStep, 25));
function onAnimStep() {
pos += 0.02;
if (pos > anim.length) {
digitalWrite([LED1,LED2,LED3], 0); // off status
inAnim = false;
analogWrite(LED1, pos);
analogWrite(LED2, pos-1);
analogWrite(LED3, pos-2);
var i = pos|0;
var f = pos-i;
if (i>anim.length-2) {
digitalPulse(B12, 1, 2-E.clip(anim[i][0]*(1-f) + anim[i+1][0]*f,0,1));
digitalPulse(B13, 1, 2-E.clip(anim[i][1]*(1-f) + anim[i+1][1]*f,0,1));
setWatch(onPress, B15, { repeat:true, edge:'falling' });
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