This is a software reference containing only the functionality available in Puck.js. For a reference showing all available functionality, click here.
Version 2v24
variable __FILE__
The filename of the JavaScript that is currently executing
The filename of the JavaScript that is currently executing.
If load
has been called with a filename (eg load("myfile.js")
) then
is set to that filename. Otherwise (eg load()
) or immediately
after booting, __FILE__
is not set.
function analogRead(pin)
- The pin to use
You can find out which pins to use by looking at your board's reference page and searching for pins with the ADC
The Analog Value of the Pin between 0(GND) and 1(VCC). See below.
Get the analogue value of the given pin.
This is different to Arduino which only returns an integer between 0 and 1023
However only pins connected to an ADC will work (see the datasheet)
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset pin's state to "analog"
Note: Jolt.js motor driver pins with analog inputs are scaled with a potential divider, and so those pins return a number which is the actual voltage.
function analogWrite(pin, value, options)
- The pin to use
You can find out which pins to use by looking at your board's reference page and searching for pins with the PWM
or DAC
- A value between 0 and 1
- An object containing options for analog output - see below
Set the analog Value of a pin. It will be output using PWM.
Objects can contain:
- pulse frequency in Hz, e.g. analogWrite(A0,0.5,{ freq : 10 });
specifying a frequency will force PWM output, even if the pin has a DACsoft
- boolean, If true software PWM is used if hardware is not available.forceSoft
- boolean, If true software PWM is used even if hardware PWM or a
DAC is availableOn nRF52-based devices (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q, etc) hardware PWM runs at 16MHz, with a maximum output frequency of 4MHz (but with only 2 bit (0..3) accuracy). At 1Mhz, you have 4 bits (0..15), 1kHz = 14 bits and so on.
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset pin's state to "output"
variable arguments
An array containing all the arguments given to the function
A variable containing the arguments given to the function:
function hello() {
console.log(arguments.length, JSON.stringify(arguments));
hello() // 0 []
hello("Test") // 1 ["Test"]
hello(1,2,3) // 3 [1,2,3]
Note: Due to the way Espruino works this is doesn't behave exactly the same
as in normal JavaScript. The length of the arguments array will never be less
than the number of arguments specified in the function declaration:
(function(a){ return arguments.length; })() == 1
. Normal JavaScript
interpreters would return 0
in the above case.
function atob(base64Data)
- A string of base64 data to decode
A string containing the decoded data
Decode the supplied base64 string into a normal string
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
The Bluetooth Serial port - used when data is sent or received over Bluetooth Smart on nRF51/nRF52 chips.
Note: This is only available in devices with Bluetooth LE capability
variable BTN
Button 1
variable BTN1
function btoa(binaryData)
- A string of data to encode
A base64 encoded string
Encode the supplied string (or array) into a base64 string
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function changeInterval(id, time)
- The id returned by a previous call to setInterval
- The new time period in ms
Change the Interval on a callback created with setInterval
, for example:
var id = setInterval(function () { print('foo'); }, 1000); // every second
changeInterval(id, 1500); // now runs every 1.5 seconds
This takes effect immediately and resets the timeout, so in the example above,
regardless of when you call changeInterval
, the next interval will occur
1500ms after it.
function clearInterval(id, ...)
id, ...
- The id returned by a previous call to setInterval. Only one argument is allowed.
Clear the Interval that was created with setInterval
, for example:
var id = setInterval(function () { print('foo'); }, 1000);
If no argument is supplied, all timeouts and intervals are stopped.
To avoid accidentally deleting all Intervals, if a parameter is supplied but is undefined
then an Exception will be thrown.
function clearTimeout(id, ...)
id, ...
- The id returned by a previous call to setTimeout. Only one argument is allowed.
Clear the Timeout that was created with setTimeout
, for example:
var id = setTimeout(function () { print('foo'); }, 1000);
If no argument is supplied, all timeouts and intervals are stopped.
To avoid accidentally deleting all Timeouts, if a parameter is supplied but is undefined
then an Exception will be thrown.
function clearWatch(id, ...)
id, ...
- The id returned by a previous call to setWatch. Only one argument is allowed. (or pass nothing to clear all watches)
Clear the Watch that was created with setWatch. If no parameter is supplied, all watches will be removed.
To avoid accidentally deleting all Watches, if a parameter is supplied but is undefined
then an Exception will be thrown.
function decodeURIComponent(str)
- A string to decode from a URI
A string containing the decoded data
Convert any groups of characters of the form '%ZZ', into characters with hex code '0xZZ'
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function digitalPulse(pin, value, time)
- The pin to use
- Whether to pulse high (true) or low (false)
- A time in milliseconds, or an array of times (in which case a square wave will be output starting with a pulse of 'value')
Pulse the pin with the value for the given time in milliseconds. It uses a
hardware timer to produce accurate pulses, and returns immediately (before the
pulse has finished). Use digitalPulse(A0,1,0)
to wait until a previous pulse
has finished.
e.g. digitalPulse(A0,1,5);
pulses A0 high for 5ms.
pulses A0 high for 5ms, low for 2ms, and high for
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset pin's state to "output"
digitalPulse is for SHORT pulses that need to be very accurate. If you're doing anything over a few milliseconds, use setTimeout instead.
function digitalRead(pin)
- The pin to use
The digital Value of the Pin
Get the digital value of the given pin.
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset pin's state to "input"
If the pin argument is an array of pins (e.g. [A2,A1,A0]
) the value returned
will be an number where the last array element is the least significant bit, for
example if A0=A1=1
and A2=0
, digitalRead([A2,A1,A0]) == 0b011
If the pin argument is an object with a read
method, the read
method will be
called and the integer value it returns passed back.
function digitalWrite(pin, value)
- The pin to use
- Whether to write a high (true) or low (false) value
Set the digital value of the given pin.
digitalWrite(LED1, 1); // light LED1
digitalWrite([LED1,LED2,LED3], 0b101); // lights LED1 and LED3
Note: if you didn't call pinMode(pin, ...)
or Pin.mode(...)
beforehand then this function will also
reset pin's state to "output"
If pin argument is an array of pins (e.g. [A2,A1,A0]
) the value argument will
be treated as an array of bits where the last array element is the least
significant bit.
In this case, pin values are set least significant bit first (from the
right-hand side of the array of pins). This means you can use the same pin
multiple times, for example digitalWrite([A1,A1,A0,A0],0b0101)
would pulse A0
followed by A1.
In 2v22 and later firmwares, using a boolean for the value will set all pins in
the array to the same value, eg digitalWrite(pins, value?0xFFFFFFFF:0)
. Previously
digitalWrite with a boolean behaved like digitalWrite(pins, value?1:0)
and would
only set the first pin.
If the pin argument is an object with a write
method, the write
method will
be called with the value passed through.
function dump()
Output current interpreter state in a text form such that it can be copied to a new device
Espruino keeps its current state in RAM (even if the function code is stored in
Flash). When you type dump()
it dumps the current state of code in RAM plus
the hardware state, then if there's code saved in flash it writes "// Code saved
with E.setBootCode" and dumps that too.
Note: 'Internal' functions are currently not handled correctly. You will
need to recreate these in the onInit
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function echo(echoOn)
Should Espruino echo what you type back to you? true = yes (Default), false = no. When echo is off, the result of executing a command is not returned. Instead, you must use 'print' to send output.
function edit(funcName)
- The name of the function to edit (either a string or just the unquoted name)
Fill the console with the contents of the given function, so you can edit it.
NOTE: This is a convenience function - it will not edit 'inner functions'. For that, you must edit the 'outer function' and re-execute it.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function encodeURIComponent(str)
- A string to encode as a URI
A string containing the encoded data
Convert a string with any character not alphanumeric or - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )
converted to the form %XY
where XY
is its hexadecimal representation
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function eval(code)
The result of evaluating the string
Evaluate a string containing JavaScript code
variable FET
See description above
On Puck.js V2 (not v1.0) this is the pin that controls the FET, for high-powered outputs.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
function getPinMode(pin)
- The pin to check
The pin mode, as a string
Return the current mode of the given pin. See pinMode
for more information on
returned values.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function getSerial()
The board's serial number
Get the serial number of this board
function getTime()
See description above
Return the current system time in Seconds (as a floating point number)
variable global
The global scope
A reference to the global scope, where everything is defined.
is used in Node.js. Consider using the identical globalThis
as it was introduced in the ECMAScript spec.
variable globalThis
The global scope
A reference to the global scope, where everything is defined.
This is identical to global
but was introduced in the ECMAScript spec.
variable HIGH
Logic 1 for Arduino compatibility - this is the same as just typing 1
The first I2C port
Note: This is only available in devices with more than 1 ESPR_I2C peripherals
variable Infinity
Positive Infinity (1/0)
function isFinite(x)
True is the value is a Finite number, false if not.
Is the parameter a finite number or not? If needed, the parameter is first converted to a number.
function isNaN(x)
True is the value is NaN, false if not.
Whether the x is NaN (Not a Number) or not
variable LED
variable LED1
variable LED2
variable LED3
function load(filename)
- [optional] The name of a text JS file to load from Storage after reset
Restart and load the program out of flash - this has an effect similar to completely rebooting Espruino (power off/power on), but without actually performing a full reset of the hardware.
This command only executes when the Interpreter returns to the Idle state - for
instance a=1;load();a=2;
will still leave 'a' as undefined (or what it was
set to in the saved program).
Espruino will resume from where it was when you last typed save()
. If you want
code to be executed right after loading (for instance to initialise devices
connected to Espruino), add an init
event handler to E
function() { ... your_code ... });
. This will then be automatically executed by
Espruino every time it starts.
If you specify a filename in the argument then that file will be loaded from
Storage after reset in much the same way as calling reset()
variable LOW
Logic 0 for Arduino compatibility - this is the same as just typing 0
variable NaN
Not a Number
function parseFloat(string)
The value of the string
Convert a string representing a number into an float
function parseInt(string, radix)
- [optional] The Radix of the string
The integer value of the string (or NaN)
Convert a string representing a number into an integer
function peek16(addr, count)
- The address in memory to read
- [optional] the number of items to read. If >1 a Uint16Array will be returned.
The value of memory at the given location
Read 16 bits of memory at the given location - DANGEROUS!
function peek32(addr, count)
- The address in memory to read
- [optional] the number of items to read. If >1 a Uint32Array will be returned.
The value of memory at the given location
Read 32 bits of memory at the given location - DANGEROUS!
function peek8(addr, count)
- The address in memory to read
- [optional] the number of items to read. If >1 a Uint8Array will be returned.
The value of memory at the given location
Read 8 bits of memory at the given location - DANGEROUS!
function pinMode(pin, mode, automatic)
- The pin to set pin mode for
- The mode - a string that is either 'analog', 'input', 'inputpullup', 'inputpulldown', 'output', 'opendrain', 'afoutput' or 'afopendrain'. Do not include this argument or use 'auto' if you want to revert to automatic pin mode setting.
- Optional, default is false. If true, subsequent commands will automatically change the state (see notes below)
Set the mode of the given pin.
- Don't change state, but allow digitalWrite
/etc to
automatically change state as appropriateanalog
- Analog inputinput
- Digital inputinput_pullup
- Digital input with internal ~40k pull-up resistorinput_pulldown
- Digital input with internal ~40k pull-down resistoroutput
- Digital outputopendrain
- Digital output that only ever pulls down to 0v. Sending a
logical 1
leaves the pin open circuitopendrain_pullup
- Digital output that pulls down to 0v. Sending a logical
enables internal ~40k pull-up resistoraf_output
- Digital output from built-in peripheralaf_opendrain
- Digital output from built-in peripheral that only ever pulls
down to 0v. Sending a logical 1
leaves the pin open circuit
Note: digitalRead
/etc set the pin mode automatically
unless pinMode
has been called first. If you want digitalRead
/etc to set
the pin mode automatically after you have called pinMode
, simply call it again
with no mode argument (pinMode(pin)
), auto
as the argument (
), or with the 3rd 'automatic' argument set to true (pinMode(pin,
"output", true)
).function poke16(addr, value)
- The address in memory to write
- The value to write, or an array of values
Write 16 bits of memory at the given location - VERY DANGEROUS!
function poke32(addr, value)
- The address in memory to write
- The value to write, or an array of values
Write 32 bits of memory at the given location - VERY DANGEROUS!
function poke8(addr, value)
- The address in memory to write
- The value to write, or an array of values
Write 8 bits of memory at the given location - VERY DANGEROUS!
function print(text, ...)
text, ...
Print the supplied string(s) to the console
Note:* If you're connected to a computer (not a wall adaptor) via USB but *you are not running a terminal app then when you print data Espruino may pause execution and wait until the computer requests the data it is trying to print.
function require(moduleName)
- A String containing the name of the given module
The result of evaluating the string
Load the given module, and return the exported functions and variables.
For example:
var s = require("Storage");
s.write("test", "hello world");
// prints "hello world"
Check out the page on Modules for an explanation of what modules are and how you can use them.
function reset(clearFlash)
- Remove saved code from flash as well
Reset the interpreter - clear program memory in RAM, and do not load a saved program from flash. This does NOT reset the underlying hardware (which allows you to reset the device without it disconnecting from USB).
This command only executes when the Interpreter returns to the Idle state - for
instance a=1;reset();a=2;
will still leave 'a' as undefined.
The safest way to do a full reset is to hit the reset button.
If reset()
is called with no arguments, it will reset the board's state in RAM
but will not reset the state in flash. When next powered on (or when load()
called) the board will load the previously saved code.
Calling reset(true)
will cause all saved code in flash memory to be cleared
as well.
function save()
Save the state of the interpreter into flash (including the results of calling
, setInterval
, pinMode
, and any listeners). The state will then be
loaded automatically every time Espruino powers on or is hard-reset. To see what
will get saved you can call dump()
Note: If you set up intervals/etc in onInit()
and you have already called
before running save()
, when Espruino resumes there will be two copies
of your intervals - the ones from before the save, and the ones from after -
which may cause you problems.
For more information about this and other options for saving, please see the Saving code on Espruino page.
This command only executes when the Interpreter returns to the Idle state - for
instance a=1;save();a=2;
will save 'a' as 2.
When Espruino powers on, it will resume from where it was when you typed
. If you want code to be executed right after loading (for instance to
initialise devices connected to Espruino), add a function called onInit
, or
add a init
event handler to E
E.on('init', function() { ... your_code
... });
. This will then be automatically executed by Espruino every time it
In order to stop the program saved with this command being loaded automatically, check out the Troubleshooting guide
Note: This is not available in Bangle.js smartwatches
The first Serial (USART) port
Note: This is only available in devices with more than 1 ESPR_USART peripherals
function setBusyIndicator(pin)
When Espruino is busy, set the pin specified here high. Set this to undefined to disable the feature.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function setInterval(function, timeout, args, ...)
- A Function or String to be executed
- The time between calls to the function (max 3153600000000 = 100 years
args, ...
- Optional arguments to pass to the function when executed
An ID that can be passed to clearInterval
Call the function (or evaluate the string) specified REPEATEDLY after the timeout in milliseconds.
For instance:
setInterval(function () {
console.log("Hello World");
}, 1000);
// or
setInterval('console.log("Hello World");', 1000);
// both print 'Hello World' every second
You can also specify extra arguments that will be sent to the function when it is executed. For example:
setInterval(function (a,b) {
console.log(a+" "+b);
}, 1000, "Hello", "World");
// prints 'Hello World' every second
If you want to stop your function from being called, pass the number that was
returned by setInterval
into the clearInterval
Note: If setDeepSleep(true)
has been called and the interval is greater
than 5 seconds, Espruino may execute the interval up to 1 second late. This is
because Espruino can only wake from deep sleep every second - and waking early
would cause Espruino to waste power while it waited for the correct time.
function setSleepIndicator(pin)
When Espruino is asleep, set the pin specified here low (when it's awake, set it high). Set this to undefined to disable the feature.
Please see for more details on this.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function setTime(time)
Set the current system time in seconds (time
can be a floating point value).
This is used with getTime
, the time reported from setWatch
, as well as when
using new Date()
reports the time in milliseconds, so you can set the
time to a Date
object using:
setTime((new Date("Tue, 19 Feb 2019 10:57")).getTime()/1000)
To set the timezone for all new Dates, use E.setTimeZone(hours)
function setTimeout(function, timeout, args, ...)
- A Function or String to be executed
- The time until the function will be executed (max 3153600000000 = 100 years
args, ...
- Optional arguments to pass to the function when executed
An ID that can be passed to clearTimeout
Call the function (or evaluate the string) specified ONCE after the timeout in milliseconds.
For instance:
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("Hello World");
}, 1000);
// or
setTimeout('console.log("Hello World");', 1000);
// both print 'Hello World' after a second
You can also specify extra arguments that will be sent to the function when it is executed. For example:
setTimeout(function (a,b) {
console.log(a+" "+b);
}, 1000, "Hello", "World");
// prints 'Hello World' after 1 second
If you want to stop the function from being called, pass the number that was
returned by setTimeout
into the clearTimeout
Note: If setDeepSleep(true)
has been called and the interval is greater
than 5 seconds, Espruino may execute the interval up to 1 second late. This is
because Espruino can only wake from deep sleep every second - and waking early
would cause Espruino to waste power while it waited for the correct time.
function setWatch(function, pin, options)
- A Function or String to be executed
- The pin to watch
- If a boolean or integer, it determines whether to call this once (false = default) or every time a change occurs (true). Can be an object of the form { repeat: true/false(default), edge:'rising'/'falling'/'both', debounce:10}
- see below for more information.
An ID that can be passed to clearWatch
Call the function specified when the pin changes. Watches set with setWatch
can be removed using clearWatch
If the options
parameter is an object, it can contain the following
information (all optional):
// Whether to keep producing callbacks, or remove the watch after the first callback
repeat: true/false(default),
// Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the signal. Can be a string, or 1='rising', -1='falling', 0='both'
edge:'rising'(default for built-in buttons)/'falling'/'both'(default for pins),
// Use software-debouncing to stop multiple calls if a switch bounces
// This is the time in milliseconds to wait for bounces to subside, or 0 to disable
debounce:10 (0 is default for pins, 25 is default for built-in buttons),
// Advanced: If the function supplied is a 'native' function (compiled or assembly)
// setting irq:true will call that function in the interrupt itself
irq : false(default)
// Advanced: If specified, the given pin will be read whenever the watch is called
// and the state will be included as a 'data' field in the callback (`debounce:0` is required)
data : pin
// Advanced: On Nordic devices, a watch may be 'high' or 'low' accuracy. By default low
// accuracy is used (which is better for power consumption), but this means that
// high speed pulses (less than 25us) may not be reliably received. Setting hispeed=true
// allows for detecting high speed pulses at the expense of higher idle power consumption
hispeed : true
The function
callback is called with an argument, which is an object of type
{state:bool, time:float, lastTime:float}
is whether the pin is currently a 1
or a 0
is the time in seconds at which the pin changed statelastTime
is the time in seconds at which the pin last changed state.
When using edge:'rising'
or edge:'falling'
, this is not the same as when
the function was last
is included if data:pin
was specified in the options, and can be
used for reading in clocked data. It will only work if debounce:0
is usedFor instance, if you want to measure the length of a positive pulse you could use
setWatch(function(e) { console.log(e.time-e.lastTime); }, BTN, {
repeat:true, edge:'falling' });
. This will only be called on the falling edge
of the pulse, but will be able to measure the width of the pulse because
is the time of the rising edge.
Internally, an interrupt writes the time of the pin's state change into a queue
with the exact time that it happened, and the function supplied to setWatch
executed only from the main message loop. However, if the callback is a native
function void (bool state)
then you can add irq:true
to options, which will
cause the function to be called from within the IRQ. When doing this, interrupts
will happen on both edges and there will be no debouncing.
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will reset
pin's state to "input"
Note: The STM32 chip (used in the Espruino Board and
Pico) cannot watch two pins with the same number - e.g. A0
and B0
Note: On nRF52 chips (used in Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q) setWatch
the GPIO output on that pin. In order to be able to write to the pin again you
need to disable the watch with clearWatch
function shiftOut(pins, options, data)
- A pin, or an array of pins to use
- Options, for instance the clock (see below)
- The data to shift out (see E.toUint8Array
for info on the forms this can take)
Shift an array of data out using the pins supplied least significant bit first, for example:
// shift out to single clk+data
shiftOut(A0, { clk : A1 }, [1,0,1,0]);
// shift out a whole byte (like software SPI)
shiftOut(A0, { clk : A1, repeat: 8 }, [1,2,3,4]);
// shift out via 4 data pins
shiftOut([A3,A2,A1,A0], { clk : A4 }, [1,2,3,4]);
is an object of the form:
clk : pin, // a pin to use as the clock (undefined = no pin)
clkPol : bool, // clock polarity - default is 0 (so 1 normally, pulsing to 0 to clock data in)
repeat : int, // number of clocks per array item
Each item in the data
array will be output to the pins, with the first pin in
the array being the MSB and the last the LSB, then the clock will be pulsed in
the polarity given.
is the amount of times shift data out for each array item. For instance
we may want to shift 8 bits out through 2 pins - in which case we need to set
repeat to 4.
The first SPI port
Note: This is only available in devices with more than 1 ESPR_SPI peripherals
function trace(root)
- The symbol to output (optional). If nothing is specified, everything will be output
Output debugging information
Note: This is not included on boards with low amounts of flash memory, or the Espruino board.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Class containing AES encryption/decryption
Note: This library is currently only included in builds for boards where
there is space. For other boards there is crypto.js
which implements SHA1 in
AES.decrypt(passphrase, key, options)
- Message to decrypt
- Key to encrypt message - must be an ArrayBuffer of 128, 192, or 256 BITS
- [optional] An object, may specify { iv : new Uint8Array(16), mode : 'CBC|CFB|CTR|OFB|ECB' }
Returns an ArrayBuffer
AES.encrypt(passphrase, key, options)
- Message to encrypt
- Key to encrypt message - must be an ArrayBuffer of 128, 192, or 256 BITS
- [optional] An object, may specify { iv : new Uint8Array(16), mode : 'CBC|CFB|CTR|OFB|ECB' }
Returns an ArrayBuffer
This is the built-in JavaScript class for arrays.
Arrays can be defined with []
, new Array()
, or
new Array(args, ...)
args, ...
- The length of the array OR any number of items to add to the array
An Array
Create an Array. Either give it one integer argument (>=0) which is the length of the array, or any number of arguments
function Array.concat(args, ...)
args, ...
- Any items to add to the array
An Array
Create a new array, containing the elements from this one and any arguments, if any argument is an array then those elements will be added.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.every(function, thisArg)
- Function to be executed
- [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg
A boolean containing the result
Return 'true' if the callback returns 'true' for every element in the array
function Array.fill(value, start, end)
- The value to fill the array with
- Optional. The index to start from (or 0). If start is negative, it is treated as length+start where length is the length of the array
- Optional. The index to end at (or the array length). If end is negative, it is treated as length+end.
This array
Fill this array with the given value, for every index >= start
and < end
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.filter(function, thisArg)
- Function to be executed
- [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg
An array containing the results
Return an array which contains only those elements for which the callback function returns 'true'
function Array.find(function)
- Function to be executed
The array element where function
returns true
, or undefined
Return the array element where function
returns true
, or undefined
if it
doesn't returns true
for any element.
// returns "There"
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.findIndex(function)
- Function to be executed
The array element's index where function
returns true
, or -1
Return the array element's index where function
returns true
, or -1
if it
doesn't returns true
for any element.
// returns 1
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.forEach(function, thisArg)
- Function to be executed
- [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg
Executes a provided function once per array element.
function Array.includes(value, startIndex)
- The value to check for
- [optional] the index to search from, or 0 if not specified
if the array includes the value, false
Return true
if the array includes the value, false
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.indexOf(value, startIndex)
- The value to check for
- [optional] the index to search from, or 0 if not specified
the index of the value in the array, or -1
Return the index of the value in the array, or -1
- The variable to be tested
True if var is an array, false if not.
Returns true if the provided object is an array
function Array.join(separator)
- The separator
A String representing the Joined array
Join all elements of this array together into one string, using 'separator'
between them. e.g. [1,2,3].join(' ')=='1 2 3'
property Array.length
The length of the array
Find the length of the array
function, thisArg)
- Function used to map one item to another
- [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg
An array containing the results
Return an array which is made from the following: =
[function(A[0]), function(A[1]), ...]
function Array.pop()
The value that is popped off
Remove and return the value on the end of this array.
This is the opposite of [1,2,3].shift()
, which removes an element from the
beginning of the array.
function Array.push(arguments, ...)
arguments, ...
- One or more arguments to add
The new size of the array
Push a new value onto the end of this array'
This is the opposite of [1,2,3].unshift(0)
, which adds one or more elements to
the beginning of the array.
function Array.reduce(callback, initialValue)
- Function used to reduce the array
- if specified, the initial value to pass to the function
The value returned by the last function called
Execute previousValue=initialValue
and then
previousValue =
callback(previousValue, currentValue, index, array)
for each element in the
array, and finally return previousValue.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.reverse()
The array, but reversed.
Reverse all elements in this array (in place)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.shift()
The element that was removed
Remove and return the first element of the array.
This is the opposite of [1,2,3].pop()
, which takes an element off the end.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.slice(start, end)
- Start index
- [optional] End index
A new array
Return a copy of a portion of this array (in a new array)
function Array.some(function, thisArg)
- Function to be executed
- [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg
A boolean containing the result
Return 'true' if the callback returns 'true' for any of the elements in the array
function Array.sort(var)
- A function to use to compare array elements (or undefined)
This array object
Do an in-place quicksort of the array
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Array.splice(index, howMany, elements, ...)
- Index at which to start changing the array. If negative, will begin that many elements from the end
- An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove. If howMany is 0, no elements are removed.
elements, ...
- One or more items to add to the array
An array containing the removed elements. If only one element is removed, an array of one element is returned.
Both remove and add items to an array
function Array.toString(radix)
- unused
A String representing the array
Convert the Array to a string
function Array.unshift(elements, ...)
elements, ...
- One or more items to add to the beginning of the array
The new array length
Add one or more items to the start of the array, and return its new length.
This is the opposite of [1,2,3].push(4)
, which puts one or more elements on
the end.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This is the built-in JavaScript class for array buffers.
If you want to access arrays of differing types of data you may also find
new ArrayBuffer(byteLength)
- The length in Bytes
An ArrayBuffer object
Create an Array Buffer object
property ArrayBuffer.byteLength
The Length in bytes
The length, in bytes, of the ArrayBuffer
This is the built-in JavaScript class that is the prototype for:
If you want to access arrays of differing types of data you may also find
property ArrayBufferView.buffer
An ArrayBuffer object
The buffer this view references
property ArrayBufferView.byteLength
The Length
The length, in bytes, of the ArrayBufferView
property ArrayBufferView.byteOffset
The byte Offset
The offset, in bytes, to the first byte of the view within the backing
function ArrayBufferView.fill(value, start, end)
- The value to fill the array with
- Optional. The index to start from (or 0). If start is negative, it is treated as length+start where length is the length of the array
- Optional. The index to end at (or the array length). If end is negative, it is treated as length+end.
This array
Fill this array with the given value, for every index >= start
and < end
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.filter(function, thisArg)
- Function to be executed
- [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg
An array containing the results
Return an array which contains only those elements for which the callback function returns 'true'
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.find(function)
- Function to be executed
The array element where function
returns true
, or undefined
Return the array element where function
returns true
, or undefined
if it
doesn't returns true
for any element.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.findIndex(function)
- Function to be executed
The array element's index where function
returns true
, or -1
Return the array element's index where function
returns true
, or -1
if it
doesn't returns true
for any element.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.forEach(function, thisArg)
- Function to be executed
- [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg
Executes a provided function once per array element.
function ArrayBufferView.includes(value, startIndex)
- The value to check for
- [optional] the index to search from, or 0 if not specified
if the array includes the value, false
Return true
if the array includes the value, false
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.indexOf(value, startIndex)
- The value to check for
- [optional] the index to search from, or 0 if not specified
the index of the value in the array, or -1
Return the index of the value in the array, or -1
function ArrayBufferView.join(separator)
- The separator
A String representing the Joined array
Join all elements of this array together into one string, using 'separator'
between them. e.g. [1,2,3].join(' ')=='1 2 3'
function, thisArg)
- Function used to map one item to another
- [optional] If specified, the function is called with 'this' set to thisArg
An array containing the results
Return an array which is made from the following: =
[function(A[0]), function(A[1]), ...]
Note: This returns an ArrayBuffer
of the same type it was called on. To
get an Array
, use
, e.g. [], x=>x+1)
function ArrayBufferView.reduce(callback, initialValue)
- Function used to reduce the array
- if specified, the initial value to pass to the function
The value returned by the last function called
Execute previousValue=initialValue
and then
previousValue =
callback(previousValue, currentValue, index, array)
for each element in the
array, and finally return previousValue.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.reverse()
This array
Reverse the contents of this ArrayBufferView
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.set(arr, offset)
- Floating point index to access
- [optional] The offset in this array at which to write the values
Copy the contents of array
into this one, mapping this[x+offset]=array[x];
function ArrayBufferView.slice(start, end)
- Start index
- [optional] End index
A new array
Return a copy of a portion of this array (in a new array).
Note: This currently returns a normal Array
, not an ArrayBuffer
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.sort(var)
- A function to use to compare array elements (or undefined)
This array object
Do an in-place quicksort of the array
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function ArrayBufferView.subarray(begin, end)
- Element to begin at, inclusive. If negative, this is from the end of the array. The entire array is included if this isn't specified
- Element to end at, exclusive. If negative, it is relative to the end of the array. If not specified the whole array is included
An ArrayBufferView
of the same type as this one, referencing the same data
Returns a smaller part of this array which references the same data (it doesn't copy it).
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
A Web Bluetooth-style device - you can request one using
For example:
var gatt;
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ name: 'Puck.js abcd' }] }).then(function(device) {
console.log("found device");
return device.gatt.connect();
}).then(function(g) {
gatt = g;
return gatt.startBonding();
}).then(function() {
console.log("bonded", gatt.getSecurityStatus());
}).catch(function(e) {
property BluetoothDevice.gatt
A BluetoothRemoteGATTServer
for this device
BluetoothDevice.on('gattserverdisconnected', function(reason) { ... });
- The reason code reported back by the BLE stack - see Nordic's ble_hci.h
file for more information
Called when the device gets disconnected.
To connect and then print Disconnected
when the device is disconnected, just
do the following:
var gatt;
NRF.connect("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff").then(function(gatt) {
gatt.device.on('gattserverdisconnected', function(reason) {
console.log("Disconnected ",reason);
var gatt;
NRF.requestDevice(...).then(function(device) {
device.on('gattserverdisconnected', function(reason) {
console.log("Disconnected ",reason);
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
BluetoothDevice.on('passkey', function(passkey) { ... });
- A 6 character numeric String to be displayed
Called when the device pairs and sends a passkey that Espruino should display.
For this to be used, you'll have to specify that there's a display using
This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification. It has been added specifically for Espruino.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
BluetoothDevice.on('passkeyRequest', function() { ... });
Called when the device pairs, displays a passkey, and wants Espruino to tell it what the passkey was.
Respond with BluetoothDevice.sendPasskey("123456")
with a 6 character string
containing only 0..9
For this to be used, you'll have to specify that there's a keyboard using
This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification. It has been added specifically for Espruino.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
property BluetoothDevice.rssi
The last received RSSI (signal strength) for this device
function BluetoothDevice.sendPasskey(passkey)
- A 6 character numeric String to be returned to the device
To be used as a response when the event BluetoothDevice.sendPasskey
has been
This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification. It has been added specifically for Espruino.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
Web Bluetooth-style GATT characteristic - get this using
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.on('characteristicvaluechanged', function() { ... });
Called when a characteristic's value changes, after
has been called.
return service.getCharacteristic("characteristic_uuid");
}).then(function(c) {
c.on('characteristicvaluechanged', function(event) {
console.log("-> ";
return c.startNotifications();
The first argument is of the form
{target :
, and
will then contain the new value (as a
Note: This is only available in devices with Bluetooth LE capability
function BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.readValue()
Read a characteristic's value, return a promise containing a DataView
var device;
NRF.connect(device_address).then(function(d) {
device = d;
return d.getPrimaryService("service_uuid");
}).then(function(s) {
console.log("Service ",s);
return s.getCharacteristic("characteristic_uuid");
}).then(function(c) {
return c.readValue();
}).then(function(d) {
console.log("Got:", JSON.stringify(d.buffer));
}).catch(function() {
console.log("Something's broken.");
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
property BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.service
The BluetoothRemoteGATTService
this Service came from
function BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.startNotifications()
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) with data when notifications have been added
Starts notifications - whenever this characteristic's value changes, a
event is fired and characteristic.value
will then
contain the new value as a DataView
var device;
NRF.connect(device_address).then(function(d) {
device = d;
return d.getPrimaryService("service_uuid");
}).then(function(s) {
console.log("Service ",s);
return s.getCharacteristic("characteristic_uuid");
}).then(function(c) {
c.on('characteristicvaluechanged', function(event) {
console.log("-> ",; // this is a DataView
return c.startNotifications();
}).then(function(d) {
console.log("Waiting for notifications");
}).catch(function() {
console.log("Something's broken.");
For example, to listen to the output of another Puck.js's Nordic Serial port service, you can use:
var gatt;
NRF.connect("pu:ck:js:ad:dr:es random").then(function(g) {
gatt = g;
return gatt.getPrimaryService("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e");
}).then(function(service) {
return service.getCharacteristic("6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e");
}).then(function(characteristic) {
characteristic.on('characteristicvaluechanged', function(event) {
console.log("RX: "+JSON.stringify(;
return characteristic.startNotifications();
}).then(function() {
Note: This is only available in devices with Bluetooth LE capability
function BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.stopNotifications()
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) with data when notifications have been removed
Stop notifications (that were requested with
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
function BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.writeValue(data)
- The data to write
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the characteristic is written
Write a characteristic's value
var device;
NRF.connect(device_address).then(function(d) {
device = d;
return d.getPrimaryService("service_uuid");
}).then(function(s) {
console.log("Service ",s);
return s.getCharacteristic("characteristic_uuid");
}).then(function(c) {
return c.writeValue("Hello");
}).then(function(d) {
}).catch(function() {
console.log("Something's broken.");
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
Web Bluetooth-style GATT server - get this using NRF.connect(address)
and response.gatt.connect
function BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connect(options)
- [optional] (Espruino-specific) An object of connection options (see below)
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete
Connect to a BLE device - returns a promise, the argument of which is the
See NRF.requestDevice
for usage examples.
is an optional object containing:
minInterval // min connection interval in milliseconds, 7.5 ms to 4 s
maxInterval // max connection interval in milliseconds, 7.5 ms to 4 s
By default the interval is 20-200ms (or 500-1000ms if
was called. During connection Espruino
negotiates with the other device to find a common interval that can be used.
For instance calling:
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Pixl.js' }] }).then(function(device) {
return device.gatt.connect({minInterval:7.5, maxInterval:7.5});
}).then(function(g) {
will force the connection to use the fastest connection interval possible (as long as the device at the other end supports it).
Note: The Web Bluetooth spec states that if a device hasn't advertised its
name, when connected to a device the central (in this case Espruino) should
automatically retrieve the name from the corresponding characteristic (0x2a00
on service 0x1800
). Espruino does not automatically do this.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
property BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connected
Whether the device is connected or not
function BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.disconnect()
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the disconnection is complete (non-standard)
Disconnect from a previously connected BLE device connected with
- this does not disconnect from something
that has connected to the Espruino.
Note: While .disconnect
is standard Web Bluetooth, in the spec it returns
undefined not a Promise
for implementation reasons. In Espruino we return a
to make it easier to detect when Espruino is free to connect to
something else.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
function BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.getPrimaryService(service)
- The service UUID
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the primary service is found (the argument contains a BluetoothRemoteGATTService
See NRF.connect
for usage examples.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
function BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.getPrimaryServices()
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the primary services are found (the argument contains an array of BluetoothRemoteGATTService
function BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.getSecurityStatus()
An object
Return an object with information about the security state of the current connection:
connected // The connection is active (not disconnected).
encrypted // Communication on this link is encrypted.
mitm_protected // The encrypted communication is also protected against man-in-the-middle attacks.
bonded // The peer is bonded with us
See BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.startBonding
for information about negotiating a
secure connection.
This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification. It has been added specifically for Puck.js.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
property BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.handle
The handle to this device (if it is currently connected) - the handle is an internal value used by the Bluetooth Stack
function BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.setRSSIHandler(callback)
- The callback to call with the RSSI value, or undefined to stop
Start/stop listening for RSSI values on the active GATT connection
// Start listening for RSSI value updates
gattServer.setRSSIHandler(function(rssi) {
console.log(rssi); // prints -85 (or similar)
// Stop listening
RSSI is the 'Received Signal Strength Indication' in dBm
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
function BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.startBonding(forceRePair)
- If the device is already bonded, re-pair it
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the bonding is complete
Start negotiating bonding (secure communications) with the connected device, and return a Promise that is completed on success or failure.
var gatt;
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ name: 'Puck.js abcd' }] }).then(function(device) {
console.log("found device");
return device.gatt.connect();
}).then(function(g) {
gatt = g;
return gatt.startBonding();
}).then(function() {
console.log("bonded", gatt.getSecurityStatus());
}).catch(function(e) {
This is not part of the Web Bluetooth Specification. It has been added specifically for Espruino.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
Web Bluetooth-style GATT service - get this using
property BluetoothRemoteGATTService.device
The BluetoothDevice
this Service came from
function BluetoothRemoteGATTService.getCharacteristic(characteristic)
- The characteristic UUID
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the characteristic is found (the argument contains a BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
See NRF.connect
for usage examples.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
function BluetoothRemoteGATTService.getCharacteristics()
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the characteristic is found (the argument contains an array of BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
new Boolean(value)
- A single value to be converted to a number
A Boolean object
Creates a boolean
An Object that contains functions for writing to the interactive console
console.debug(text, ...)
text, ...
- One or more arguments to print
Implemented in Espruino as an alias of console.log
console.error(text, ...)
text, ...
- One or more arguments to print
Implemented in Espruino as an alias of console.log, ...)
text, ...
- One or more arguments to print
Implemented in Espruino as an alias of console.log
console.log(text, ...)
text, ...
- One or more arguments to print
Print the supplied string(s) to the console
Note:* If you're connected to a computer (not a wall adaptor) via USB but *you are not running a terminal app then when you print data Espruino may pause execution and wait until the computer requests the data it is trying to print.
console.warn(text, ...)
text, ...
- One or more arguments to print
Implemented in Espruino as an alias of console.log
Cryptographic functions
Note: This library is currently only included in builds for boards where
there is space. For other boards there is crypto.js
which implements SHA1 in
See description above
Class containing AES encryption/decryption
Note: This is only available in devices that support AES (Espruino Pico, Espruino WiFi or Linux)
- The message to apply the hash to
Returns a 20 byte ArrayBuffer
Performs a SHA1 hash and returns the result as a 20 byte ArrayBuffer.
Note: On some boards (currently only Espruino Original) there isn't space for a fully unrolled SHA1 implementation so a slower all-JS implementation is used instead.
Note: This is only available in devices that support Crypto Functionality (Espruino Pico, Original, Espruino WiFi, Espruino BLE devices, Linux or ESP8266)
- The message to apply the hash to
Returns a 20 byte ArrayBuffer
Performs a SHA224 hash and returns the result as a 28 byte ArrayBuffer
Note: This is only available in devices that support SHA256 (Espruino Pico, Espruino WiFi, Espruino BLE devices or Linux)
- The message to apply the hash to
Returns a 20 byte ArrayBuffer
Performs a SHA256 hash and returns the result as a 32 byte ArrayBuffer
Note: This is only available in devices that support SHA256 (Espruino Pico, Espruino WiFi, Espruino BLE devices or Linux)
This class helps
new DataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength)
- The ArrayBuffer
to base this on
- [optional] The offset of this view in bytes
- [optional] The length in bytes
A DataView
Create a DataView
object that can be used to access the data in an
var b = new ArrayBuffer(8)
var v = new DataView(b)
// prints 0x12340056
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function DataView.getFloat32(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
the index of the value in the array, or -1
function DataView.getFloat64(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
the index of the value in the array, or -1
function DataView.getInt16(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
the index of the value in the array, or -1
function DataView.getInt32(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
the index of the value in the array, or -1
function DataView.getInt8(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
the index of the value in the array, or -1
function DataView.getUint16(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
the index of the value in the array, or -1
function DataView.getUint32(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
the index of the value in the array, or -1
function DataView.getUint8(byteOffset, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
the index of the value in the array, or -1
function DataView.setFloat32(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- The value to write
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
function DataView.setFloat64(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- The value to write
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
function DataView.setInt16(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- The value to write
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
function DataView.setInt32(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- The value to write
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
function DataView.setInt8(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- The value to write
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
function DataView.setUint16(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- The value to write
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
function DataView.setUint32(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- The value to write
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
function DataView.setUint8(byteOffset, value, littleEndian)
- The offset in bytes to read from
- The value to write
- [optional] Whether to read in little endian - if false or undefined data is read as big endian
The built-in class for handling Dates.
Note: By default the time zone is GMT+0, however you can change the timezone
using the E.setTimeZone(...)
For example E.setTimeZone(1)
will be GMT+0100
However if you have daylight savings time set with E.setDST(...)
then the
timezone set by E.setTimeZone(...)
will be ignored.
new Date(args, ...)
args, ...
- Either nothing (current time), one numeric argument (milliseconds since 1970), a date string (see Date.parse
), or [year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond]
A Date object
Creates a date object
function Date.getDate()
See description above
Day of the month 1..31
function Date.getDay()
See description above
Day of the week (0=sunday, 1=monday, etc)
function Date.getFullYear()
See description above
The year, e.g. 2014
function Date.getHours()
See description above
function Date.getIsDST()
true if daylight savings time is in effect
This returns a boolean indicating whether daylight savings time is in effect.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Date.getMilliseconds()
See description above
function Date.getMinutes()
See description above
function Date.getMonth()
See description above
Month of the year 0..11
function Date.getSeconds()
See description above
function Date.getTime()
See description above
Return the number of milliseconds since 1970
function Date.getTimezoneOffset()
The difference, in minutes, between UTC and local time
This returns the time-zone offset from UTC, in minutes.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
See description above
Get the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970 (or on embedded platforms, since startup).
Note: Desktop JS engines return an integer value for
, however Espruino
returns a floating point value, accurate to fractions of a millisecond.
- A String
The number of milliseconds since 1970
Parse a date string and return milliseconds since 1970. Data can be either '2011-10-20T14:48:00', '2011-10-20' or 'Mon, 25 Dec 1995 13:30:00 +0430'
function Date.setDate(dayValue)
- the day of the month, between 0 and 31
The number of milliseconds since 1970
Day of the month 1..31
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Date.setFullYear(yearValue, monthValue, dayValue)
- The full year - eg. 1989
- [optional] the month, between 0 and 11
- [optional] the day, between 0 and 31
The number of milliseconds since 1970
function Date.setHours(hoursValue, minutesValue, secondsValue, millisecondsValue)
- number of hours, 0..23
- number of minutes, 0..59
- [optional] number of seconds, 0..59
- [optional] number of milliseconds, 0..999
The number of milliseconds since 1970
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Date.setMilliseconds(millisecondsValue)
- number of milliseconds, 0..999
The number of milliseconds since 1970
function Date.setMinutes(minutesValue, secondsValue, millisecondsValue)
- number of minutes, 0..59
- [optional] number of seconds, 0..59
- [optional] number of milliseconds, 0..999
The number of milliseconds since 1970
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Date.setMonth(monthValue, dayValue)
- The month, between 0 and 11
- [optional] the day, between 0 and 31
The number of milliseconds since 1970
Month of the year 0..11
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Date.setSeconds(secondsValue, millisecondsValue)
- number of seconds, 0..59
- [optional] number of milliseconds, 0..999
The number of milliseconds since 1970
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Date.setTime(timeValue)
- the number of milliseconds since 1970
the number of milliseconds since 1970
Set the time/date of this Date class
function Date.toISOString()
A String
Converts to a ISO 8601 String, e.g: 2014-06-20T14:52:20.123Z
Note: This always assumes a timezone of GMT
function Date.toJSON()
A String
Calls Date.toISOString
to output this date to JSON
function Date.toLocalISOString()
A String
Converts to a ISO 8601 String (with timezone information), e.g:
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Date.toString()
A String
Converts to a String, e.g: Fri Jun 20 2014 14:52:20 GMT+0000
Note: This uses whatever timezone was set with E.setTimeZone()
function Date.toUTCString()
A String
Converts to a String, e.g: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:52:20 GMT
Note: This always assumes a timezone of GMT
function Date.valueOf()
See description above
Return the number of milliseconds since 1970
This library allows you to create UDP/DATAGRAM servers and clients
In order to use this, you will need an extra module to get network connectivity.
This is designed to be a cut-down version of the node.js library. Please see the Internet page for more information on how to use it.
require("dgram").createSocket(type, callback)
- Socket type to create e.g. 'udp4'. Or options object { type: 'udp4', reuseAddr: true, recvBufferSize: 1024 }
- A function(sckt)
that will be called with the socket when a connection is made. You can then call sckt.send(...)
to send data, and sckt.on('message', function(data) { ... })
and sckt.on('close', function() { ... })
to deal with the response.
Returns a new dgram.Socket object
Create a UDP socket
An actual socket connection - allowing transmit/receive of TCP data
function dgramSocket.addMembership(group, ip)
- A string containing the group ip to join
- A string containing the ip to join with
function dgramSocket.bind(port, callback)
- The port to bind at
- A function(res) that will be called when the socket is bound. You can then call res.on('message', function(message, info) { ... })
and res.on('close', function() { ... })
to deal with the response.
The dgramSocket instance that 'bind' was called on
function dgramSocket.close()
Close the socket
dgramSocket.on('close', function(had_error) { ... });
- A boolean indicating whether the connection had an error (use an error event handler to get error details).
Called when the connection closes.
dgramSocket.on('message', function(msg, rinfo) { ... });
- A string containing the received message
- Sender address,port containing information
The 'message' event is called when a datagram message is received. If a handler
is defined with X.on('message', function(msg) { ... })
then it will be called`
function dgramSocket.send(buffer, offset, length, args, ...)
- A string containing message to send
- Offset in the passed string where the message starts [optional]
- Number of bytes in the message [optional]
args, ...
- Destination port number, Destination IP address string
This is the built-in JavaScript class for Espruino utility functions.
E.asm(callspec, assemblycode, ...)
- The arguments this assembly takes - e.g. void(int)
assemblycode, ...
- One of more strings of assembler code
Provide assembly to Espruino.
This function is not part of Espruino. Instead, it is detected by the
Espruino IDE (or command-line tools) at upload time and is replaced with machine
code and an E.nativeCall
See the documentation on the Assembler for more information.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The string to turn into a UTF8 Unicode String
A String
By default, strings in Espruino are standard 8 bit binary strings
unless they contain Unicode chars or a \u####
escape code
that doesn't map to the range 0..255.
However calling E.asUTF8 will convert one of those strings to UTF8.
var s = String.fromCharCode(0xF0,0x9F,0x8D,0x94);
var u = E.asUTF8(s);
s.length // 4
s[0] // "\xF0"
u.length // 1
u[0] // hamburger emoji
NOTE: UTF8 is currently only available on Bangle.js devices
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.clip(x, min, max)
- A floating point value to clip
- The smallest the value should be
- The largest the value should be
The value of x, clipped so as not to be below min or above max.
Clip a number to be between min and max (inclusive)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- A Templated string of C code
Provides the ability to write C code inside your JavaScript file.
This function is not part of Espruino. Instead, it is detected by the
Espruino IDE (or command-line tools) at upload time, is sent to our web service
to be compiled, and is replaced with machine code and an E.nativeCall
See the documentation on Inline C for more information and examples.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.convolve(arr1, arr2, offset)
- An array to convolve
- An array to convolve
- The mean value of the array
The variance of the given buffer
Convolve arr1 with arr2. This is equivalent to
v=0;for (i in arr1) v+=arr1[i] *
arr2[(i+offset) % arr2.length]
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- Iterable data to perform CRC32 on (each element treated as a byte)
The CRC of the supplied data
Perform a standard 32 bit CRC (Cyclic redundancy check) on the supplied data (one byte at a time) and return the result as an unsigned integer.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.decodeUTF8(str, lookup, replaceFn)
- A string of UTF8-encoded data
- An array containing a mapping of character code -> replacement string
- If not in lookup, replaceFn(charCode)
is called and the result used if it's a function, or if it's a string, the string value is used
A string containing all UTF8 sequences flattened to 8 bits
Decode a UTF8 string.
is an array and an item with that char code exists in lookup
then that is usedlookup
is an object and an item with that char code (as lowercase hex) exists in lookup
then that is usedreplaceFn(charCode)
is called and the result used if replaceFn
is a functionreplaceFn
is a string, that is usedFor instance:
let unicodeRemap = {
0x20ac:"\u0080", // Euro symbol
0x2026:"\u0085", // Ellipsis
E.decodeUTF8("UTF-8 Euro: \u00e2\u0082\u00ac", unicodeRemap, '[?]') == "UTF-8 Euro: \u0080"
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
BETA: defragment memory!
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Show fragmentation.
is free space#
is a normal variableL
is a locked variable (address used, cannot be moved)=
represents data in a Flat String (must be contiguous)Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Dump any locked variables that aren't referenced from global
- for debugging
memory leaks only.
Note: This is not available in release builds
Dump any locked variables that aren't referenced from global
- for debugging
memory leaks only.
Note: This does a linear scan over memory, finding variables
that are currently locked. In some cases it may show variables
like Unknown 66
which happen when part of a string has ended
up placed in memory ahead of the String that it's part of. See
Note: This is not available in release builds
A String
Get the current interpreter state in a text form such that it can be copied to a new device
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Output the current list of Utility Timer Tasks - for debugging only
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Dumps a comma-separated list of all allocated variables along with the variables they link to. Can be used to visualise where memory is used.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.enableWatchdog(timeout, isAuto)
- The timeout in seconds before a watchdog reset
- If undefined or true, the watchdog is kicked automatically. If not, you must call E.kickWatchdog()
Enable the watchdog timer. This will reset Espruino if it isn't able to return to the idle loop within the timeout.
If isAuto
is false, you must call E.kickWatchdog()
yourself every so often
or the chip will reset.
E.enableWatchdog(0.5); // automatic mode
while(1); // Espruino will reboot because it has not been idle for 0.5 sec
E.enableWatchdog(1, false);
setInterval(function() {
if (everything_ok)
}, 500);
// Espruino will now reset if everything_ok is false,
// or if the interval fails to be called
NOTE: This is only implemented on STM32, nRF5x and ESP32 devices (all official Espruino boards).
NOTE:* On STM32 (Pico, WiFi, Original) with setDeepSleep(1)
you need to
explicitly wake Espruino up with an interval of less than the watchdog timeout
or the watchdog will fire and the board will reboot. You can do this with
setInterval("", time_in_milliseconds)
*NOTE: On ESP32, the timeout will be rounded to the nearest second.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.on('errorFlag', function(errorFlags) { ... });
- An array of new error flags, as would be returned by E.getErrorFlags()
. Error flags that were present before won't be reported.
This event is called when an error is created by Espruino itself (rather than JS
code) which changes the state of the error flags reported by E.getErrorFlags()
This could be low memory, full buffers, UART overflow, etc. E.getErrorFlags()
has a full description of each type of error.
This event will only be emitted when error flag is set. If the error flag was
already set nothing will be emitted. To clear error flags so that you do get a
callback each time a flag is set, call E.getErrorFlags()
E.FFT(arrReal, arrImage, inverse)
- An array of real values
- An array of imaginary values (or if undefined, all values will be taken to be 0)
- Set this to true if you want an inverse FFT - otherwise leave as 0
Performs a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in 32 bit floats on the supplied data
and writes it back into the original arrays. Note that if only one array is
supplied, the data written back is the modulus of the complex result
In order to perform the FFT, there has to be enough room on the stack to allocate two arrays of 32 bit floating point numbers - this will limit the maximum size of FFT possible to around 1024 items on most platforms.
Note: on the Original Espruino board, FFTs are performed in 64bit arithmetic as there isn't space to include the 32 bit maths routines (2x more RAM is required).
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The string to check
A String
Given a UTF8 String (see E.asUTF8
) this returns the underlying representation
of that String.
E.fromUTF8("\u03C0") == "\xCF\x80"
NOTE: UTF8 is currently only available on Bangle.js devices
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.getAddressOf(v, flatAddress)
- A variable to get the address of
- (boolean) If true
and a Flat String or Flat ArrayBuffer is supplied, return the address of the data inside it - otherwise 0. If false
(the default) return the address of the JsVar itself.
The address of the given variable
Return the address in memory of the given variable. This can then be used with
and poke
functions. However, changing data in JS variables directly
(flatAddress=false) will most likely result in a crash.
This functions exists to allow embedded targets to set up peripherals such as DMA so that they write directly to JS variables.
See for more information
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
The voltage (in Volts) that a reading of 1 from analogRead
actually represents - usually around 3.3v
Check the internal voltage reference. To work out an actual voltage of an input
pin, you can use analogRead(pin)*E.getAnalogVRef()
Note: This value is calculated by reading the voltage on an internal voltage reference with the ADC. It will be slightly noisy, so if you need this for accurate measurements we'd recommend that you call this function several times and average the results.
While this is implemented on Espruino boards, it may not be implemented on other devices. If so it'll return NaN.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
A percentage between 0 and 100
In devices that come with batteries, this function returns the battery charge percentage as an integer between 0 and 100.
Note: this is an estimation only, based on battery voltage. The temperature
of the battery (as well as the load being drawn from it at the time
is called) will affect the readings.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices and Pixl.js boards and Bangle.js smartwatches
The current console device as a string, or just null
if the console is null
Returns the current console device - see E.setConsole
for more information.
An array of error flags
Get and reset the error flags. Returns an array that can contain:
: The receive FIFO filled up and data was lost. This could be state
transitions for setWatch, or received characters.
: A buffer for a stream filled up and characters were lost. This
can happen to any stream - Serial,HTTP,etc.
: A callback (setWatch
, setInterval
, on('data',...)
) caused an
error and so was removed.
: Memory is running low - Espruino had to run a garbage collection
pass or remove some of the command history
: Espruino ran out of memory and was unable to allocate some data that
it needed.
: A UART received data but it was not read in time and was
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
An object containing flag names and their values
Get Espruino's interpreter flags that control the way it handles your JavaScript code.
- Allow deep sleep modes (also set by setDeepSleep)pretokenise
- When adding functions, pre-minify them and tokenise reserved
- Some platforms stop writes/erases to interpreter memory to
stop you bricking the device accidentally - this removes that protectionunsyncFiles
- When writing files, don't flush all data to the SD card
after each command (the default is to flush). This is much faster, but can
cause filesystem damage if power is lost without the filesystem unmounted.E.getPowerUsage()
An object detailing power usage in microamps
This function returns an object detailing the current estimated power usage of the Espruino device in microamps (uA). It is not intended to be a replacement for measuring actual power consumption, but can be useful for finding obvious power draws.
Where an Espruino device has outputs that are connected to other things, those are not included in the power usage figures.
Results look like:
device: {
CPU : 2000, // microcontroller
LCD : 100, // LCD
// ...
total : 5500 // estimated usage in microamps
Note: Currently only nRF52-based devices have variable CPU power usage figures. These are based on the time passed for each SysTick event, so under heavy usage the figure will update within 0.3s, but under low CPU usage it could take minutes for the CPU usage figure to update.
Note: On Jolt.js we take account of internal resistance on H0/H2/H4/H6 where we can measure voltage. H1/H3/H5/H7 cannot be measured.
E.getSizeOf(v, depth)
- A variable to get the size of
- The depth that detail should be provided for. If depth<=0 or undefined, a single integer will be returned
Information about the variable size - see below
Return the number of variable blocks used by the supplied variable. This is useful if you're running out of memory and you want to be able to see what is taking up most of the available space.
If depth>0
and the variable can be recursed into, an array listing all
property names (including internal Espruino names) and their sizes is returned.
If depth>1
there is also a more
field that inspects the objects' children's
For instance E.getSizeOf(function(a,b) { })
returns 5
But E.getSizeOf(function(a,b) { }, 1)
"name": "a",
"size": 1 },
"name": "b",
"size": 1 },
"name": "\xFFcod",
"size": 2 }
In this case setting depth to 2
will make no difference as there are no more
children to traverse.
See for more information
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
The temperature in degrees C
Use the microcontroller's internal thermistor to work out the temperature.
On Puck.js v2.0 this will use the on-board PCT2075TP temperature sensor, but on other devices it may not be desperately well calibrated.
While this is implemented on Espruino boards, it may not be implemented on other devices. If so it'll return NaN.
Note:* This is not entirely accurate and varies by a few degrees from chip
to chip. It measures the *die temperature, so when connected to USB it could
be reading 10 over degrees C above ambient temperature. When running from
battery with setDeepSleep(true)
it is much more accurate though.
E.HSBtoRGB(hue, sat, bri, format)
- The hue, as a value between 0 and 1
- The saturation, as a value between 0 and 1
- The brightness, as a value between 0 and 1
- If true
or 1
, return an array of [R,G,B] values betwen 0 and 255. If 16
, return a 16 bit number. undefined
is the same as normal (returning a 24 bit number)
A 24 bit number containing bytes representing red, green, and blue 0xBBGGRR
. Or if asArray
is true, an array [R,G,B]
Convert hue, saturation and brightness to red, green and blue (packed into an
integer if asArray==false
or an array if asArray==true
This replaces Graphics.setColorHSB
and Graphics.setBgColorHSB
. On devices
with 24 bit colour it can be used as: Graphics.setColor(E.HSBtoRGB(h, s, b))
or on devices with 26 bit colour use Graphics.setColor(E.HSBtoRGB(h, s, b, 16))
You can quickly set RGB items in an Array or Typed Array using
array.set(E.HSBtoRGB(h, s, b, true), offset)
, which can be useful with arrays
used with require("neopixel").write
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
A random number
Unlike 'Math.random()' which uses a pseudo-random number generator, this method reads from the internal voltage reference several times, XOR-ing and rotating to try and make a relatively random value from the noise in the signal.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.on('init', function() { ... });
This event is called right after the board starts up, and has a similar effect
to creating a function called onInit
For example to write "Hello World"
every time Espruino starts, use:
E.on('init', function() {
console.log("Hello World!");
Note:* that subsequent calls to E.on('init',
will *add a new handler,
rather than replacing the last one. This allows you to write modular code -
something that was not possible with onInit
- The string to check
True if the given String is treated as UTF8 by Espruino
By default, strings in Espruino are standard 8 bit binary strings
unless they contain Unicode chars or a \u####
escape code
that doesn't map to the range 0..255.
This checks if a String is being treated by Espruino as a UTF8 String
See E.asUTF8
to convert to a UTF8 String
NOTE: UTF8 is currently only available on Bangle.js devices
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Kicks a Watchdog timer set up with E.enableWatchdog(..., false)
. See
for more information.
NOTE: This is only implemented on STM32 and nRF5x devices (all official Espruino boards).
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.on('kill', function() { ... });
This event is called just before the device shuts down for commands such as
, load()
, save()
, E.reboot()
For example to write "Bye!"
just before shutting down use:
E.on('kill', function() {
NOTE: This event is not called when the device is 'hard reset' - for example by removing power, hitting an actual reset button, or via a Watchdog timer reset.
If a password has been set with E.setPassword()
, this will lock the console so
the password needs to be entered to unlock it.
E.lookupNoCase(haystack, needle, returnKey)
- The Array/Object/Function to search
- The key to search for
- If true, return the key, else return the value itself
The value in the Object matching 'needle', or if returnKey==true
the key's name - or undefined
Search in an Object, Array, or Function
E.mapInPlace(from, to, map, bits)
- An ArrayBuffer to read elements from
- An ArrayBuffer to write elements too
- An array or function(value,index)
to use to map one element to another, or undefined
to provide no mapping
- If specified, the number of bits per element (MSB first) - otherwise use a 1:1 mapping. If negative, use LSB first.
Take each element of the from
array, look it up in map
(or call
if it is a function), and write it into the corresponding
element in the to
You can use an array to map:
var a = new Uint8Array([1,2,3,1,2,3]);
var lut = new Uint8Array([128,129,130,131]);
E.mapInPlace(a, a, lut);
// a = [129, 130, 131, 129, 130, 131]
Or undefined
to pass straight through, or a function to do a normal 'mapping':
var a = new Uint8Array([0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78]);
var b = new Uint8Array(8);
E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined); // straight through
// b = [0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0,0,0,0]
E.mapInPlace(a, b, (value,index)=>index); // write the index in the first 4 (because a.length==4)
// b = [0,1,2,3,4,0,0,0]
E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined, 4); // 4 bits from 8 bit input -> 2x as many outputs, msb-first
// b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined, -4); // 4 bits from 8 bit input -> 2x as many outputs, lsb-first
// b = [2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7]
E.mapInPlace(a, b, a=>a+2, 4);
// b = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
var b = new Uint16Array(4);
E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined, 12); // 12 bits from 8 bit input, msb-first
// b = [0x123, 0x456, 0x780, 0]
E.mapInPlace(a, b, undefined, -12); // 12 bits from 8 bit input, lsb-first
// b = [0x412, 0x563, 0x078, 0]
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.memoryArea(addr, len)
- The address of the memory area
- The length (in bytes) of the memory area
A String
This creates and returns a special type of string, which references a
specific address in memory. It can be used in order to use sections of
Flash memory directly in Espruino (for example Storage
uses it
to allow files to be read directly from Flash).
Note: As of 2v21, Calling E.memoryArea
with an address of 0 will return undefined
E.memoryMap(baseAddress, registers)
- The base address (added to every address in registers
- An object containing {name:address}
An object where each field is memory-mapped to a register.
Create an object where every field accesses a specific 32 bit address in the microcontroller's memory. This is perfect for accessing on-chip peripherals.
// for NRF52 based chips
var GPIO = E.memoryMap(0x50000000,{OUT:0x504, OUTSET:0x508, OUTCLR:0x50C, IN:0x510, DIR:0x514, DIRSET:0x518, DIRCLR:0x51C});
GPIO.DIRSET = 1; // set GPIO0 to output
GPIO.OUT ^= 1; // toggle the output state of GPIO0
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.nativeCall(addr, sig, data)
- The address in memory of the function (or offset in data
if it was supplied
- The signature of the call, returnType (arg1,arg2,...)
. Allowed types are void
- (Optional) A string containing the function itself. If not supplied then 'addr' is used as an absolute address.
The native function
ADVANCED: It's very easy to crash Espruino using this function if you get the code/arguments you supply wrong!
Create a native function that executes the code at the given address, e.g.
E.nativeCall(0x08012345,'double (double,double)')(1.1, 2.2)
If you're executing a thumb function, you'll almost certainly need to set the bottom bit of the address to 1.
Note it's not guaranteed that the call signature you provide can be used - there are limits on the number of arguments allowed (5).
When supplying data
, if it is a 'flat string' then it will be used directly,
otherwise it'll be converted to a flat string and used.
The argument types in sig
- returns nothingbool
- boolean valueint
- 32 bit integerdouble
- 64 bit floating pointfloat
- 32 bit floating point (2v21 and later)Pin
- Espruino 'pin' value (8 bit integer)JsVar
- Pointer to an Espruino JsVar structureNote: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.pipe(source, destination, options)
- The source file/stream that will send content. As of 2v19 this can also be a String
- The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source.
- [optional] An object { chunkSize : int=64, end : bool=true, complete : function }
chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time
complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete
end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished
Pipe one stream to another.
This can be given any object with a read
method as a source, and any object with a .write(data)
method as a destination.
Data will be piped from source
to destination
in the idle loop until
returns undefined
For instance:
``` // Print a really big string to the console, 1 character at a time and write 'Finished!' at the end E.pipe("This is a really big String", {write: print}, {chunkSize:1, complete:()=>print("Finished!")});
// Pipe the numbers 1 to 100 to a StorageFile in Storage E.pipe({ n:0, read : function() { if (this.n<100) return (this.n++)+"\n"; }}, require("Storage").open("testfile","w"));
// Pipe a StorageFile straight to the Bluetooth UART E.pipe(require("Storage").open("testfile","r"), Bluetooth);
// Pipe a normal file in Storage (not StorageFile) straight to the Bluetooth UART E.pipe(require("Storage").read("blob.txt"), Bluetooth);
// Pipe a normal file in Storage as a response to an HTTP request function onPageRequest(req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); E.pipe(require("Storage").read("webpage.txt"), res); } require("http").createServer(onPageRequest).listen(80); ```
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Forces a hard reboot of the microcontroller - as close as possible to if the reset pin had been toggled.
Note: This is different to reset()
, which performs a software reset of
Espruino (resetting the interpreter and pin states, but not all the hardware)
- A byte value to reverse the bits of
The byte with reversed bits
Reverse the 8 bits in a byte, swapping MSB and LSB.
For example, E.reverseByte(0b10010000) == 0b00001001
Note that you can reverse all the bytes in an array with:
arr =
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.setBootCode(code, alwaysExec)
- The code to execute (as a string)
- Whether to always execute the code (even after a reset)
This writes JavaScript code into Espruino's flash memory, to be executed on
startup. It differs from save()
in that save()
saves the whole state of the
interpreter, whereas this just saves JS code that is executed at boot.
Code will be executed before onInit()
and E.on('init', ...)
If alwaysExec
is true
, the code will be executed even after a call to
. This is useful if you're making something that you want to program,
but you want some code that is always built in (for instance setting up a
display or keyboard).
To remove boot code that has been saved previously, use E.setBootCode("")
Note: this removes any code that was previously saved with save()
- Platform-specific options for setting clock speed
The actual frequency the clock has been set to
This sets the clock frequency of Espruino's processor. It will return 0
if it
is unimplemented or the clock speed cannot be changed.
Note: On pretty much all boards, UART, SPI, I2C, PWM, etc will change frequency and will need setting up again in order to work.
Options is of the form { M: int, N: int, P: int, Q: int }
- see the 'Clocks'
section of the microcontroller's reference manual for what these mean.
Optional arguments are:
- flash latency from 0..15PCLK1
- Peripheral clock 1 divisor (default: 2)PCLK2
- Peripheral clock 2 divisor (default: 4)The Pico's default is {M:8, N:336, P:4, Q:7, PCLK1:2, PCLK2:4}
, use
N:336, P:8, Q:7, PCLK:1, PCLK2:2}
to halve the system clock speed while keeping
the peripherals running at the same speed (omitting PCLK1/2 will lead to the
peripherals changing speed too).
On STM32F4 boards (e.g. Espruino Pico), the USB clock needs to be kept at 48Mhz or USB will fail to work. You'll also experience USB instability if the processor clock falls much below 48Mhz.
Just specify an integer value, either 80 or 160 (for 80 or 160Mhz)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.setConsole(device, options)
- [optional] object of options, see below
Changes the device that the JS console (otherwise known as the REPL) is attached to. If the console is on a device, that device can be used for programming Espruino.
Rather than calling Serial.setConsole
you can call
This is particularly useful if you just want to remove the console.
will make the console completely inaccessible.
may be "Serial1"
, any
other hardware Serial
device, or null
to disable the console completely.
is of the form:
force : bool // default false, force the console onto this device so it does not move
// if false, changes in connection state (e.g. USB/Bluetooth) can move
// the console automatically.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
E.setDST(params, ...)
params, ...
- An array containing the settings for DST, or undefined
to disable
Set the daylight savings time parameters to be used with Date
The parameters are - dstOffset: The number of minutes daylight savings time adds to the clock (usually 60) - set to 0 to disable DST - timezone: The time zone, in minutes, when DST is not in effect - positive east of Greenwich - startDowNumber: The index of the day-of-week in the month when DST starts - 0 for first, 1 for second, 2 for third, 3 for fourth and 4 for last - startDow: The day-of-week for the DST start calculation - 0 for Sunday, 6 for Saturday - startMonth: The number of the month that DST starts - 0 for January, 11 for December - startDayOffset: The number of days between the selected day-of-week and the actual day that DST starts - usually 0 - startTimeOfDay: The number of minutes elapsed in the day before DST starts - endDowNumber: The index of the day-of-week in the month when DST ends - 0 for first, 1 for second, 2 for third, 3 for fourth and 4 for last - endDow: The day-of-week for the DST end calculation - 0 for Sunday, 6 for Saturday - endMonth: The number of the month that DST ends - 0 for January, 11 for December - endDayOffset: The number of days between the selected day-of-week and the actual day that DST ends - usually 0 - endTimeOfDay: The number of minutes elapsed in the day before DST ends
To determine what the dowNumber, dow, month, dayOffset, timeOfDay
should be, start with a sentence of the form "DST starts on the last Sunday of
March (plus 0 days) at 03:00". Since it's the last Sunday, we have
startDowNumber = 4, and since it's Sunday, we have startDow = 0. That it is
March gives us startMonth = 2, and that the offset is zero days, we have
startDayOffset = 0. The time that DST starts gives us startTimeOfDay = 3*60.
"DST ends on the Friday before the second Sunday in November at 02:00" would give us endDowNumber=1, endDow=0, endMonth=10, endDayOffset=-2 and endTimeOfDay=120.
Using Ukraine as an example, we have a time which is 2 hours ahead of GMT in
winter (EET) and 3 hours in summer (EEST). DST starts at 03:00 EET on the last
Sunday in March, and ends at 04:00 EEST on the last Sunday in October. So
someone in Ukraine might call E.setDST(60,120,4,0,2,0,180,4,0,9,0,240);
// United Kingdom
// California, USA
// Or adjust -480 (-8 hours) for other US states
// Ukraine
Note: This is not compatible with E.setTimeZone()
. Calling E.setTimeZone()
after this will disable DST.
Note: This is not available in ESPRNODAYLIGHT_SAVING
- An object containing flag names and boolean values. You need only specify the flags that you want to change.
Set the Espruino interpreter flags that control the way it handles your JavaScript code.
Run E.getFlags()
and check its description for a list of available flags and
their values.
- The password - max 20 chars
Set a password on the console (REPL). When powered on, Espruino will then demand
a password before the console can be used. If you want to lock the console
immediately after this you can call E.lockConsole()
To remove the password, call this function with no arguments.
Note: There is no protection against multiple password attempts, so someone could conceivably try every password in a dictionary.
Note: This password is stored in memory in plain text. If someone is able to
execute arbitrary JavaScript code on the device (e.g., you use eval
on input
from unknown sources) or read the device's firmware then they may be able to
obtain it.
- The time zone in hours
Set the time zone to be used with Date
For example E.setTimeZone(1)
will be GMT+0100
Time can be set with setTime
Note: If daylight savings time rules have been set with E.setDST()
calling E.setTimeZone()
will remove them and move back to using a static
timezone that doesn't change based on the time of year.
- The 32 bit integer seed to use for the random number generator
Set the seed for the random number generator used by Math.random()
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
When using events with X.on('foo', function() { ... })
and then X.emit('foo')
you might want to stop subsequent
event handlers from being executed.
Calling this function doing the execution of events will ensure that no subsequent event handlers are executed.
var X = {}; // in Espruino all objects are EventEmitters
X.on('foo', function() { print("A"); })
X.on('foo', function() { print("B"); E.stopEventPropagation(); })
X.on('foo', function() { print("C"); })
// prints A,B but not C
- The array to sum
The sum of the given buffer
Sum the contents of the given Array, String or ArrayBuffer and return the result
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The string to convert to an ArrayBuffer
An ArrayBuffer that uses the given string
Create an ArrayBuffer from the given string. This is done via a reference, not a copy - so it is very fast and memory efficient.
Note that this is an ArrayBuffer, not a Uint8Array. To get one of those, do:
new Uint8Array(E.toArrayBuffer('....'))
E.toFlatString(args, ...)
args, ...
- The arguments to convert to a Flat String
A Flat String (or undefined)
Returns a Flat String
representing the data in the arguments, or undefined
if one can't be allocated.
This provides the same behaviour that E.toString
had in Espruino before 2v18 - see E.toString
more information.
- The JS variable to convert to a string
A String
This performs the same basic function as JSON.stringify
, however
adds extra characters to conform to the JSON spec which aren't
required if outputting JS.
will also stringify JS functions, whereas JSON.stringify
For example:
JSON.stringify({a:1,b:2}) == '{"a":1,"b":2}'
E.toJS({a:1,b:2}) == '{a:1,b:2}'
Note: Strings generated with E.toJS
can't be reliably parsed by
- however they are valid JS so will work with eval
(but this has
security implications if you don't trust the source of the string).
On the desktop JSON5 parsers will parse the
strings produced by E.toJS
without trouble.
E.toString(args, ...)
args, ...
- The arguments to convert to a String
A String
Returns a String
representing the data in the arguments.
This creates a string from the given arguments in the same way as E.toUint8Array
. If each argument is:
{data : ..., count : N}
causes data
to be repeated count
times{callback : fn}
calls the function and adds the resultIn the case where there's one argument which is an 8 bit typed array backed by a flat string of the same length, the backing string will be returned without doing a copy or other allocation. The same applies if there's a single argument which is itself a flat string.
```JS E.toString(0,1,2,"Hi",3) "\0\1\2Hi\3" E.toString(1,2,{data:[3,4], count:4},5,6) "\1\2\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\5\6"
E.toString(1,2,{callback : () => "Hello World"},5,6) ="\1\2Hello World\5\6" ```
Note: Prior to Espruino 2v18 E.toString
would always return a flat string,
or would return undefined
if one couldn't be allocated. Now, it will return
a normal (fragmented) String if a contiguous chunk of memory cannot be allocated.
You can still check if the returned value is a Flat string using E.getAddressOf(str, true)!=0
or can use E.toFlatString
E.on('touch', function(x, y, b) { ... });
- X coordinate in display coordinates
- Y coordinate in display coordinates
- Touch count - 0 for released, 1 for pressed
This event is called when a full touchscreen device on an Espruino is interacted with.
Note: This event is not implemented on Bangle.js because it only has a two area touchscreen.
To use the touchscreen to draw lines, you could do:
var last;
if (last) g.lineTo(t.x, t.y);
else g.moveTo(t.x, t.y);
last = t.b;
E.toUint8Array(args, ...)
args, ...
- The arguments to convert to a Uint8Array
A Uint8Array
This creates a Uint8Array from the given arguments. These are handled as follows:
-> read as an integer, using the lowest 8 bitsString
-> use each character's numeric value (e.g.
-> Call itself on each elementArrayBuffer
or Typed Array -> use the lowest 8 bits of each elementObject
{data:..., count: int}
-> call itself object.count
times, on
{callback : function}
-> call the given function, call itself on return
valueFor example:
=new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])
=new Uint8Array([1, 2, 2, 2, 3])
=new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111])
E.toUint8Array(["hi",{callback:function() { return [1,2,3] }}])
=new Uint8Array([104, 105, 1, 2, 3])
E.variance(arr, mean)
- The array to work out the variance for
- The mean value of the array
The variance of the given buffer
Work out the variance of the contents of the given Array, String or ArrayBuffer and return the result. This is equivalent to
v=0;for (i in arr)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
The base class for runtime errors
new Error(message)
- [optional] An message string
An Error object
Creates an Error object
function Error.toString()
A String
This module allows you to read and write the nonvolatile flash memory of your device.
Also see the Storage
library, which provides a safer file-like interface to
nonvolatile storage.
It should be used with extreme caution, as it is easy to overwrite parts of Flash memory belonging to Espruino or even its bootloader. If you damage the bootloader then you may need external hardware such as a USB-TTL converter to restore it. For more information on restoring the bootloader see
in your board's reference pages.
To see which areas of memory you can and can't overwrite, look at the values
reported by process.memory()
Note: On Nordic platforms there are checks in place to help you avoid
'bricking' your device be damaging the bootloader. You can disable these with
- An address in the page that is to be erased
Erase a page of flash memory
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Array of objects with addr
and length
This method returns an array of objects of the form {addr : #, length : #}
representing contiguous areas of flash memory in the chip that are not used for
The memory areas returned are on page boundaries. This means that you can safely erase the page containing any address here, and you won't risk deleting part of the Espruino firmware.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- An address in memory
An object of the form { addr : #, length : #}
, where addr
is the start address of the page, and length
is the length of it (in bytes). Returns undefined if no page at address
Returns the start and length of the flash page containing the given address.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
require("Flash").read(length, addr)
- The amount of data to read (in bytes)
- The address to start reading from
A Uint8Array of data
Read flash memory from the given address
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
require("Flash").write(data, addr)
- The data to write
- The address to start writing from
Write data into memory at the given address
In flash memory you may only turn bits that are 1 into bits that are 0. If
you're writing data into an area that you have already written (so read
doesn't return all 0xFF
) you'll need to call erasePage
to clear the entire
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 32 bit floating point values.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Float32Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 64 bit floating point values.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Float64Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer). Maximum 65535.
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
fs.pipe(source, destination, options)
- The source file/stream that will send content.
- The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source.
- [optional] An object { chunkSize : int=64, end : bool=true, complete : function }
chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time
complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete
end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished
Pipe this file to a destination stream (object which has a .write(data)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This is the built-in class for Functions
function Function.apply(this, args)
- The value to use as the 'this' argument when executing the function
- Optional Array of Arguments
The return value of executing this function
This executes the function with the supplied 'this' argument and parameters
function Function.bind(this, params, ...)
- The value to use as the 'this' argument when executing the function
params, ...
- Optional Default parameters that are prepended to the call
The 'bound' function
This executes the function with the supplied 'this' argument and parameters
function, params, ...)
- The value to use as the 'this' argument when executing the function
params, ...
- Optional Parameters
The return value of executing this function
This executes the function with the supplied 'this' argument and parameters
new Function(args, ...)
args, ...
- Zero or more arguments (as strings), followed by a string representing the code to run
A Number object
Creates a function
function Function.replaceWith(newFunc)
- The new function to replace this function with
This replaces the function with the one in the argument - while keeping the old function's scope. This allows inner functions to be edited, and is used when edit() is called on an inner function.
This class provides Graphics operations that can be applied to a surface.
Use Graphics.createXXX to create a graphics object that renders in the way you want. See the Graphics page for more information.
Note: On boards that contain an LCD, there is a built-in g
object of
type Graphics
. For instance to draw a line you'd type:
function Graphics.asBMP()
A String representing the Graphics as a Windows BMP file (or 'undefined' if not possible)
Create a Windows BMP file from this Graphics instance, and return it as a String.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.asImage(type)
- The type of image to return. Either object
/undefined to return an image object, or string
to return an image string
An Image that can be used with Graphics.drawImage
Return this Graphics object as an Image that can be used with
. Check out the Graphics reference
page for more information on
Will return undefined if data can't be allocated for the image.
The image data itself will be referenced rather than copied if:
was requested (not string
option was givenOtherwise data will be copied, which takes up more space and may be quite slow.
If the Graphics
object contains transparent
or palette
as you might find in an image,
those will be included in the generated image too.
var gfx = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(8,8,1);
gfx.transparent = 0;
var im = gfx.asImage("string");
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.asURL()
A String representing the Graphics as a URL (or 'undefined' if not possible)
Create a URL of the form data:image/bmp;base64,...
that can be pasted into the
The Espruino Web IDE can detect this data on the console and render the image inline automatically.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.blit(options)
- options - see below
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Blit one area of the screen (x1,y1 w,h) to another (x2,y2 w,h)
x1:0, y1:0,
w:32, h:32,
x2:100, y2:100,
setModified : true // should we set the modified area?
Note: This uses repeated pixel reads and writes, so will not work on platforms that don't support pixel reads.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
property Graphics.buffer
An ArrayBuffer (or not defined on Graphics instances not created with Graphics.createArrayBuffer
On Graphics instances with an offscreen buffer, this is an ArrayBuffer
provides access to the underlying pixel data.
print(new Uint8Array(g.buffer))
new Uint8Array([
255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255])
function Graphics.clear(reset)
- [optional] If true
, resets the state of Graphics to the default (eg. Color, Font, etc) as if calling Graphics.reset
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Clear the LCD with the Background Color
function Graphics.clearRect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- The left X coordinate OR an object containing {x,y,x2,y2}
or {x,y,w,h}
- The top Y coordinate
- The right X coordinate
- The bottom Y coordinate
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Fill a rectangular area in the Background Color
On devices with enough memory, you can specify {x,y,x2,y2,r}
as the first
argument, which allows you to draw a rounded rectangle.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Graphics.createArrayBuffer(width, height, bpp, options)
- Pixels wide
- Pixels high
- Number of bits per pixel
- An object of other options. { zigzag : true/false(default), vertical_byte : true/false(default), msb : true/false(default), color_order: 'rgb'(default),'bgr',etc }
= whether to alternate the direction of scanlines for rowsvertical_byte
= whether to align bits in a byte vertically or notmsb
= when bits<8, store pixels most significant bit first, when bits>8, store most significant byte firstinterleavex
= Pixels 0,2,4,etc are from the top half of the image, 1,3,5,etc from the bottom half. Used for P3 LED panels.color_order
= re-orders the colour values that are supplied via setColor
The new Graphics object
Create a Graphics object that renders to an Array Buffer. This will have a field called 'buffer' that can get used to get at the buffer itself
Graphics.createCallback(width, height, bpp, callback)
- Pixels wide
- Pixels high
- Number of bits per pixel
- A function of the form function(x,y,col)
that is called whenever a pixel needs to be drawn, or an object with: {setPixel:function(x,y,col),fillRect:function(x1,y1,x2,y2,col)}
. All arguments are already bounds checked.
The new Graphics object
Create a Graphics object that renders by calling a JavaScript callback function to draw pixels
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- A String containing a newline-separated image - space/. is 0, anything else is 1
An Image object that can be used with Graphics.drawImage
Create a simple Black and White image for use with Graphics.drawImage
Use as follows:
var img = Graphics.createImage(`
g.drawImage(img, x,y);
var img = Graphics.createImage(`
g.drawImage(img, x,y);
If the characters at the beginning and end of the string are newlines, they will
be ignored. Spaces are treated as 0
, and any other character is a 1
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.drawCircle(x, y, rad)
- The X axis
- The Y axis
- The circle radius
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw an unfilled circle 1px wide in the Foreground Color
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.drawEllipse(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- The left X coordinate
- The top Y coordinate
- The right X coordinate
- The bottom Y coordinate
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw an ellipse in the Foreground Color
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.drawImage(image, x, y, options)
- An image to draw, either a String or an Object (see below)
- The X offset to draw the image
- The Y offset to draw the image
- options for scaling,rotation,etc (see below)
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Image can be:
{ width : int, height : int, bpp :
optional int, buffer : ArrayBuffer/String, transparent: optional int,
palette : optional Uint16Array(2/4/16) }
. bpp = bits per pixel (default is
1), transparent (if defined) is the colour that will be treated as
transparent, and palette is a color palette that each pixel will be looked up
in firstwidth,height,bpp,[transparent,]image_bytes...
. If a transparent colour is
specified the top bit of bpp
should be set.bpp<8
, msb:true
must be set) - this is
disabled on devices without much flash memory available. If a Graphics object
is supplied, it can also contain transparent/palette fields as if it were
an image.See for more information about image formats.
Draw an image at the specified position.
is a Uint16Array or 2/4/16 elements, color data will be
looked from the supplied paletteIf options
is supplied, drawImage
will allow images to be rendered at any
scale or angle. If options.rotate
is set it will center images at x,y
must be an object of the form:
rotate : float, // the amount to rotate the image in radians (default 0)
scale : float, // the amount to scale the image up (default 1)
frame : int // if specified and the image has frames of data
// after the initial frame, draw one of those frames from the image
filter : bool // (2v19+) when set, if scale<0.75 perform 2x2 supersampling to smoothly downscale the image
For example:
// In the top left of the screen
// In the top left of the screen, twice as big
// In the center of the screen, twice as big, 45 degrees
g.drawImage(img, g.getWidth()/2, g.getHeight()/2,
{scale:2, rotate:Math.PI/4});
function Graphics.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- The left
- The top
- The right
- The bottom
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw a line between x1,y1 and x2,y2 in the current foreground color
function Graphics.drawPoly(poly, closed)
- An array of vertices, of the form [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,etc]
- Draw another line between the last element of the array and the first
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw a polyline (lines between each of the points in poly
) in the current
foreground color
Note: there is a limit of 64 points (128 XY elements) for polygons
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- The left X coordinate OR an object containing {x,y,x2,y2}
or {x,y,w,h}
- The top Y coordinate
- The right X coordinate
- The bottom Y coordinate
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw an unfilled rectangle 1px wide in the Foreground Color
function Graphics.drawString(str, x, y, solid)
- The string
- The X position of the leftmost pixel
- The Y position of the topmost pixel
- For bitmap fonts, should empty pixels be filled with the background color?
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw a string of text in the current font.
g.drawString("Hello World", 10, 10);
Images may also be embedded inside strings (e.g. to render Emoji or characters
not in the current font). To do this, just add 0
then the image string (about
Images) For example:
g.drawString("Hi \0\7\5\1\x82 D\x17\xC0");
// draws:
// # # # # #
// # # #
// ### ## #
// # # # # #
// # # ### #####
function Graphics.dump()
Output this image as a bitmap URL of the form data:image/bmp;base64,...
. The
Espruino Web IDE will detect this on the console and will render the image
inline automatically.
This is identical to console.log(g.asURL())
- it is just a convenient function
for easy debugging and producing screenshots of what is currently in the
Graphics instance.
Note: This may not work on some bit depths of Graphics instances. It will also not work for the main Graphics instance of Bangle.js 1 as the graphics on Bangle.js 1 are stored in write-only memory.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.fillCircle(x, y, rad)
- The X axis
- The Y axis
- The circle radius
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw a filled circle in the Foreground Color
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.fillEllipse(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- The left X coordinate
- The top Y coordinate
- The right X coordinate
- The bottom Y coordinate
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw a filled ellipse in the Foreground Color
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.fillPoly(poly)
- An array of vertices, of the form [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,etc]
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw a filled polygon in the current foreground color.
16, 0,
31, 31,
26, 31,
16, 12,
6, 28,
0, 27 ]);
This fills from the top left hand side of the polygon (low X, low Y) down to
but not including the bottom right. When placed together polygons will align
perfectly without overdraw - but this will not fill the same pixels as
(drawing a line around the edge of the polygon).
Note: there is a limit of 64 points (128 XY elements) for polygons
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- The left X coordinate OR an object containing {x,y,x2,y2}
or {x,y,w,h}
- The top Y coordinate
- The right X coordinate
- The bottom Y coordinate
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Fill a rectangular area in the Foreground Color
On devices with enough memory, you can specify {x,y,x2,y2,r}
as the first
argument, which allows you to draw a rounded rectangle.
function Graphics.flip(all)
- [optional] (only on some devices) If true
then copy all pixels, not just those that have changed.
On instances of graphics that drive a display with an offscreen buffer, calling this function will copy the contents of the offscreen buffer to the screen.
Call this when you have drawn something to Graphics and you want it shown on the screen.
If a display does not have an offscreen buffer, it may not have a g.flip()
On Bangle.js 1, there are different graphics modes chosen with
. The default mode is unbuffered and in this mode
does not affect the screen contents.
On some devices, this command will attempt to only update the areas of the
screen that have changed in order to increase speed. If you have accessed the
directly then you may need to use Graphics.flip(true)
force a full update of the screen.
function Graphics.floodFill(x, y, col)
- X coordinate to start from
- Y coordinate to start from
- The color to fill with (if undefined, foreground is used)
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Flood fills the given Graphics instance out from a particular point.
Note: This only works on Graphics instances that support readback with getPixel
. It
is also not capable of filling over dithered patterns (eg non-solid colours on Bangle.js 2)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.getBgColor()
The integer value of the colour
Get the background color to use for subsequent drawing operations
function Graphics.getBPP()
The bits per pixel of this Graphics instance
The number of bits per pixel of this Graphics instance
Note: Bangle.js 2 behaves a little differently here. The display is 3 bit,
so getBPP
returns 3 and asBMP
/etc return 3 bit images. However in
order to allow dithering, the colors returned by Graphics.getColor
are actually 16 bits.
function Graphics.getColor()
The integer value of the colour
Get the color to use for subsequent drawing operations
function Graphics.getFont()
Get the name of the current font
Get the font by name - can be saved and used with Graphics.setFont
Normally this might return something like "4x6"
, but if a scale factor is
specified, a colon and then the size is reported, like "4x6:2"
Note: For custom fonts, Custom
is currently reported instead of the font
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.getFontHeight()
The height in pixels of the current font
Return the height in pixels of the current font
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.getFonts()
And array of font names
Return an array of all fonts currently in the Graphics library.
Note: Vector fonts are specified as Vector#
where #
is the font height.
As there are effectively infinite fonts, just Vector
is included in the list.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.getHeight()
The height of this Graphics instance
The height of this Graphics instance
An instance of Graphics
or undefined
On devices like Pixl.js or HYSTM boards that contain a built-in display this will return an instance of the graphics class that can be used to access that display.
Internally, this is stored as a member called gfx
inside the 'hiddenRoot'.
function Graphics.getModified(reset)
- Whether to reset the modified area or not
An object {x1,y1,x2,y2} containing the modified area, or undefined if not modified
Return the area of the Graphics canvas that has been modified, and optionally clear the modified area to 0.
For instance if g.setPixel(10,20)
was called, this would return
y1:20, x2:10, y2:20}
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.getPixel(x, y)
- The left
- The top
The color
Get a pixel's color
function Graphics.getVectorFontPolys(str, options)
- The string
- [optional] {x,y,w,h}
(see below)
An array of Uint8Arrays for vector font polygons
Return the current string as a series of polygons (using the current vector font). options
is as follows:
- X offset of font (default 0)y
- Y offset of font (default 0)w
- Width of font (default 256) - the actual width will likely be less than this as most characters are non-squareh
- Height of font (default 256) - the actual height will likely be less than this as most characters don't fully fill the font box
g.getVectorFontPolys("Hi", {x:-80,y:-128});
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory and not NOVECTORFONT
function Graphics.getWidth()
The width of this Graphics instance
The width of this Graphics instance
function Graphics.imageMetrics(str)
- The string
An object containing {width,height,bpp,transparent}
for the image
Return the width and height in pixels of an image (either Graphics, Image
Object, Image String or ArrayBuffer). Returns undefined
if image couldn't be
is also included is the image contains more information than you'd
expect for a single bitmap. In this case the bitmap might be an animation with
multiple frames
function Graphics.lineTo(x, y)
- X value
- Y value
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Draw a line from the last position of lineTo
or moveTo
to this position
function Graphics.moveTo(x, y)
- X value
- Y value
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Move the cursor to a position - see lineTo
function Graphics.quadraticBezier(arr, options)
- An array of three vertices, six enties in form of [x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2]
- number of points to calulate
Array with calculated points
Calculate the square area under a Bezier curve.
x0,y0: start point x1,y1: control point y2,y2: end point
Max 10 points without start point.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.reset()
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Reset the state of Graphics to the defaults (e.g. Color, Font, etc) that would have been used when Graphics was initialised.
function Graphics.scroll(x, y)
- X direction. >0 = to right
- Y direction. >0 = down
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Scroll the contents of this graphics in a certain direction. The remaining area is filled with the background color.
Note: This uses repeated pixel reads and writes, so will not work on platforms that don't support pixel reads.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.setBgColor(r, g, b)
- Red (between 0 and 1) OR* an integer representing the color in the current bit depth and color order *OR a hexidecimal color string of the form '#012345'
- Green (between 0 and 1)
- Blue (between 0 and 1)
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Set the background color to use for subsequent drawing operations.
See Graphics.setColor
for more information on the mapping of r
, g
, and b
to pixel values.
Note:* On devices with low flash memory, r
*must be an integer representing the color in the current bit depth. It cannot
be a floating point value, and g
and b
are ignored.
function Graphics.setClipRect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Top left X coordinate
- Top left Y coordinate
- Bottom right X coordinate
- Bottom right Y coordinate
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
This sets the 'clip rect' that subsequent drawing operations are clipped to sit between.
These values are inclusive - e.g. g.setClipRect(1,0,5,0)
will ensure that only
pixel rows 1,2,3,4,5 are touched on column 0.
Note: For maximum flexibility on Bangle.js 1, the values here are not range
checked. For normal use, X and Y should be between 0 and
Note: The x/y values here are rotated, so that if Graphics.setRotation
used they correspond to the coordinates given to the draw functions, not to the
physical device pixels.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.setColor(r, g, b)
- Red (between 0 and 1) OR* an integer representing the color in the current bit depth and color order *OR a hexidecimal color string of the form '#012345'
- [optional] Green (between 0 and 1)
- [optional] Blue (between 0 and 1)
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Set the color to use for subsequent drawing operations.
If just r
is specified as an integer, the numeric value will be written directly into a pixel. eg. On a 24 bit Graphics
instance you set bright blue with either g.setColor(0,0,1)
or g.setColor(0x0000FF)
A good shortcut to ensure you get white on all platforms is to use g.setColor(-1)
The mapping is as follows:
=> 0xFFrrggbb
=> 0xrrggbb
=> 0brrrrrggggggbbbbb
=> white if r+g+b > 50%
, otherwise black (use r
on its own as an integer)If you specified color_order
when creating the Graphics
instance, r
and b
will be swapped as you specified.
Note:* On devices with low flash memory, r
*must be an integer representing the color in the current bit depth. It cannot
be a floating point value, and g
and b
are ignored.
function Graphics.setFont(name, size)
- The name of the font to use (if undefined, the standard 4x6 font will be used)
- The size of the font (or undefined)
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Set the font by name. Various forms are available:
- standard 4x6 bitmap fontg.setFont("Vector:12")
- vector font 12px highg.setFont("4x6:2")
- 4x6 bitmap font, doubled in sizeg.setFont("6x8:2x3")
- 6x8 bitmap font, doubled in width, tripled in heightYou can also use these forms, but they are not recommended:
- vector font 12px highg.setFont("4x6",2)
- 4x6 bitmap font, doubled in sizeg.getFont()
will return the current font as a String.
For a list of available font names, you can use g.getFonts()
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.setFontAlign(x, y, rotation)
- X alignment. -1=left (default), 0=center, 1=right
- Y alignment. -1=top (default), 0=center, 1=bottom
- Rotation of the text. 0=normal, 1=90 degrees clockwise, 2=180, 3=270
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Set the alignment for subsequent calls to drawString
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.setFontBitmap()
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Make subsequent calls to drawString
use the built-in 4x6 pixel bitmapped Font
It is recommended that you use Graphics.setFont("4x6")
for more flexibility.
function Graphics.setFontCustom(bitmap, firstChar, width, height)
- A column-first, MSB-first, 1bpp bitmap containing the font bitmap
- The first character in the font - usually 32 (space)
- The width of each character in the font. Either an integer, or a string where each character represents the width
- The height as an integer (max 255). Bits 8-15 represent the scale factor (eg. 2<<8
is twice the size). Bits 16-23 represent the BPP (0,1=1 bpp, 2=2 bpp, 4=4 bpp)
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Make subsequent calls to drawString
use a Custom Font of the given height. See
the Fonts page for more information about
custom fonts and how to create them.
For examples of use, see the font modules.
Note: while you can specify the character code of the first character with
, the newline character 13 will always be treated as a newline and
not rendered.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.setFontPBF(file, scale)
- The font as a PBF file
- The scale factor, default=1 (2=2x size)
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
function Graphics.setFontVector(size)
- The height of the font, as an integer
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Make subsequent calls to drawString
use a Vector Font of the given height.
It is recommended that you use Graphics.setFont("Vector", size)
for more
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.setPixel(x, y, col)
- The left
- The top
- The color (if undefined
, the foreground color is useD)
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Set a pixel's color
function Graphics.setRotation(rotation, reflect)
- The clockwise rotation. 0 for no rotation, 1 for 90 degrees, 2 for 180, 3 for 270
- Whether to reflect the image
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Set the current rotation of the graphics device.
function Graphics.setTheme(theme)
- An object of the form returned by Graphics.theme
The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
Set the global colour scheme. On Bangle.js, this is reloaded from
for each new app loaded.
See Graphics.theme
for the fields that can be provided. For instance you can
change the background to red using:
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.stringMetrics(str)
- The string
An object containing {width,height,etc}
for the string - see below
Return the width and height in pixels of a string of text in the current font. The object returned contains:
width, // Width of the string in pixels
height, // Height of the string in pixels
unrenderableChars, // If true, the string contains characters that the current font isn't able to render.
imageCount, // How many inline images are in this string?
maxImageHeight, // If there are images, what is the maximum height of all images?
function Graphics.stringWidth(str)
- The string
The length of the string in pixels
Return the size in pixels of a string of text in the current font
property Graphics.theme
An object containing the current 'theme' (see below)
Returns an object of the form:
fg : 0xFFFF, // foreground colour
bg : 0, // background colour
fg2 : 0xFFFF, // accented foreground colour
bg2 : 0x0007, // accented background colour
fgH : 0xFFFF, // highlighted foreground colour
bgH : 0x02F7, // highlighted background colour
dark : true, // Is background dark (e.g. foreground should be a light colour)
These values can then be passed to g.setColor
for example
. When the Graphics instance is reset, the background
color is automatically set to
and foreground is set to
On Bangle.js these values can be changed by writing updated values to theme
and reloading the app - or they can be changed temporarily by
calling Graphics.setTheme
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.toColor(r, g, b)
- Red (between 0 and 1) OR* an integer representing the color in the current bit depth and color order *OR a hexidecimal color string of the form '#rrggbb' or
- Green (between 0 and 1)
- Blue (between 0 and 1)
The color index represented by the arguments
Work out the color value to be used in the current bit depth based on the arguments.
This is used internally by setColor and setBgColor
// 1 bit
g.toColor(1,1,1) => 1
// 16 bit
g.toColor(1,0,0) => 0xF800
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Graphics.transformVertices(verts, transformation)
- An array of vertices, of the form [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,etc]
- The transformation to apply, either an Object or an Array (see below)
Array of transformed vertices
Transformation can be:
x: float, // x offset (default 0)
y: float, // y offset (default 0)
scale: float, // scale factor (default 1)
rotate: float, // angle in radians (default 0)
A six-element array of the form [a,b,c,d,e,f]
, which represents the 2D transformation matrix
a c e
b d f
0 0 1
Apply a transformation to an array of vertices.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory or 'Original' Espruino boards
function Graphics.wrapString(str, maxWidth)
- The string
- The width in pixels
An array of lines that are all less than maxWidth
Wrap a string to the given pixel width using the current font, and return the lines as an array.
To render within the screen's width you can do:
g.drawString(g.wrapString(text, g.getWidth()).join("\n")),
Simple library for compression/decompression using heatshrink, an LZSS compression tool.
Espruino uses heatshrink internally to compress RAM down to fit in Flash memory
when save()
is used. This just exposes that functionality.
Functions here take and return buffers of data. There is no support for streaming, so both the compressed and decompressed data must be able to fit in memory at the same time.
var c = require("heatshrink").compress("Hello World");
// =new Uint8Array([....]).buffer
var d = require("heatshrink").decompress(c);
// =new Uint8Array([72, 101, ...]).buffer
// ="Hello World"
If you'd like a way to perform compression/decompression on desktop, check out
- The data to compress
Returns the result as an ArrayBuffer
Compress the data supplied as input, and return heatshrink encoded data as an ArrayBuffer.
No type information is stored, and the data
argument is treated as an array of bytes
(whether it is a String
or even Uint16Array
), so the result of
decompressing any compressed data will always be an ArrayBuffer.
If you'd like a way to perform compression/decompression on desktop, check out
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The data to decompress
Returns the result as an ArrayBuffer
Decompress the heatshrink-encoded data supplied as input, and return it as an ArrayBuffer
To get the result as a String, wrap require("heatshrink").decompress
in E.toString
: E.toString(require("heatshrink").decompress(...))
If you'd like a way to perform compression/decompression on desktop, check out
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This library allows you to create http servers and make http requests
In order to use this, you will need an extra module to get network connectivity such as the TI CC3000 or WIZnet W5500.
This is designed to be a cut-down version of the node.js library. Please see the Internet page for more information on how to use it.
- A function(request,response) that will be called when a connection is made
Returns a new httpSrv object
Create an HTTP Server
When a request to the server is made, the callback is called. In the callback
you can use the methods on the response (httpSRs
) to send data. You can also
add request.on('data',function() { ... })
to listen for POSTed data
require("http").get(options, callback)
- A simple URL, or an object containing host,port,path,method fields
- A function(res) that will be called when a connection is made. You can then call res.on('data', function(data) { ... })
and res.on('close', function() { ... })
to deal with the response.
Returns a new httpCRq object
Request a webpage over HTTP - a convenience function for http.request()
makes sure the HTTP command is 'GET', and that calls end
require("http").get("", function(res) {
res.on('data', function(data) {
console.log("HTTP> "+data);
res.on('close', function(data) {
console.log("Connection closed");
See http.request()
and the Internet page and ` for more usage
require("http").request(options, callback)
- An object containing host,port,path,method,headers fields (and also ca,key,cert if HTTPS is enabled)
- A function(res) that will be called when a connection is made. You can then call res.on('data', function(data) { ... })
and res.on('close', function() { ... })
to deal with the response.
Returns a new httpCRq object
Create an HTTP Request - end()
must be called on it to complete the operation.
is of the form:
var options = {
host: '', // host name
port: 80, // (optional) port, defaults to 80
path: '/', // path sent to server
method: 'GET', // HTTP command sent to server (must be uppercase 'GET', 'POST', etc)
protocol: 'http:', // optional protocol - https: or http:
headers: { key : value, key : value } // (optional) HTTP headers
var req = require("http").request(options, function(res) {
res.on('data', function(data) {
console.log("HTTP> "+data);
res.on('close', function(data) {
console.log("Connection closed");
// You can req.write(...) here if your request requires data to be sent.
req.end(); // called to finish the HTTP request and get the response
You can easily pre-populate options
from a URL using
var options =
There's an example of using http.request
Note: if TLS/HTTPS is enabled, options can have ca
, key
and cert
fields. See tls.connect
for more information about these and how to use them.
The HTTP client request, returned by http.request()
and http.get()
httpCRq.on('drain', function() { ... });
An event that is fired when the buffer is empty and it can accept more data to send.
function httpCRq.end(data)
- A string containing data to send
Finish this HTTP request - optional data to append as an argument
See Socket.write
for more information about the data argument
httpCRq.on('error', function() { ... });
An event that is fired if there is an error making the request and the response
callback has not been invoked. In this case the error event concludes the
request attempt. The error event function receives an error object as parameter
with a code
field and a message
function httpCRq.write(data)
- A string containing data to send
For node.js compatibility, returns the boolean false. When the send buffer is empty, a drain
event will be sent
This function writes the data
argument as a string. Data that is passed in
(including arrays) will be converted to a string with the normal JavaScript
method. For more information about sending binary data see
The HTTP client response, passed to the callback of http.request()
function httpCRs.available()
How many bytes are available
Return how many bytes are available to read. If there is a 'data' event handler, this will always return 0.
httpCRs.on('close', function() { ... });
Called when the connection closes with one hadError
boolean parameter, which
indicates whether an error occurred.
httpCRs.on('data', function(data) { ... });
- A string containing one or more characters of received data
The 'data' event is called when data is received. If a handler is defined with
X.on('data', function(data) { ... })
then it will be called, otherwise data
will be stored in an internal buffer, where it can be retrieved with
httpCRs.on('error', function() { ... });
An event that is fired if there is an error receiving the response. The error
event function receives an error object as parameter with a code
field and a
field. After the error event the close even will also be triggered to
conclude the HTTP request/response.
property httpCRs.headers
An object mapping header name to value
The headers received along with the HTTP response
property httpCRs.httpVersion
The HTTP version reported back by the server - usually "1.1"
function httpCRs.pipe(destination, options)
- The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source.
- [optional] An object { chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }
chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time
complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete
end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished
Pipe this to a stream (an object with a 'write' method)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The number of characters to read, or undefined/0 for all available
A string containing the required bytes.
Return a string containing characters that have been received
property httpCRs.statusCode
The status code as a String
The HTTP response's status code - usually "200"
if all went well
property httpCRs.statusMessage
An String Status Message
The HTTP response's status message - Usually "OK"
if all went well
The HTTP server request
function httpSRq.available()
How many bytes are available
Return how many bytes are available to read. If there is already a listener for data, this will always return 0.
httpSRq.on('close', function() { ... });
Called when the connection closes.
httpSRq.on('data', function(data) { ... });
- A string containing one or more characters of received data
The 'data' event is called when data is received. If a handler is defined with
X.on('data', function(data) { ... })
then it will be called, otherwise data
will be stored in an internal buffer, where it can be retrieved with
property httpSRq.headers
An object mapping header name to value
The headers to sent to the server with this HTTP request.
property httpSRq.method
A string
The HTTP method used with this request. Often "GET"
function httpSRq.pipe(destination, options)
- The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source.
- [optional] An object { chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }
chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time
complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete
end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished
Pipe this to a stream (an object with a 'write' method)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The number of characters to read, or undefined/0 for all available
A string containing the required bytes.
Return a string containing characters that have been received
property httpSRq.url
A string representing the URL
The URL requested in this HTTP request, for instance:
- the main page"/favicon.ico"
- the web page's iconThe HTTP server response
httpSRs.on('close', function() { ... });
Called when the connection closes.
httpSRs.on('drain', function() { ... });
An event that is fired when the buffer is empty and it can accept more data to send.
function httpSRs.end(data)
- A string containing data to send
See Socket.write
for more information about the data argument
property httpSRs.headers
An object mapping header name to value
The headers to send back along with the HTTP response.
The default contents are:
"Connection": "close"
function httpSRs.setHeader(name, value)
- The name of the header as a String
- The value of the header as a String
Set a value to send in the header of this HTTP response. This updates the
Any headers supplied to writeHead
will overwrite any headers with the same
function httpSRs.write(data)
- A string containing data to send
For node.js compatibility, returns the boolean false. When the send buffer is empty, a drain
event will be sent
This function writes the data
argument as a string. Data that is passed in
(including arrays) will be converted to a string with the normal JavaScript
method. For more information about sending binary data see
function httpSRs.writeHead(statusCode, headers)
- The HTTP status code
- An object containing the headers
Send the given status code and headers. If not explicitly called this will be done automatically the first time data is written to the response.
This cannot be called twice, or after data has already been sent in the response.
The HTTP server created by require('http').createServer
function httpSrv.close()
Stop listening for new HTTP connections
function httpSrv.listen(port)
- The port to listen on
The HTTP server instance that 'listen' was called on
Start listening for new HTTP connections on the given port
This class allows use of the built-in I2C ports. Currently it allows I2C Master mode only.
All addresses are in 7 bit format. If you have an 8 bit address then you need to shift it one bit to the right.
- A pin to search with
An object of type I2C
, or undefined
if one couldn't be found.
Try and find an I2C hardware device that will work on this pin (e.g. I2C1
May return undefined if no device can be found.
new I2C()
An I2C object
Create a software I2C port. This has limited functionality (no baud rate), but it can work on any pins.
Use I2C.setup
to configure this port.
function I2C.readFrom(address, quantity)
- The 7 bit address of the device to request bytes from, or an object of the form {address:12, stop:false}
to send this data without a STOP signal.
- The number of bytes to request
The data that was returned - as a Uint8Array
Request bytes from the given slave device, and return them as a Uint8Array
(packed array of bytes). This is like using Arduino Wire's requestFrom,
available and read functions. Sends a STOP unless {address:X, stop:false}
is used.
function I2C.readReg(address, reg, quantity)
- The 7 bit address of the device to request bytes from
- The register on the device to read bytes from
- The number of bytes to request
The data that was returned - as a Uint8Array
Request bytes from a register on the given I2C slave device, and return them as a Uint8Array (packed array of bytes).
This is the same as calling I2C.writeTo
and I2C.readFrom
I2C.readReg = function(address, reg, quantity) {
this.writeTo({address:address, stop:false}, reg);
return this.readFrom(address, quantity);
function I2C.setup(options)
- [optional] A structure containing extra information on initialising the I2C port{scl:pin, sda:pin, bitrate:100000}
You can find out which pins to use by looking at your board's reference page and searching for pins with the I2C
marker. Note that 400kHz is the maximum bitrate for most parts.
Set up this I2C port
If not specified in options, the default pins are used (usually the lowest numbered pins on the lowest port that supports this peripheral)
function I2C.writeTo(address, data, ...)
- The 7 bit address of the device to transmit to, or an object of the form {address:12, stop:false}
to send this data without a STOP signal.
data, ...
- One or more items to write. May be ints, strings, arrays, or special objects (see E.toUint8Array
for more info).
Transmit to the slave device with the given address. This is like Arduino's beginTransmission, write, and endTransmission rolled up into one.
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 16 bit signed integers.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Int16Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 32 bit signed integers.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Int32Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 8 bit signed integers.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Int8Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
The base class for internal errors
new InternalError(message)
- [optional] An message string
An InternalError object
Creates an InternalError object
function InternalError.toString()
A String
An Object that handles conversion to and from the JSON data interchange format
- A JSON string
The JavaScript object created by parsing the data string
Parse the given JSON string into a JavaScript object
NOTE: This implementation uses eval() internally, and as such it is unsafe as it can allow arbitrary JS commands to be executed.
JSON.stringify(data, replacer, space)
- The data to be converted to a JSON string
- [optional] This value is ignored
- [optional] The number of spaces to use for padding, a string, or null/undefined for no whitespace
A JSON string
Convert the given object into a JSON string which can subsequently be parsed with JSON.parse or eval.
Note: This differs from JavaScript's standard JSON.stringify
in that:
argument is ignorednew Uint8Array(5)
will be dumped as if they were arrays,
not as if they were objects (since it is more compact)This is a standard JavaScript class that contains useful Maths routines
- A floating point value
The absolute value of x (eg, Math.abs(2)==2
, but also Math.abs(-2)==2
- The value to get the arc cosine of
The arc cosine of x, between 0 and PI
- The value to get the arc sine of
The arc sine of x, between -PI/2 and PI/2
- The value to get the arc tangent of
The arc tangent of x, between -PI/2 and PI/2
Math.atan2(y, x)
- The Y-part of the angle to get the arc tangent of
- The X-part of the angle to get the arc tangent of
The arctangent of Y/X, between -PI and PI
- The value to round up
x, rounded upwards to the nearest integer
Math.clip(x, min, max)
- A floating point value to clip
- The smallest the value should be
- The largest the value should be
The value of x, clipped so as not to be below min or above max.
DEPRECATED - Please use E.clip()
instead. Clip a number to be between min and
max (inclusive)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The angle to get the cosine of
The cosine of theta
The value of E - 2.718281828459045
- The value raise E to the power of
- The value to round down
x, rounded downwards to the nearest integer
The natural logarithm of 10 - 2.302585092994046
The natural logarithm of 2 - 0.6931471805599453
- The value to take the logarithm (base E) root of
The log (base E) of x
The base 10 logarithm of e - 0.4342944819032518
The base 2 logarithm of e - 1.4426950408889634
Math.max(args, ...)
args, ...
- Floating point values to clip
The maximum of the supplied values
Find the maximum of a series of numbers
Math.min(args, ...)
args, ...
- Floating point values to clip
The minimum of the supplied values
Find the minimum of a series of numbers
The value of PI - 3.141592653589793
Math.pow(x, y)
- The value to raise to the power
- The power x should be raised to
x raised to the power y (x^y)
A random number between 0 and 1
- The value to round
x, rounded to the nearest integer
- The value to get the sign from
sign on x - -1, 1, or 0
- The angle to get the sine of
The sine of theta
- The value to take the square root of
The square root of x
The square root of 1/2 - 0.7071067811865476
The square root of 2 - 1.4142135623730951
- The angle to get the tangent of
The tangent of theta
Math.wrap(x, max)
- A floating point value to wrap
- The largest the value should be
The value of x, wrapped so as not to be below min or above max.
DEPRECATED - This is not part of standard JavaScript libraries
Wrap a number around if it is less than 0 or greater than or equal to max. For
instance you might do: Math.wrap(angleInDegrees, 360)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Built-in class that caches the modules used by the require
Modules.addCached(id, sourcecode)
- The module name to add
- The module's sourcecode
Add the given module to the cache
An array of module names
Return an array of module names that have been cached
Remove all cached modules
- The module name to remove
Remove the given module from the list of cached modules
This library allows you to write to Neopixel/WS281x/APA10x/SK6812 LED strips
These use a high speed single-wire protocol which needs platform-specific implementation on some devices - hence this library to simplify things.
require("neopixel").write(pin, data)
- The Pin the LEDs are connected to
- The data to write to the LED strip (must be a multiple of 3 bytes long)
Write to a strip of NeoPixel/WS281x/APA104/APA106/SK6812-style LEDs attached to the given pin.
// set just one pixel, red, green, blue
require("neopixel").write(B15, [255,0,0]);
// Produce an animated rainbow over 25 LEDs
var rgb = new Uint8ClampedArray(25*3);
var pos = 0;
function getPattern() {
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;) {
rgb[i++] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1324)) * 127;
rgb[i++] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1654)) * 127;
rgb[i++] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1)) * 127;
return rgb;
setInterval(function() {
require("neopixel").write(B15, getPattern());
}, 100);
Different types of LED have the data in different orders - so don't be surprised by RGB or BGR orderings!
Some LED strips (SK6812) actually take 4 bytes per LED (red, green, blue and white). These are still supported but the array of data supplied must still be a multiple of 3 bytes long. Just round the size up - it won't cause any problems.
On some platforms like STM32, pins capable of hardware SPI MOSI are required.
On STM32, neopixel.write
chooses a hardware SPI device to output the signal on
and uses that. However in order to avoid spikes in the output, if that hardware device is already
initialised it will not be re-initialised. This means that if the SPI device was already in use,
you may have to use SPIx.setup({baud:3200000, mosi:the_pin})
to force it to be re-setup on the pin.
Espruino devices tend to have 3.3v IO, while WS2812/etc run off of 5v. Many
WS2812 will only register a logic '1' at 70% of their input voltage - so if
powering them off 5v you will not be able to send them data reliably. You can
work around this by powering the LEDs off a lower voltage (for example 3.7v from
a LiPo battery), can put the output into the af_opendrain
state and use a
pullup resistor to 5v on STM32 based boards (nRF52 are not 5v tolerant so you
can't do this), or can use a level shifter to shift the voltage up into the 5v
This library allows you to create TCPIP servers and clients
In order to use this, you will need an extra module to get network connectivity.
This is designed to be a cut-down version of the node.js library. Please see the Internet page for more information on how to use it.
require("net").connect(options, callback)
- An object containing host,port fields
- A function(sckt)
that will be called with the socket when a connection is made. You can then call sckt.write(...)
to send data, and sckt.on('data', function(data) { ... })
and sckt.on('close', function() { ... })
to deal with the response.
Returns a new net.Socket object
Create a TCP socket connection
- A function(connection)
that will be called when a connection is made
Returns a new Server Object
Create a Server
When a request to the server is made, the callback is called. In the callback
you can use the methods on the connection to send data. You can also add
connection.on('data',function() { ... })
to listen for received data
Library that initialises a network device that calls into JavaScript
- An object containing functions to access the network device
The object passed in
Initialise the network using the callbacks given and return the first argument. For instance:
create : function(host, port, socketType, options) {
// Create a socket and return its index, host is a string, port is an integer.
// If host isn't defined, create a server socket
return 1;
close : function(sckt) {
// Close the socket. returns nothing
accept : function(sckt) {
// Accept the connection on the server socket. Returns socket number or -1 if no connection
return -1;
recv : function(sckt, maxLen, socketType) {
// Receive data. Returns a string (even if empty).
// If non-string returned, socket is then closed
return null;//or "";
send : function(sckt, data, socketType) {
// Send data (as string). Returns the number of bytes sent - 0 is ok.
// Less than 0
return data.length;
is an integer - 2 for UDP, or see SocketType in for more
The NRF class is for controlling functionality of the Nordic nRF51/nRF52 chips.
Most functionality is related to Bluetooth Low Energy, however there are also some functions related to NFC that apply to NRF52-based devices.
NRF.on('advertising', function(isAdvertising) { ... });
- Whether we are advertising or not
Called when Bluetooth advertising starts or stops on Espruino
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- For example, 'play', 'pause', 'volup' or 'voldown'
Send an AMS command to an Apple Media Service device to control music playback
Command is one of play, pause, playpause, next, prev, volup, voldown, repeat, shuffle, skipforward, skipback, like, dislike, bookmark
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- Either 'name', 'playbackinfo' or 'volume'
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete
Get Apple Media Service (AMS) info for the current media player. "playbackinfo" returns a concatenation of three comma-separated values:
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- Either 'artist', 'album', 'title' or 'duration'
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete
Get Apple Media Service (AMS) info for the currently-playing track
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
True if Apple Media Service (AMS) has been initialised and is active
Check if Apple Media Service (AMS) is currently active on the BLE connection
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.ancsAction(uid, positive)
- The UID of the notification to respond to
- true
for positive action, false
for negative
Send an ANCS action for a specific Notification UID. Corresponds to posaction/negaction in the 'ANCS' event that was received
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- The app ID to get information for
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete
Get ANCS info for an app (app id is available via NRF.ancsGetNotificationInfo
Promise returns:
"uid" : int,
"appId" : string,
"title" : string,
"subtitle" : string,
"message" : string,
"messageSize" : string,
"date" : string,
"posAction" : string,
"negAction" : string,
"name" : string,
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- The UID of the notification to get information for
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete
Get ANCS info for a notification event received via E.ANCS
, e.g.:
E.on('ANCS', event => {
NRF.ancsGetNotificationInfo( event.uid ).then(a=>print("Notify",E.toJS(a)));
"uid" : integer,
"appId": string,
"title": string,
"subtitle": string,
"message": string,
"messageSize": string,
"date": string,
"posAction": string,
"negAction": string
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
True if Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) has been initialised and is active
Check if Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) is currently active on the BLE connection
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('bond', function(status) { ... });
- One of 'request'/'start'/'success'/'fail'
Called during the bonding process to update on status
is one of:
- Bonding has been requested in code via NRF.startBonding
- The bonding procedure has started"success"
- The bonding procedure has succeeded (NRF.startBonding
's promise resolves)"fail"
- The bonding procedure has failed (NRF.startBonding
's promise rejects)Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('characteristicsDiscover', function() { ... });
Called with discovered characteristics when discovery is finished
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
NRF.on('connect', function(addr) { ... });
- The address of the device that has connected
Called when a host device connects to Espruino. The first argument contains the address.
NRF.connect(mac, options)
- The MAC address to connect to
- (Espruino-specific) An object of connection options (see BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connect
for full details)
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete
Connect to a BLE device by MAC address. Returns a promise, the argument of which
is the BluetoothRemoteGATTServer
NRF.connect("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee").then(function(server) {
// ...
This has the same effect as calling BluetoothDevice.gatt.connect
on a
requested using NRF.requestDevice
. It just allows you to
specify the address directly (without having to scan).
You can use it as follows - this would connect to another Puck device and turn its LED on:
var gatt;
NRF.connect("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee random").then(function(g) {
gatt = g;
return gatt.getPrimaryService("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e");
}).then(function(service) {
return service.getCharacteristic("6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e");
}).then(function(characteristic) {
return characteristic.writeValue("LED1.set()\n");
}).then(function() {
Note: Espruino Bluetooth devices use a type of BLE address known as 'random static', which is different to a 'public' address. To connect to an Espruino device you'll need to use an address string of the form
rather than just "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee"
. If you scan for devices with
then addresses are already reported in the
correct format.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when time is received
Read the time from CTS - creates an NRF.on('CTS', ...)
event as well
NRF.ctsGetTime(); // also returns a promise
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
True if Apple Current Time Service (CTS) has been initialised and is active
Check if Apple Current Time Service (CTS) is currently active on the BLE connection
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('disconnect', function(reason) { ... });
- The reason code reported back by the BLE stack - see Nordic's ble_hci.h
file for more information
Called when a host device disconnects from Espruino.
The most common reason is:
If a device is connected to Espruino, disconnect from it.
- [optional] A function to be called while the softdevice is uninitialised. Use with caution - accessing console/bluetooth will almost certainly result in a crash.
Delete all data stored for all peers (bonding data used for secure connections). This cannot be done
while a connection is active, so if there is a connection it will be postponed until everything is disconnected
(which can be done by calling NRF.disconnect()
and waiting).
Booting your device while holding all buttons down together should also have the same effect.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('error', function(msg) { ... });
- The error string
Called when the Nordic Bluetooth stack (softdevice) generates an error. In pretty much all cases an Exception will also have been thrown.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.filterDevices(devices, filters)
- An array of BluetoothDevice
objects, from NRF.findDevices
or similar
- A list of filters (as would be passed to NRF.requestDevice
) to filter devices by
An array of BluetoothDevice
objects that match the given filters
This function can be used to quickly filter through Bluetooth devices.
For instance if you wish to scan for multiple different types of device at the
same time then you could use NRF.findDevices
with all the filters you're
interested in. When scanning is finished you can then use NRF.filterDevices
pick out just the devices of interest.
// the two types of device we're interested in
var filter1 = [{serviceData:{"fe95":{}}}];
var filter2 = [{namePrefix:"Pixl.js"}];
// the following filter will return both types of device
var allFilters = filter1.concat(filter2);
// now scan for both types of device, and filter them out afterwards
NRF.findDevices(function(devices) {
var devices1 = NRF.filterDevices(devices, filter1);
var devices2 = NRF.filterDevices(devices, filter2);
// ...
}, {filters : allFilters});
NRF.findDevices(callback, options)
- The callback to call with received advertising packets (as BluetoothDevice
), or undefined to stop
- [optional] A time in milliseconds to scan for (defaults to 2000), Or an optional object {filters: ..., timeout : ..., active: bool}
(as would be passed to NRF.requestDevice
) to filter devices by
Utility function to return a list of BLE devices detected in range. Behind the
scenes, this uses NRF.setScan(...)
and collates the results.
NRF.findDevices(function(devices) {
}, 1000);
prints something like:
BluetoothDevice {
"id" : "e7:e0:57:ad:36:a2 random",
"rssi": -45,
"services": [ "4567" ],
"serviceData" : { "0123" : [ 1 ] },
"manufacturer" : 1424,
"manufacturerData" : new Uint8Array([ ... ]).buffer,
"data": new ArrayBuffer([ ... ]).buffer,
"name": "Puck.js 36a2"
BluetoothDevice {
"id": "c0:52:3f:50:42:c9 random",
"rssi": -65,
"data": new ArrayBuffer([ ... ]),
"name": "Puck.js 8f57"
For more information on the structure returned, see NRF.setScan
If you want to scan only for specific devices you can replace the timeout with
an object of the form {filters: ..., timeout : ..., active: bool}
using the
filters described in NRF.requestDevice
. For example to search for devices with
Espruino's manufacturerData
NRF.findDevices(function(devices) {
}, {timeout : 2000, filters : [{ manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}} }] });
You could then use
on the device returned to make a connection.
You can also use NRF.connect(...)
on just the id
string returned, which may be useful if you always want to connect to a specific
Note: Using findDevices turns the radio's receive mode on for 2000ms (or however long you specify). This can draw a lot of power (12mA or so), so you should use it sparingly or you can run your battery down quickly.
Note: The 'data' field contains the data of the last packet received.
There may have been more packets. To get data for each packet individually use
- If true, return the current address rather than the default
MAC address - a string of the form 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff'
Get this device's default or current Bluetooth MAC address.
For Puck.js, the last 5 characters of this (e.g. ee:ff
) are used in the
device's advertised Bluetooth name.
NRF.getAdvertisingData(data, options)
- The data to advertise as an object
- [optional] An object of options
An array containing the advertising data
This is just like NRF.setAdvertising
, except instead of advertising the data,
it returns the packet that would be advertised as an array.
Battery level in volts
Get the battery level in volts (the voltage that the NRF chip is running off of).
This is the battery level of the device itself - it has nothing to with any device that might be connected.
An object
Return an object with information about the security state of the current peripheral connection:
connected // The connection is active (not disconnected).
encrypted // Communication on this link is encrypted.
mitm_protected // The encrypted communication is also protected against man-in-the-middle attacks.
bonded // The peer is bonded with us
advertising // Are we currently advertising?
connected_addr // If connected=true, the MAC address of the currently connected device
privacy // Current BLE privacy / random address settings.
// Only present if Espruino was compiled with private address support (like for example on Bangle.js 2).
If there is no active connection, {connected:false}
will be returned.
See NRF.setSecurity
for information about negotiating a secure connection.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('HID', function() { ... });
Called with a single byte value when Espruino is set up as a HID device and the computer it is connected to sends a HID report back to Espruino. This is usually used for handling indications such as the Caps Lock LED.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- The unique identifier of the given Android App
Enables NFC with a record that will launch the given android app.
For example:
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('NFCoff', function() { ... });
Called when an NFC field is no longer detected
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('NFCon', function() { ... });
Called when an NFC field is detected
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
- 16 byte out of band key
Enables NFC and with an out of band 16 byte pairing key.
For example the following will enable out of band pairing on BLE such that the device will pair when you tap the phone against it:
var bleKey = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF, 0x99, 0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x00];
NRF.setSecurity({oob:bleKey, mitm:true});
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
- The NFC NDEF message to deliver to the reader
Enables NFC and starts advertising with Raw data. For example:
NRF.nfcRaw(new Uint8Array([193, 1, 0, 0, 0, 13, 85, 3, 101, 115, 112, 114, 117, 105, 110, 111, 46, 99, 111, 109]));
// same as NRF.nfcURL("");
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('NFCrx', function(arr) { ... });
- An ArrayBuffer containign the received data
When NFC is started with NRF.nfcStart
, this is fired when NFC data is
received. It doesn't get called if NFC is started with NRF.nfcURL
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
- Optional tx data
Advanced NFC Functionality. If you just want to advertise a URL, use
Acknowledges the last frame and optionally transmits a response. If payload is
an array, then a array.length byte nfc frame is sent. If payload is a int, then
a 4bit ACK/NACK is sent. Note: nfcSend
should always be called after
an NFCrx
NRF.nfcSend(new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, ...]));
// or
// or
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
- Optional 7 byte UID
Internal tag memory (first 10 bytes of tag data)
Advanced NFC Functionality. If you just want to advertise a URL, use
Enables NFC and starts advertising. NFCrx
events will be fired when data is
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
Advanced NFC Functionality. If you just want to advertise a URL, use
Disables NFC.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
- The URL string to expose on NFC, or undefined
to disable NFC
Enables NFC and starts advertising the given URL. For example:
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) with NFC (Puck.js, Pixl.js, MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('passkey', function(passkey) { ... });
- A 6 character numeric String to be displayed
(Added in 2v19) Called when a central device connects to Espruino, pairs, and sends a passkey that Espruino should display.
For this to be used, you'll have to specify that your device has a display using NRF.setSecurity({mitm:1, display:1});
For instance:
NRF.setSecurity({mitm:1, display:1});
NRF.on("passkey", key => print("Enter PIN: ",passkey));
It is also possible to specify a static passkey with NRF.setSecurity({passkey:"123456", mitm:1, display:1});
in which case no passkey
event handler is needed (this method works on Espruino 2v02 and later)
Note: A similar event, BluetoothDevice.on("passkey", ...)
is available
for when Espruino is connecting to another device (central mode).
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- Options used to filter the device to use
A Promise
that is resolved (or rejected) when the connection is complete
Search for available devices matching the given filters. Since we have no UI
here, Espruino will pick the FIRST device it finds, or it'll call catch
can have the following fields:
- a list of filters that a device must match before it is returned
(see below)timeout
- the maximum time to scan for in milliseconds (scanning stops when
a match is found. e.g. NRF.requestDevice({ timeout:2000, filters: [ ... ] })
- whether to perform active scanning (requesting 'scan response'
packets from any devices that are found). e.g. NRF.requestDevice({ active:true,
filters: [ ... ] })
- (NRF52833/NRF52840 only) the type of Bluetooth signals to scan for (can
be "1mbps/coded/both/2mbps"
(default) - standard Bluetooth LE advertisingcoded
- long rangeboth
- standard and long range2mbps
- high speed 2mbps (not working)extended
- (NRF52833/NRF52840 only) support receiving extended-length advertising
packets (default=true if phy isn't "1mbps"
- (NRF52833/NRF52840 only) support receiving extended-length advertising
packets (default=true if phy isn't "1mbps"
- (2v22+) how long we scan for in milliseconds (default 100ms)interval
- (2v22+) how often we scan in milliseconds (default 100ms) - window=interval=100
(default) is all the time. When
scanning on both 1mbps
and coded
, interval
needs to be twice window
.NOTE: timeout
and active
are not part of the Web Bluetooth standard.
The following filter types are implemented:
- list of services as strings (all of which must match). 128 bit
services must be in the form '01230123-0123-0123-0123-012301230123'name
- exact device namenamePrefix
- starting characters of device nameid
- exact device address (id:"e9:53:86:09:89:99 random"
) (this is
Espruino-specific, and is not part of the Web Bluetooth spec)serviceData
- an object containing service characteristics which must all
match (serviceData:{"1809":{}}
). Matching of actual service data is not
supported yet.manufacturerData
- an object containing manufacturer UUIDs which must all
match (manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}}
). Matching of actual manufacturer data
is not supported yet.
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Puck.js' }] }).then(function(device) { ... });
// or
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ services: ['1823'] }] }).then(function(device) { ... });
// or
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}} }] }).then(function(device) { ... });
As a full example, to send data to another Puck.js to turn an LED on:
var gatt;
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Puck.js' }] }).then(function(device) {
return device.gatt.connect();
}).then(function(g) {
gatt = g;
return gatt.getPrimaryService("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e");
}).then(function(service) {
return service.getCharacteristic("6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e");
}).then(function(characteristic) {
return characteristic.writeValue("LED1.set()\n");
}).then(function() {
Or slightly more concisely, using ES6 arrow functions:
var gatt;
NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Puck.js' }]}).then(
device => device.gatt.connect()).then(
g => (gatt=g).getPrimaryService("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e")).then(
service => service.getCharacteristic("6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e")).then(
characteristic => characteristic.writeValue("LED1.reset()\n")).then(
() => { gatt.disconnect(); console.log("Done!"); } );
Note that you have to keep track of the gatt
variable so that you can
disconnect the Bluetooth connection when you're done.
Note: Using a filter in NRF.requestDevice
filters each advertising packet
individually. As soon as a matching advertisement is received,
resolves the promise and stops scanning. This means that if
you filter based on a service UUID and a device advertises with multiple packets
(or a scan response when active:true
) only the packet matching the filter is
returned - you may not get the device's name is that was in a separate packet.
To aggregate multiple packets you can use NRF.findDevices
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
- The address that should be resolved.
The resolved address, or undefined
if it couldn't be resolved.
Try to resolve a bonded peer's address from a random private resolvable address. If the peer
is not bonded, there will be no IRK and undefined
will be returned.
A bunch of devices, especially smartphones, implement address randomisation and periodically change their bluetooth address to prevent being tracked.
If such a device uses a "random private resolvable address", that address is generated with the help of an identity resolving key (IRK) that is exchanged during bonding.
If we know the IRK of a device, we can check if an address was potentially generated by that device.
The following will check an address against the IRKs of all bonded devices, and return the actual address of a bonded device if the given address was likely generated using that device's IRK:
NRF.on('connect',addr=> {
// addr could be "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff private-resolvable"
if (addr.endsWith("private-resolvable")) {
let resolved = NRF.resolveAddress(addr);
// resolved is "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff public"
if (resolved) addr = resolved;
console.log("Device connected: ", addr);
You can get the current connection's address using NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected_addr
so can for instance do NRF.resolveAddress(NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected_addr)
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- [optional] A function to be called while the softdevice is uninitialised. Use with caution - accessing console/bluetooth will almost certainly result in a crash.
Restart the Bluetooth softdevice (if there is currently a BLE connection, it will queue a restart to be done when the connection closes).
You shouldn't need to call this function in normal usage. However, Nordic's BLE softdevice has some settings that cannot be reset. For example there are only a certain number of unique UUIDs. Once these are all used the only option is to restart the softdevice to clear them all out.
NRF.on('security', function(status) { ... });
- An object containing `{authstatus,bonded,lv4,kdistown,kdist_peer}
Contains updates on the security of the current Bluetooth link.
See Nordic's ble_gap_evt_auth_status_t
structure for more information.
NRF.sendHIDReport(data, callback)
- Input report data as an array
- A callback function to be called when the data is sent
Send a USB HID report. HID must first be enabled with
NRF.setServices({}, {hid:
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.on('servicesDiscover', function() { ... });
Called with discovered services when discovery is finished
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q) and ESP32 boards
- The address to use (as a string)
Set this device's default Bluetooth MAC address:
NRF.setAddress("ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa random");
Addresses take the form:
or "ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa public"
for a public address"ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa random"
for a random static address (the default for
Espruino)This may throw a INVALID_BLE_ADDR
error if the upper two bits of the address
don't match the address type.
To change the address, Espruino must restart the softdevice. It will only do so when it is disconnected from other devices.
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.setAdvertising(data, options)
- The service data to advertise as an object - see below for more info
- [optional] Object of options
Change the data that Espruino advertises.
Data can be of the form { UUID : data_as_byte_array }
. The UUID should be a
Bluetooth Service
For example to return battery level at 95%, do:
0x180F : [95] // Service data 0x180F = 95
Or you could report the current temperature:
setInterval(function() {
0x1809 : [Math.round(E.getTemperature())]
}, 30000);
If you specify a value for the object key, Service Data is advertised. However
if you specify undefined
, the Service UUID is advertised:
0x180D : undefined // Advertise service UUID 0x180D (HRM)
Service UUIDs can also be supplied in the second argument of NRF.setServices
but those go in the scan response packet.
You can also supply the raw advertising data in an array. For example to advertise as an Eddystone beacon:
NRF.setAdvertising([0x03, // Length of Service List
0x03, // Param: Service List
0xAA, 0xFE, // Eddystone ID
0x13, // Length of Service Data
0x16, // Service Data
0xAA, 0xFE, // Eddystone ID
0x10, // Frame type: URL
0xF8, // Power
0x03, // https://
(However for Eddystone we'd advise that you use the Espruino Eddystone library)
Note: When specifying data as an array, certain advertising options such as
and showName
won't have any effect.
Note: The size of Bluetooth LE advertising packets is limited to 31 bytes.
If you want to advertise more data, consider using an array for data
below), or NRF.setScanResponse
You can even specify an array of arrays or objects, in which case each advertising packet will be used in turn - for instance to make your device advertise battery level and its name as well as both Eddystone and iBeacon :
{0x180F : [E.getBattery()]}, // normal advertising, with battery %
require("ble_ibeacon").get(...), // iBeacon
require("ble_eddystone").get(...), // eddystone
], {interval:300});
is an object, which can contain:
name: "Hello" // The name of the device
showName: true/false // include full name, or nothing
discoverable: true/false // general discoverable, or limited - default is limited
connectable: true/false // whether device is connectable - default is true
scannable : true/false // whether device can be scanned for scan response packets - default is true
whenConnected : true/false // keep advertising when connected (nRF52 only)
// switches to advertising as non-connectable when it is connected
interval: 600 // Advertising interval in msec, between 20 and 10000 (default is 375ms)
manufacturer: 0x0590 // IF sending manufacturer data, this is the manufacturer ID
manufacturerData: [...] // IF sending manufacturer data, this is an array of data
phy: "1mbps/2mbps/coded" // (NRF52833/NRF52840 only) use the long-range coded phy for transmission (1mbps default)
Setting connectable
and scannable
to false gives the lowest power
consumption as the BLE radio doesn't have to listen after sending advertising.
NOTE: Non-connectable
advertising can't have an advertising interval less
than 100ms according to the BLE spec.
So for instance to set the name of Puck.js without advertising any other data you can just use the command:
You can also specify 'manufacturer data', which is another form of advertising data. We've registered the Manufacturer ID 0x0590 (as Pur3 Ltd) for use with Official Espruino devices - use it to advertise whatever data you'd like, but we'd recommend using JSON.
For example by not advertising a device name you can send up to 24 bytes of JSON on Espruino's manufacturer ID:
var data = {a:1,b:2};
If you're using EspruinoHub then it will automatically decode this into the following MQTT topics:
-> {"a":10,"b":15}
-> 1
-> 2
Note that you only have 24 characters available for JSON, so try to use the shortest field names possible and avoid floating point values that can be very long when converted to a String.
- The connection interval to use (see below)
When connected, Bluetooth LE devices communicate at a set interval. Lowering the interval (e.g. more packets/second) means a lower delay when sending data, higher bandwidth, but also more power consumption.
By default, when connected as a peripheral Espruino automatically adjusts the connection interval. When connected it's as fast as possible (7.5ms) but when idle for over a minute it drops to 200ms. On continued activity (>1 BLE operation) the interval is raised to 7.5ms again.
The options for interval
/ "auto"
: (default) automatically adjust connection interval100
: set min and max connection interval to the same number (between 7.5ms
and 4000ms){minInterval:20, maxInterval:100}
: set min and max connection interval as a
rangeThis configuration is not remembered during a save()
- you will have to re-set
it via onInit
Note: If connecting to another device (as Central), you can use an extra
argument to NRF.connect
or BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connect
to specify a
connection interval.
Note: This overwrites any changes imposed by the deprecated
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
- Whether the connection is low power or not
THIS IS DEPRECATED - please use NRF.setConnectionInterval
for peripheral
and NRF.connect(addr, options)
for central connections.
This sets the connection parameters - these affect the transfer speed and power usage when the device is connected.
When low power connection is enabled, transfers of data over Bluetooth will be very slow, however power usage while connected will be drastically decreased.
This will only take effect after the connection is disconnected and re-established.
- The callback to call with the RSSI value, or undefined to stop
Start/stop listening for RSSI values on the currently active connection (where This device is a peripheral and is being connected to by a 'central' device)
// Start scanning
NRF.setRSSIHandler(function(rssi) {
console.log(rssi); // prints -85 (or similar)
// Stop Scanning
RSSI is the 'Received Signal Strength Indication' in dBm
NRF.setScan(callback, options)
- The callback to call with received advertising packets, or undefined to stop
- [optional] An object {filters: ...}
(as would be passed to NRF.requestDevice
) to filter devices by
Start/stop listening for BLE advertising packets within range. Returns a
for each advertising packet. By default this is not an active
scan, so Scan Response advertising data is not included (see below)
// Start scanning
NRF.setScan(function(d) {
if (packets<=0)
NRF.setScan(); // stop scanning
console.log(d); // print packet info
Each BluetoothDevice
will look a bit like:
BluetoothDevice {
"id": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", // address
"rssi": -89, // signal strength
"services": [ "128bit-uuid", ... ], // zero or more service UUIDs
"data": new Uint8Array([ ... ]).buffer, // ArrayBuffer of returned data
"serviceData" : { "0123" : [ 1 ] }, // if service data is in 'data', it's extracted here
"manufacturer" : 0x1234, // if manufacturer data is in 'data', the 16 bit manufacturer ID is extracted here
"manufacturerData" : new Uint8Array([...]).buffer, // if manufacturer data is in 'data', the data is extracted here as an ArrayBuffer
"name": "DeviceName" // the advertised device name
You can also supply a set of filters (as described in NRF.requestDevice
) as a
second argument, which will allow you to filter the devices you get a callback
for. This helps to cut down on the time spent processing JavaScript code in
areas with a lot of Bluetooth advertisements. For example to find only devices
with the manufacturer data 0x0590
(Espruino's ID) you could do:
NRF.setScan(function(d) {
}, { filters: [{ manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}} }] });
You can also specify active:true
in the second argument to perform active
scanning (this requests scan response packets) from any devices it finds.
Note: Using a filter in setScan
filters each advertising packet
individually. As a result, if you filter based on a service UUID and a device
advertises with multiple packets (or a scan response when active:true
) only
the packets matching the filter are returned. To aggregate multiple packets you
can use NRF.findDevices
Note: BLE advertising packets can arrive quickly - faster than you'll be
able to print them to the console. It's best only to print a few, or to use a
function like NRF.findDevices(..)
which will collate a list of available
Note: Using setScan turns the radio's receive mode on constantly. This can draw a lot of power (12mA or so), so you should use it sparingly or you can run your battery down quickly.
- The data to for the scan response
The raw scan response data should be supplied as an array. For example to return "Sample" for the device name:
NRF.setScanResponse([0x07, // Length of Data
0x09, // Param: Complete Local Name
'S', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e']);
Note: NRF.setServices(..., {advertise:[ ... ]})
writes advertised services
into the scan response - so you can't use both advertise
and NRF.setServices
or one will overwrite the other.
- An object containing security-related options (see below)
Sets the security options used when connecting/pairing. This applies to both central and peripheral mode.
display : bool // default false, can this device display a passkey on a screen/etc?
// - sent via the `BluetoothDevice.passkey` event
keyboard : bool // default false, can this device enter a passkey
// - request sent via the `BluetoothDevice.passkeyRequest` event
pair : bool // default true, allow other devices to pair with this device
bond : bool // default true, Perform bonding
// This stores info from pairing in flash and allows reconnecting without having to pair each time
mitm : bool // default false, Man In The Middle protection
lesc : bool // default false, LE Secure Connections
passkey : // default "", or a 6 digit passkey to use (display must be true for this)
oob : [0..15] // if specified, Out Of Band pairing is enabled and
// the 16 byte pairing code supplied here is used
encryptUart : bool // default false (unless oob or passkey specified)
// This sets the BLE UART service such that it
// is encrypted and can only be used from a paired connection
privacy : // default false, true to enable with (ideally sensible) defaults,
// or an object defining BLE privacy / random address options - see below for more info
// only available if Espruino was compiled with private address support (like for example on Bangle.js 2)
NOTE: Some combinations of arguments will cause an error. For example
supplying a passkey without display:1
is not allowed. If display:1
is set
you do not require a physical display, the user just needs to know the passkey
you supplied.
For instance, to require pairing and to specify a passkey, use:
NRF.setSecurity({passkey:"123456", mitm:1, display:1});
Or to require pairing and to display a PIN that the connecting device provides, use:
NRF.setSecurity({mitm:1, display:1});
NRF.on("passkey", key => print("Enter PIN: ", key));
However, while most devices will request a passkey for pairing at this point it is still possible for a device to connect without requiring one (e.g. using the 'NRF Connect' app).
To force a passkey you need to protect each characteristic you define with
. For instance the following code will require that the
passkey 123456
is entered before the characteristic
can be read.
NRF.setSecurity({passkey:"123456", mitm:1, display:1});
"9d020001-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12" : {
"9d020002-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12" : {
// readable always
value : "Not Secret"
"9d020003-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12" : {
// readable only once bonded
value : "Secret",
readable : true,
security: {
read: {
mitm: true,
encrypted: true
"9d020004-bf5f-1d1a-b52a-fe52091d5b12" : {
// readable always
// writable only once bonded
value : "Readable",
readable : true,
writable : true,
onWrite : function(evt) {
console.log("Wrote ",;
security: {
write: {
mitm: true,
encrypted: true
Note: If passkey
or oob
is specified, the Nordic UART service (if
enabled) will automatically be set to require encryption, but otherwise it is
On Bangle.js 2, the privacy
parameter can be used to set this device's BLE privacy / random address settings.
The privacy feature provides a way to avoid being tracked over a period of time. This works by replacing the real BLE address with a random private address, that automatically changes at a specified interval.
If a "random_private_resolvable"
address is used, that address is generated with the help
of an identity resolving key (IRK), that is exchanged during bonding.
This allows a bonded device to still identify another device that is using a random private resolvable address.
Note that, while this can help against being tracked, there are other ways a Bluetooth device can reveal its identity. For example, the name or services it advertises may be unique enough.
privacy: {
mode : "off"/"device_privacy"/"network_privacy" // The privacy mode that should be used.
addr_type : "random_private_resolvable"/"random_private_non_resolvable" // The type of address to use.
addr_cycle_s : int // How often the address should change, in seconds.
// enabled with (ideally sensible) defaults of:
// mode: device_privacy
// addr_type: random_private_resolvable
// addr_cycle_s: 0 (use default address change interval)
privacy: 1
can be one of:
- Use the real address."device_privacy"
- Use a private address."network_privacy"
- Use a private address,
and reject a peer that uses its real address if we know that peer's IRK.If mode
is "off"
, all other fields are ignored and become optional.
can be one of:
- Address that can be resolved by a bonded peer that knows our IRK."random_private_non_resolvable"
- Address that cannot be resolved.addr_cycle_s
must be an integer. Pass 0
to use the default address change interval.
The default is usually to change the address every 15 minutes (or 900 seconds).
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
NRF.setServices(data, options)
- The service (and characteristics) to advertise
- [optional] Object containing options
Change the services and characteristics Espruino advertises.
If you want to change the value of a characteristic, you need to use
To expose some information on Characteristic ABCD
on service BCDE
you could
0xBCDE : {
0xABCD : {
value : "Hello",
readable : true
Or to allow the 3 LEDs to be controlled by writing numbers 0 to 7 to a
characteristic, you can do the following.
is an ArrayBuffer.
0xBCDE : {
0xABCD : {
writable : true,
onWrite : function(evt) {
You can supply many different options:
0xBCDE : {
0xABCD : {
value : "Hello", // optional
maxLen : 5, // optional (otherwise is length of initial value)
broadcast : false, // optional, default is false
readable : true, // optional, default is false
writable : true, // optional, default is false
notify : true, // optional, default is false
indicate : true, // optional, default is false
description: "My Characteristic", // optional, default is null,
security: { // optional - see NRF.setSecurity
read: { // optional
encrypted: false, // optional, default is false
mitm: false, // optional, default is false
lesc: false, // optional, default is false
signed: false // optional, default is false
write: { // optional
encrypted: true, // optional, default is false
mitm: false, // optional, default is false
lesc: false, // optional, default is false
signed: false // optional, default is false
onWrite : function(evt) { // optional
console.log("Got ",; // an ArrayBuffer
onWriteDesc : function(evt) { // optional - called when the 'cccd' descriptor is written
// for example this is called when notifications are requested by the client:
console.log("Notifications enabled = ",[0]&1);
// more characteristics allowed
// more services allowed
Note: UUIDs can be integers between 0
and 0xFFFF
, strings of the form
can be of the form:
NRF.setServices(undefined, {
hid : new Uint8Array(...), // optional, default is undefined. Enable BLE HID support
uart : true, // optional, default is true. Enable BLE UART support
advertise: [ '180D' ] // optional, list of service UUIDs to advertise
ancs : true, // optional, Bangle.js-only, enable Apple ANCS support for notifications (see `NRF.ancs*`)
ams : true // optional, Bangle.js-only, enable Apple AMS support for media control (see `NRF.ams*`)
cts : true // optional, Bangle.js-only, enable Apple Current Time Service support (see `NRF.ctsGetTime`)
To enable BLE HID, you must set hid
to an array which is the BLE report
descriptor. The easiest way to do this is to use the ble_hid_controls
Note: Just creating a service doesn't mean that the service will be
advertised. It will only be available after a device connects. To advertise,
specify the UUIDs you wish to advertise in the advertise
field of the second
argument. For example this will create and advertise a heart rate
0x180D: { // heart_rate
0x2A37: { // heart_rate_measurement
notify: true,
value : [0x06, heartrate],
}, { advertise: [ '180D' ] });
You may specify 128 bit UUIDs to advertise, however you may get a DATA_SIZE
exception because there is insufficient space in the Bluetooth LE advertising
packet for the 128 bit UART UUID as well as the UUID you specified. In this case
you can add uart:false
after the advertise
element to disable the UART,
however you then be unable to connect to Puck.js's console via Bluetooth.
If you absolutely require two or more 128 bit UUIDs then you will have to
specify your own raw advertising data packets with NRF.setAdvertising
Note:* The services on Espruino can only be modified when there is no device connected to it as it requires a restart of the Bluetooth stack. *iOS devices will 'cache' the list of services so apps like NRF Connect may incorrectly display the old services even after you have modified them. To fix this, disable and re-enable Bluetooth on your iOS device, or use an Android device to run NRF Connect.
Note: Not all combinations of security configuration values are valid, the
valid combinations are: encrypted, encrypted + mitm, lesc, signed, signed +
mitm. See NRF.setSecurity
for more information.
- Transmit power. Accepted values are -40(nRF52 only), -30(nRF51 only), -20, -16, -12, -8, -4, 0, and 4 dBm. On nRF52840 (eg Bangle.js 2) 5/6/7/8 dBm are available too. Others will give an error code.
Set the BLE radio transmit power. The default TX power is 0 dBm, and
- Are we using a whitelist? (default false)
If set to true, whenever a device bonds it will be added to the whitelist.
When set to false, the whitelist is cleared and newly bonded devices will not be added to the whitelist.
Note: This is remembered between reset()
s but isn't remembered after
power-on (you'll have to add it to onInit()
Note: This is only available in NRF52 devices (like Puck.js, Pixl.js, Jolt.js, Bangle.js and MDBT42Q)
Disable Bluetooth advertising and disconnect from any device that connected to Puck.js as a peripheral (this won't affect any devices that Puck.js initiated connections to).
This makes Puck.js undiscoverable, so it can't be connected to.
Use NRF.wake()
to wake up and make Puck.js connectable again.
- True if we should force repairing even if there is already valid pairing info
A promise
- The service (and characteristics) to update
Update values for the services and characteristics Espruino advertises. Only
services and characteristics previously declared using NRF.setServices
To update the '0xABCD' characteristic in the '0xBCDE' service:
0xBCDE : {
0xABCD : {
value : "World"
You can also use 128 bit UUIDs, for example
To define a service and characteristic and then notify connected clients of a change to it when a button is pressed:
0xBCDE : {
0xABCD : {
value : "Hello",
maxLen : 20,
notify: true
setWatch(function() {
0xBCDE : {
0xABCD : {
value : "World!",
notify: true
}, BTN, { repeat:true, edge:"rising", debounce: 50 });
This only works if the characteristic was created with notify: true
, otherwise the characteristic will be updated but no
notification will be sent.
Also note that maxLen
was specified. If it wasn't then the maximum length of
the characteristic would have been 5 - the length of "Hello"
To indicate (i.e. notify with ACK) connected clients of a change to the '0xABCD' characteristic in the '0xBCDE' service:
0xBCDE : {
0xABCD : {
value : "World",
indicate: true
This only works if the characteristic was created with indicate: true
, otherwise the characteristic will be updated but no
notification will be sent.
Note: See NRF.setServices
for more information
Enable Bluetooth advertising (this is enabled by default), which allows other devices to discover and connect to Puck.js.
Use NRF.sleep()
to disable advertising.
This is the built-in JavaScript class for numbers.
Maximum representable value
Smallest representable value
Not a Number
Negative Infinity (-1/0)
new Number(value, ...)
value, ...
- A single value to be converted to a number
A Number object
Creates a number
Positive Infinity (1/0)
function Number.toFixed(decimalPlaces)
- A number between 0 and 20 specifying the number of decimal digits after the decimal point
A string
Format the number as a fixed point number
This is the built-in class for Objects
function Object.addListener(event, listener)
- The name of the event, for instance 'data'
- The listener to call when this event is received
Register an event listener for this object, for instance Serial1.addListener('data', function(d) {...})
An alias for Object.on
Note: This is not available in Embeddable Espruino C builds
Object.assign(args, ...)
args, ...
- The target object, then any items objects to use as sources of keys
The target object
Appends all keys and values in any subsequent objects to the first object
Note: Unlike the standard ES6 Object.assign
, this will throw an exception
if given raw strings, bools or numbers rather than objects.
function Object.clone()
A copy of this Object
Copy this object to a new object, but as a shallow copy. This has a similar effect to calling Object.assign({}, obj)
orig = { a : 1, b : [ 2, 3 ] }
copy = orig.clone();
// copy = { a : 1, b : [ 2, 3 ] }
Note: This is not a standard JavaScript function, but is unique to Espruino
Object.create(proto, propertiesObject)
- A prototype object
- An object containing properties. NOT IMPLEMENTED
A new object
Creates a new object with the specified prototype object and properties. properties are currently unsupported.
Object.defineProperties(obj, props)
- An object
- An object whose fields represent property names, and whose values are property descriptors.
The object, obj.
Adds new properties to the Object. See Object.defineProperty
for more
Object.defineProperty(obj, name, desc)
- An object
- The name of the property
- The property descriptor
The object, obj.
Add a new property to the Object. 'Desc' is an object with the following fields:
(bool = false) - can this property be changed/deleted (not
(bool = false) - can this property be enumerated (not
(anything) - the value of this propertywritable
(bool = false) - can the value be changed with the assignment
(function) - the getter function, or undefined if no getter (only
supported on some platforms)set
(function) - the setter function, or undefined if no setter (only
supported on some platforms)Note: configurable
, enumerable
and writable
are not implemented and
will be ignored.
function Object.emit(event, args, ...)
- The name of the event, for instance 'data'
args, ...
- Optional arguments
Call any event listeners that were added to this object with Object.on
, for
instance obj.emit('data', 'Foo')
For more information see Object.on
Note: This is not available in Embeddable Espruino C builds
- The object to return values for
An array of [key,value]
pairs - one for each key on the given object
Return all enumerable keys and values of the given object
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- An array of [key,value]
pairs to be used to create an object
An object containing all the specified pairs
Transforms an array of key-value pairs into an object
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name)
- The object
- The name of the property
An object with a description of the property. The values of writable/enumerable/configurable may not be entirely correct due to Espruino's implementation.
Get information on the given property in the object, or undefined
- The object
An object containing all the property descriptors of an object
Get information on all properties in the object (from Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
), or just {}
if no properties
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The Object to return a list of property names for
An array of the Object's own properties
Returns an array of all properties (enumerable or not) found directly on a given object.
- An object
The prototype
Get the prototype of the given object - this is like writing object.__proto__
but is the 'proper' ES6 way of doing it
function Object.hasOwnProperty(name)
- The name of the property to search for
True if it exists, false if it doesn't
Return true if the object (not its prototype) has the given property.
NOTE: This currently returns false-positives for built-in functions in prototypes
- The object to return keys for
An array of strings - one for each key on the given object
Return all enumerable keys of the given object
property Object.length
The length of the object
Find the length of the object
new Object(value)
- A single value to be converted to an object
An Object
Creates an Object from the supplied argument
function Object.on(event, listener)
- The name of the event, for instance 'data'
- The listener to call when this event is received
Register an event listener for this object, for instance
function(d) {...})
This is the same as Node.js's EventEmitter but on Espruino the functionality is built into every object:
var o = {}; // o can be any object...
// call an arrow function when the 'answer' event is received
o.on('answer', x => console.log(x));
// call a named function when the 'answer' event is received
function printAnswer(d) {
console.log("The answer is", d);
o.on('answer', printAnswer);
// emit the 'answer' event - functions added with 'on' will be executed
o.emit('answer', 42);
// prints: 42
// prints: The answer is 42
// If you have a named function, it can be removed by name
o.removeListener('answer', printAnswer);
// Now 'printAnswer' is removed
o.emit('answer', 43);
// prints: 43
// Or you can remove all listeners for 'answer'
// Now nothing happens
o.emit('answer', 44);
// nothing printed
If you have more than one handler for an event, and you'd
like that handler to stop the event being passed to other handlers
then you can call E.stopEventPropagation()
in that handler.
Note: This is not available in Embeddable Espruino C builds
function Object.prependListener(event, listener)
- The name of the event, for instance 'data'
- The listener to call when this event is received
Register an event listener for this object, for instance Serial1.addListener('data', function(d) {...})
An alias for Object.on
Note: This is not available in Embeddable Espruino C builds
function Object.removeAllListeners(event)
- [optional] The name of the event, for instance 'data'
. If not specified all listeners are removed.
Removes all listeners (if event===undefined
), or those of the specified event.
Serial1.on("data", function(data) { ... });
// or
Serial1.removeAllListeners(); // removes all listeners for all event types
For more information see Object.on
function Object.removeListener(event, listener)
- The name of the event, for instance 'data'
- The listener to remove
Removes the specified event listener.
function foo(d) {
Serial1.on("data", foo);
Serial1.removeListener("data", foo);
For more information see Object.on
Object.setPrototypeOf(object, prototype)
- An object
- The prototype to set on the object
The object passed in
Set the prototype of the given object - this is like writing
object.__proto__ =
but is the 'proper' ES6 way of doing it
function Object.toString(radix)
- [optional] If the object is an integer, the radix (between 2 and 36) to use. NOTE: Setting a radix does not work on floating point numbers.
A String representing the object
Convert the Object to a string
function Object.valueOf()
The primitive value of this object
Returns the primitive value of this object.
- The object to return values for
An array of values - one for each key on the given object
Return all enumerable values of the given object
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This class provides a software-defined OneWire master. It is designed to be similar to Arduino's OneWire library.
Note: OneWire commands are very timing-sensitive, and on nRF52 devices
(Bluetooth LE Espruino boards) the bluetooth stack can get in the way. Before
version 2v18 of Espruino OneWire could be unreliable, but as of firmware 2v18
Espruino now schedules OneWire accesses with the bluetooth stack to ensure it doesn't interfere.
OneWire is now reliable but some functions such as
can now take
a while to execute (around 1 second).
new OneWire(pin)
- The pin to implement OneWire on
A OneWire object
Create a software OneWire implementation on the given pin
- [optional] The amount of bytes to read
The byte that was read, or a Uint8Array if count was specified and >=0
Read a byte
function OneWire.reset()
True is a device was present (it held the bus low)
Perform a reset cycle
- (Optional) command byte. If not specified (or zero), this defaults to 0xF0. This can could be set to 0xEC to perform a DS18B20 'Alarm Search Command'
An array of devices that were found
Search for devices
- The device to select (get this using
Select a ROM - always performs a reset first
function OneWire.skip()
Skip a ROM
function OneWire.write(data, power)
- A byte (or array of bytes) to write
- Whether to leave power on after write (default is false)
Write one or more bytes
This is the built-in class for Pins, such as D0,D1,LED1, or BTN
You can call the methods on Pin, or you can use Wiring-style functions such as digitalWrite
function Pin.analog()
The analog Value of the Pin between 0 and 1
(Added in 2v20) Get the analogue value of the given pin. See analogRead
for more information.
function Pin.getInfo()
An object containing information about this pins
Get information about this pin and its capabilities. Of the form:
"port" : "A", // the Pin's port on the chip
"num" : 12, // the Pin's number
"in_addr" : 0x..., // (if available) the address of the pin's input address in bit-banded memory (can be used with peek)
"out_addr" : 0x..., // (if available) the address of the pin's output address in bit-banded memory (can be used with poke)
"analog" : { ADCs : [1], channel : 12 }, // If analog input is available
"functions" : {
"TIM1":{type:"CH1, af:0},
"I2C3":{type:"SCL", af:1}
Will return undefined if pin is not valid.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Pin.getMode()
The pin mode, as a string
Return the current mode of the given pin. See pinMode
for more information.
function Pin.mode(mode)
- The mode - a string that is either 'analog', 'input', 'inputpullup', 'inputpulldown', 'output', 'opendrain', 'afoutput' or 'afopendrain'. Do not include this argument if you want to revert to automatic pin mode setting.
This is the built-in class for Pins, such as D0,D1,LED1, or BTN
You can call the methods on Pin, or you can use Wiring-style functions such as digitalWrite
new Pin(value)
- A value to be converted to a pin. Can be a number, pin, or String.
A Pin object
Creates a pin from the given argument (or returns undefined if no argument)
function Pin.pulse(value, time)
- Whether to pulse high (true) or low (false)
- A time in milliseconds, or an array of times (in which case a square wave will be output starting with a pulse of 'value')
(Added in 2v20) Pulse the pin with the value for the given time in milliseconds.
LED.pulse(1, 100); // pulse LED on for 100ms
LED.pulse(1, [100,1000,100]); // pulse LED on for 100ms, off for 1s, on for 100ms
This is identical to digitalPulse
function Pin.pwm(value, options)
- A value between 0 and 1
- An object containing options for analog output - see below
(Added in 2v20) Set the analog Value of a pin. It will be output using PWM.
See analogWrite
for more information.
Objects can contain:
- pulse frequency in Hz, e.g. analogWrite(A0,0.5,{ freq : 10 });
specifying a frequency will force PWM output, even if the pin has a DACsoft
- boolean, If true software PWM is used if hardware is not available.forceSoft
- boolean, If true software PWM is used even if hardware PWM or a
DAC is availablefunction
Whether pin is a logical 1 or 0
Returns the input state of the pin as a boolean.
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset the pin's state to "input"
function Pin.reset()
Sets the output state of the pin to a 0
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset the pin's state to "output"
function Pin.set()
Sets the output state of the pin to a 1
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset the pin's state to "output"
function Pin.toggle()
True if the pin is high after calling the function
Toggles the state of the pin from off to on, or from on to off.
Note: This method doesn't currently work on the ESP8266 port of Espruino.
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset the pin's state to "output"
function Pin.write(value)
- Whether to set output high (true/1) or low (false/0)
Sets the output state of the pin to the parameter given
Note: if you didn't call pinMode
beforehand then this function will also
reset the pin's state to "output"
function Pin.writeAtTime(value, time)
- Whether to set output high (true/1) or low (false/0)
- Time at which to write
Sets the output state of the pin to the parameter given at the specified time.
Note:* this *doesn't change the mode of the pin to an output. To do that,
you need to use pin.write(0)
or pinMode(pin, 'output')
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This class contains information about Espruino itself
An object
Returns an Object containing various pre-defined variables.
- is the Espruino versionGIT_COMMIT
- is Git commit hash this firmware was built fromBOARD
- the board's ID (e.g. PUCKJS
- total amount of on-chip RAM in bytesFLASH
- total amount of on-chip flash memory in bytesSPIFLASH
- (on Bangle.js) total amount of off-chip flash memory in bytesHWVERSION
- For Puck.js this is the board revision (1, 2, 2.1), or for
Bangle.js it's 1 or 2STORAGE
- memory in bytes dedicated to the Storage
- the serial number of this chipCONSOLE
- the name of the current console device being used (Serial1
, Bluetooth
- a list of built-in modules separated by commasEXPTR
- The address of the exportPtrs
structure in flash (this includes
links to built-in functions that compiled JS code needs)APP_RAM_BASE
- On nRF5x boards, this is the RAM required by the Softdevice
if it doesn't exactly match what was allocated. You can use this to update
in the
fileFor example, to get a list of built-in modules, you can use
Note: process.env
is not writeable - so as not to waste RAM, the contents
are generated on demand. If you need to be able to change them, use process.env=process.env;
first to ensure the values stay allocated.
- [optional] A boolean. If undefined
or true
Garbage collection is performed, if false
it is not
Information about memory usage
Run a Garbage Collection pass, and return an object containing information on memory usage.
: Memory that is available to be used (in blocks)usage
: Memory that has been used (in blocks)total
: Total memory (in blocks)history
: Memory used for command history - that is freed if memory is low.
Note that this is INCLUDED in the figure for 'free'gc
: Memory freed during the GC passgctime
: Time taken for GC pass (in milliseconds)blocksize
: Size of a block (variable) in bytesstackEndAddress
: (on ARM) the address (that can be used with peek/poke/etc)
of the END of the stack. The stack grows down, so unless you do a lot of
recursion the bytes above this can be used.stackFree
: (on ARM) how many bytes of free execution stack are there
at the point of execution.flash_start
: (on ARM) the address of the start of flash memory (usually
: (on ARM) the address in flash memory of the end of
Espruino's firmware.flash_code_start
: (on ARM) the address in flash memory of pages that store
any code that you save with save()
: (on ARM) the amount of flash memory this firmware was built
for (in bytes). Note: Some STM32 chips actually have more memory than is
advertised.Memory units are specified in 'blocks', which are around 16 bytes each
(depending on your device). The actual size is available in blocksize
. See for more information.
Note: To find free areas of flash memory, see require('Flash').getFree()
process.on('uncaughtException', function(exception) { ... });
- The uncaught exception
This event is called when an exception gets thrown and isn't caught (e.g. it gets all the way back to the event loop).
You can use this for logging potential problems that might occur during execution when you might not be able to see what is written to the console, for example:
var lastError;
process.on('uncaughtException', function(e) {
function checkError() {
if (!lastError) return print("No Error");
Note: When this is used, exceptions will cease to be reported on the console - which may make debugging difficult!
The version of Espruino
Returns the version of Espruino as a String
This is the built-in class for ES6 Promises
- An array of promises
A new Promise
Return a new promise that is resolved when all promises in the supplied array are resolved.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Promise.catch(onRejected)
- A callback that is called when this promise is rejected
The original Promise
new Promise(executor)
- A function of the form function (resolve, reject)
A Promise
Create a new Promise. The executor function is executed immediately (before the constructor even returns) and
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- Data to pass to the .catch
A new Promise
Return a new promise that is already rejected (at idle it'll call .catch
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- Data to pass to the .then
A new Promise
Return a new promise that is already resolved (at idle it'll call .then
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)
- A callback that is called when this promise is resolved
- [optional] A callback that is called when this promise is rejected (or nothing)
The original Promise
Class containing Puck.js's utility functions.
Puck.on('accel', function(e) { ... });
- an object of the form {acc:{x,y,z}, gyro:{x,y,z}}
Only on Puck.js v2.0
Called after Puck.accelOn()
every time accelerometer data is sampled. There is
one argument which is an object of the form {acc:{x,y,z}, gyro:{x,y,z}}
containing the data.
Puck.accelOn(12.5); // default 12.5Hz
Puck.on('accel', function(e) {
// "acc": { "x": -525, "y": -112, "z": 8160 },
// "gyro": { "x": 154, "y": -152, "z": -34 }
The data is as it comes off the accelerometer and is not scaled to 1g. For more
information see Puck.accel()
or the Puck.js page on the
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
An Object {acc:{x,y,z}, gyro:{x,y,z}}
of accelerometer/gyro readings
Turn on the accelerometer, take a single reading, and then turn it off again.
The values reported are the raw values from the chip. In normal configuration:
If taking more than one reading, we'd suggest you use Puck.accelOn()
and the
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Turn the accelerometer off after it has been turned on by Puck.accelOn()
Check out the Puck.js page on the accelerometer for more information.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
- The sample rate in Hz, or undefined
(default is 12.5 Hz)
Accepted values are:
Once Puck.accelOn()
is called, the Puck.accel
event will be called each time
data is received. Puck.accelOff()
can be called to turn the accelerometer off.
For instance to light the red LED whenever Puck.js is face up:
Puck.on('accel', function(a) {
digitalWrite(LED1, a.acc.z > 0);
Check out the Puck.js page on the accelerometer for more information.
Note: Puck.js cannot currently read every sample from the accelerometer at sample rates above 208Hz.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
See description above
Reads a register from the LSM6DS3TR-C Accelerometer. Can be used for configuring advanced functions.
Check out the Puck.js page on the accelerometer for more information and links to modules that use this function.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Puck.accelWr(reg, data)
Writes a register on the LSM6DS3TR-C Accelerometer. Can be used for configuring advanced functions.
Check out the Puck.js page on the accelerometer for more information and links to modules that use this function.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Puck.capSense(tx, rx)
Capacitive sense counter
Capacitive sense - the higher the capacitance, the higher the number returned.
If called without arguments, a value depending on the capacitance of what is attached to pin D11 will be returned. If you attach a length of wire to D11, you'll be able to see a higher value returned when your hand is near the wire than when it is away.
You can also supply pins to use yourself, however if you do this then the TX pin must be connected to RX pin and sense plate via a roughly 1MOhm resistor.
When not supplying pins, Puck.js uses an internal resistor between D12(tx) and D11(rx).
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
A percentage between 0 and 100
DEPRECATED - Please use E.getBattery()
Return an approximate battery percentage remaining based on a normal CR2032 battery (2.8 - 2.2v).
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Temperature in degrees C
On Puck.js v2.0 this will use the on-board PCT2075TP temperature sensor, but on Puck.js the less accurate on-chip Temperature sensor is used.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Puck.IR(data, cathode, anode)
- An array of pulse lengths, in milliseconds
- [optional] pin to use for IR LED cathode - if not defined, the built-in IR LED is used
- [optional] pin to use for IR LED anode - if not defined, the built-in IR LED is used
Transmit the given set of IR pulses - data should be an array of pulse times in
milliseconds (as [on, off, on, off, on, etc]
For example Puck.IR(pulseTimes)
- see
for a full example.
You can also attach an external LED to Puck.js, in which case you can just
execute Puck.IR(pulseTimes, led_cathode, led_anode)
It is also possible to just supply a single pin for IR transmission with
Puck.IR(pulseTimes, led_anode)
(on 2v05 and above).
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
A light value from 0 to 1
Return a light value based on the light the red LED is seeing.
Note: If called more than 5 times per second, the received light value may not be accurate.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
An Object {x,y,z}
of magnetometer readings as integers
Turn on the magnetometer, take a single reading, and then turn it off again.
An object of the form {x,y,z}
is returned containing magnetometer readings.
Due to residual magnetism in the Puck and magnetometer itself, with no magnetic
field the Puck will not return {x:0,y:0,z:0}
Instead, it's up to you to figure out what the 'zero value' is for your Puck in your location and to then subtract that from the value returned. If you're not trying to measure the Earth's magnetic field then it's a good idea to just take a reading at startup and use that.
With the aerial at the top of the board, the y
reading is vertical, x
horizontal, and z
is through the board.
Readings are in increments of 0.1 micro Tesla (uT). The Earth's magnetic field varies from around 25-60 uT, so the reading will vary by 250 to 600 depending on location.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Puck.on('mag', function(xyz) { ... });
- an object of the form {x,y,z}
Called after Puck.magOn()
every time magnetometer data is sampled. There is
one argument which is an object of the form {x,y,z}
containing magnetometer
readings as integers (for more information see Puck.mag()
Check out the Puck.js page on the magnetometer for more information.
Puck.magOn(10); // 10 Hz
Puck.on('mag', function(e) {
// { "x": -874, "y": -332, "z": -1938 }
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Turn the magnetometer off
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
- The sample rate in Hz, or undefined
Turn the magnetometer on and start periodic sampling. Samples will then cause a 'mag' event on 'Puck':
Puck.on('mag', function(xyz) {
// {x:..., y:..., z:...}
// Turn events off with Puck.magOff();
This call will be ignored if the sampling is already on.
If given an argument, the sample rate is set (if not, it's at 0.63 Hz). The sample rate must be one of the following (resulting in the given power consumption):
When the battery level drops too low while sampling is turned on, the magnetometer may stop sampling without warning, even while other Puck functions continue uninterrupted.
Check out the Puck.js page on the magnetometer for more information.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
See description above
Reads a register from the LIS3MDL / MAX3110 Magnetometer. Can be used for configuring advanced functions.
Check out the Puck.js page on the magnetometer for more information and links to modules that use this function.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Temperature in degrees C
Turn on the magnetometer, take a single temperature reading from the MAG3110 chip, and then turn it off again.
(If the magnetometer is already on, this just returns the last reading obtained)
uses the microcontroller's temperature sensor, but this
uses the magnetometer's.
The reading obtained is an integer (so no decimal places), but the sensitivity is factory trimmed. to 1°C, however the temperature offset isn't - so absolute readings may still need calibrating.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
Puck.magWr(reg, data)
Writes a register on the LIS3MDL / MAX3110 Magnetometer. Can be used for configuring advanced functions.
Check out the Puck.js page on the magnetometer for more information and links to modules that use this function.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
True if the self-test passed
Run a self-test, and return true for a pass. This checks for shorts between pins, so your Puck shouldn't have anything connected to it.
Note: This self-test auto starts if you hold the button on your Puck down while inserting the battery, leave it pressed for 3 seconds (while the green LED is lit) and release it soon after all LEDs turn on. 5 red blinks is a fail, 5 green is a pass.
If the self test fails, it'll set the Puck.js Bluetooth advertising name to
Puck.js !ERR
where ERR is a 3 letter error code.
Note: This is only available in Puck.js devices
The base class for reference errors - where a variable which doesn't exist has been accessed.
new ReferenceError(message)
- [optional] An message string
A ReferenceError object
Creates a ReferenceError object
function ReferenceError.toString()
A String
The built-in class for handling Regular Expressions
Note: Espruino's regular expression parser does not contain all the features present in a full ES6 JS engine. however some parts of the spec are not implemented:
and $
)There's a GitHub issue concerning RegExp features here
function RegExp.exec(str)
- A string to match on
A result array, or null
Test this regex on a string - returns a result array on success, or null
/Wo/.exec("Hello World")
will return:
"index": 6,
"input": "Hello World"
Or with groups /W(o)rld/.exec("Hello World")
"o", "index": 6,
"input": "Hello World"
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
new RegExp(regex, flags)
- A regular expression as a string
- Flags for the regular expression as a string
A RegExp object
Creates a RegExp object, for handling Regular Expressions
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function RegExp.test(str)
- A string to match on
true for a match, or false
Test this regex on a string - returns true
on a successful match, or false
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This class allows use of the built-in USARTs
Methods may be called on the USB
, Serial1
, Serial2
, Serial3
, Serial4
and Serial6
objects. While different processors provide different
numbers of USARTs, on official Espruino boards you can always rely on at least
being available
function Serial.available()
How many bytes are available
Return how many bytes are available to read. If there is already a listener for data, this will always return 0.
Serial.on('data', function(data) { ... });
- A string containing one or more characters of received data
The data
event is called when data is received. If a handler is defined with
X.on('data', function(data) { ... })
then it will be called, otherwise data
will be stored in an internal buffer, where it can be retrieved with
- A pin to search with
An object of type Serial
, or undefined
if one couldn't be found.
Try and find a USART (Serial) hardware device that will work on this pin (e.g.
May return undefined if no device can be found.
function Serial.flush()
Flush this serial stream (pause execution until all data has been sent)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Serial.on('framing', function() { ... });
The framing
event is called when there was activity on the input to the UART
but the STOP
bit wasn't in the correct place. This is either because there was
noise on the line, or the line has been pulled to 0 for a long period of time.
To enable this, you must initialise Serial with
SerialX.setup(..., { ...,
errors:true });
Note: Even though there was an error, the byte will still be received and
passed to the data
Note: This only works on STM32 and NRF52 based devices (e.g. all official Espruino boards)
function Serial.inject(data, ...)
data, ...
- One or more items to write. May be ints, strings, arrays, or special objects (see E.toUint8Array
for more info).
Add data to this device as if it came directly from the input - it will be
returned via serial.on('data', ...)
Serial1.on('data', function(d) { print("Got",d); });
Serial1.inject('Hello World');
// prints "Got Hel","Got lo World" (characters can be split over multiple callbacks)
This is most useful if you wish to send characters to Espruino's REPL (console) while it is on another device.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Serial.on('parity', function() { ... });
The parity
event is called when the UART was configured with a parity bit, and
this doesn't match the bits that have actually been received.
To enable this, you must initialise Serial with
SerialX.setup(..., { ...,
errors:true });
Note: Even though there was an error, the byte will still be received and
passed to the data
Note: This only works on STM32 and NRF52 based devices (e.g. all official Espruino boards)
function Serial.pipe(destination, options)
- The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source.
- [optional] An object { chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }
chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time
complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete
end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished
Pipe this USART to a stream (an object with a 'write' method)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Serial.print(string)
- A String to print
Print a string to the serial port - without a line feed
Note: This function replaces any occurrences of \n
in the string with
. To avoid this, use Serial.write
function Serial.println(string)
- A String to print
Print a line to the serial port with a newline (\r\n
) at the end of it.
Note: This function converts data to a string first, e.g.
is equivalent to
Serial.print("1,2,3"). If you'd like
to write raw bytes, use
- The number of characters to read, or undefined/0 for all available
A string containing the required bytes.
Return a string containing characters that have been received
new Serial()
A Serial object
Create a software Serial port. This has limited functionality (only low baud rates), but it can work on any pins.
Use Serial.setup
to configure this port.
function Serial.setConsole(force)
- Whether to force the console to this port
Set this Serial port as the port for the JavaScript console (REPL).
Unless force
is set to true, changes in the connection state of the board (for
instance plugging in USB) will cause the console to change.
See E.setConsole
for a more flexible version of this function.
function Serial.setup(baudrate, options)
- The baud rate - the default is 9600
- [optional] A structure containing extra information on initialising the serial port - see below.
Setup this Serial port with the given baud rate and options.
Serial1.setup(9600,{rx:a_pin, tx:a_pin});
The second argument can contain:
rx:pin, // Receive pin (data in to Espruino)
tx:pin, // Transmit pin (data out of Espruino)
ck:pin, // (default none) Clock Pin
cts:pin, // (default none) Clear to Send Pin
bytesize:8, // (default 8)How many data bits - 7 or 8
// (default none) Parity bit
stopbits:1, // (default 1) Number of stop bits to use
flow:null/undefined/'none'/'xon', // (default none) software flow control
path:null/undefined/string // Linux Only - the path to the Serial device to use
errors:false // (default false) whether to forward framing/parity errors
You can find out which pins to use by looking at your board's reference
page and searching for pins with the UART
If not specified in options, the default pins are used for rx and tx (usually
the lowest numbered pins on the lowest port that supports this peripheral). ck
and cts
are not used unless specified.
Note that even after changing the RX and TX pins, if you have called setup
before then the previous RX and TX pins will still be connected to the Serial
port as well - until you set them to something else using digitalWrite
Flow control can be xOn/xOff (flow:'xon'
) or hardware flow control (receive
only) if cts
is specified. If cts
is set to a pin, the pin's value will be 0
when Espruino is ready for data and 1 when it isn't.
By default, framing or parity errors don't create framing
or parity
on the Serial
object because storing these errors uses up additional storage
in the queue. If you're intending to receive a lot of malformed data then the
queue might overflow E.getErrorFlags()
would return FIFO_FULL
. However if
you need to respond to framing
or parity
errors then you'll need to use
when initialising serial.
On Linux builds there is no default Serial device, so you must specify a path to
a device - for instance: Serial1.setup(9600,{path:"/dev/ttyACM0"})
You can also set up 'software serial' using code like:
var s = new Serial();
s.setup(9600,{rx:a_pin, tx:a_pin});
However software serial doesn't use ck
, cts
, parity
, flow
or errors
parts of the initialisation object.
function Serial.unsetup()
If the serial (or software serial) device was set up, uninitialise it.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Serial.write(data, ...)
data, ...
- One or more items to write. May be ints, strings, arrays, or special objects (see E.toUint8Array
for more info).
Write a character or array of data to the serial port
This method writes unmodified data, e.g. Serial.write([1,2,3])
is equivalent to
. If you'd like data converted to a string first, use
The socket server created by require('net').createServer
function Server.close()
Stop listening for new connections
function Server.listen(port)
- The port to listen on
The HTTP server instance that 'listen' was called on
Start listening for new connections on the given port
An actual socket connection - allowing transmit/receive of TCP data
function Socket.available()
How many bytes are available
Return how many bytes are available to read. If there is already a listener for data, this will always return 0.
Socket.on('close', function(had_error) { ... });
- A boolean indicating whether the connection had an error (use an error event handler to get error details).
Called when the connection closes.
Socket.on('data', function(data) { ... });
- A string containing one or more characters of received data
The 'data' event is called when data is received. If a handler is defined with
X.on('data', function(data) { ... })
then it will be called, otherwise data
will be stored in an internal buffer, where it can be retrieved with
Socket.on('drain', function() { ... });
An event that is fired when the buffer is empty and it can accept more data to send.
function Socket.end(data)
- A string containing data to send
Close this socket - optional data to append as an argument.
See Socket.write
for more information about the data argument
Socket.on('error', function(details) { ... });
- An error object with an error code (a negative integer) and a message.
There was an error on this socket and it is closing (or wasn't opened in the first place). If a "connected" event was issued on this socket then the error event is always followed by a close event. The error codes are:
function Socket.pipe(destination, options)
- The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source.
- [optional] An object { chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }
chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time
complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete
end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished
Pipe this to a stream (an object with a 'write' method)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The number of characters to read, or undefined/0 for all available
A string containing the required bytes.
Return a string containing characters that have been received
function Socket.write(data)
- A string containing data to send
For node.js compatibility, returns the boolean false. When the send buffer is empty, a drain
event will be sent
This function writes the data
argument as a string. Data that is passed in
(including arrays) will be converted to a string with the normal JavaScript
If you wish to send binary data then you need to convert that data directly to a
String. This can be done with String.fromCharCode
, however it's often easier
and faster to use the Espruino-specific E.toString
, which will read its
arguments as an array of bytes and convert that to a String:
If you need to send something other than bytes, you can use 'Typed Arrays', or
even DataView
var d = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)); // 8 byte array buffer
d.setFloat32(0, 765.3532564); // write float at bytes 0-3
d.setInt8(4, 42); // write int8 at byte 4
This class allows use of the built-in SPI ports. Currently it is SPI master only.
- A pin to search with
An object of type SPI
, or undefined
if one couldn't be found.
Try and find an SPI hardware device that will work on this pin (e.g. SPI1
May return undefined if no device can be found.
function SPI.send(data, nss_pin)
- The data to send - either an Integer, Array, String, or Object of the form {data: ..., count:#}
- An nSS pin - this will be lowered before SPI output and raised afterwards (optional). There will be a small delay between when this is lowered and when sending starts, and also between sending finishing and it being raised.
The data that was returned
Send data down SPI, and return the result. Sending an integer will return an integer, a String will return a String, and anything else will return a Uint8Array.
Sending multiple bytes in one call to send is preferable as they can then be transmitted end to end. Using multiple calls to send() will result in significantly slower transmission speeds.
For maximum speeds, please pass either Strings or Typed Arrays as arguments.
Note that you can even pass arrays of arrays, like [1,[2,3,4],5]
function SPI.send4bit(data, bit0, bit1, nss_pin)
- The data to send - either an integer, array, or string
- The 4 bits to send for a 0 (MSB first)
- The 4 bits to send for a 1 (MSB first)
- An nSS pin - this will be lowered before SPI output and raised afterwards (optional). There will be a small delay between when this is lowered and when sending starts, and also between sending finishing and it being raised.
Send data down SPI, using 4 bits for each 'real' bit (MSB first). This can be useful for faking one-wire style protocols
Sending multiple bytes in one call to send is preferable as they can then be transmitted end to end. Using multiple calls to send() will result in significantly slower transmission speeds.
function SPI.send8bit(data, bit0, bit1, nss_pin)
- The data to send - either an integer, array, or string
- The 8 bits to send for a 0 (MSB first)
- The 8 bits to send for a 1 (MSB first)
- An nSS pin - this will be lowered before SPI output and raised afterwards (optional). There will be a small delay between when this is lowered and when sending starts, and also between sending finishing and it being raised
Send data down SPI, using 8 bits for each 'real' bit (MSB first). This can be useful for faking one-wire style protocols
Sending multiple bytes in one call to send is preferable as they can then be transmitted end to end. Using multiple calls to send() will result in significantly slower transmission speeds.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function SPI.setup(options)
- An Object containing extra information on initialising the SPI port
Set up this SPI port as an SPI Master.
Options can contain the following (defaults are shown where relevant):
baud:integer=100000, // ignored on software SPI
mode:integer=0, // between 0 and 3
order:string='msb' // can be 'msb' or 'lsb'
bits:8 // only available for software SPI
If sck
and mosi
are left out, they will automatically be chosen.
However if one or more is specified then the unspecified pins will not be set
You can find out which pins to use by looking at your board's reference
page and searching for pins with the SPI
marker. Some boards such as
those based on nRF52
chips can have SPI on any pins, so don't have specific
The SPI mode
is between 0 and 3 - see
On STM32F1-based parts, you cannot mix AF and non-AF pins (SPI pins are usually grouped on the chip - and you can't mix pins from two groups). Espruino will not warn you about this.
new SPI()
A SPI object
Create a software SPI port. This has limited functionality (no baud rate), but it can work on any pins.
Use SPI.setup
to configure this port.
function SPI.write(data, ...)
data, ...
- One or more items to write. May be ints, strings, arrays, or special objects (see E.toUint8Array
for more info).
If the last argument is a pin, it is taken to be the NSS pin
Write a character or array of characters to SPI - without reading the result back.
For maximum speeds, please pass either Strings or Typed Arrays as arguments.
This module allows you to read and write part of the nonvolatile flash memory of your device using a filesystem-like API.
Also see the Flash
library, which provides a low level, more dangerous way to
access all parts of your flash memory.
The Storage
library provides two distinct types of file:
/etc create
simple contiguous files of fixed length. This is the recommended file type.require("Storage").open(...)
creates a StorageFile
, which stores the file
in numbered chunks ("filename\1"
/etc). It allows data to be
appended and for the file to be read line by line.You must read a file using the same method you used to write it - e.g. you can't
create a file with require("Storage").open(...)
and then read it with
Note: In firmware 2v05 and later, the maximum length for filenames is 28 characters. However in 2v04 and earlier the max length is 8.
- [optional] If true, an overlay message will be displayed on the screen while compaction is happening. Default is false.
The Flash Storage system is journaling. To make the most of the limited write
cycles of Flash memory, Espruino marks deleted/replaced files as garbage/trash files and
moves on to a fresh part of flash memory. Espruino only fully erases those files
when it is running low on flash, or when compact
is called.
may fail if there isn't enough RAM free on the stack to use as swap
space, however in this case it will not lose data.
Note: compact
rearranges the contents of memory. If code is referencing
that memory (e.g. functions that have their code stored in flash) then they may
become garbled when compaction happens. To avoid this, call eraseFiles
uploading data that you intend to reference to ensure that uploaded files are
right at the start of flash and cannot be compacted further.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive)
Erase a single file from the flash storage area.
Note: This function should be used with normal files, and not StorageFile
created with require("Storage").open(filename, ...)
. To erase those, use
require("Storage").open(..., "r").erase()
Erase the flash storage area. This will remove all files created with
as well as any code saved with save()
- Check the internal flash (rather than external SPI flash). Default false, so will check external storage
The amount of free bytes
Return the amount of free bytes available in Storage. Due to fragmentation there may be more bytes available, but this represents the maximum size of file that can be written.
NOTE: checkInternalFlash
is only useful on DICKENS devices - other devices don't use two different flash banks
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- Check the internal flash (rather than external SPI flash). Default false, so will check external storage
An object containing info about the current Storage system
totalBytes // Amount of bytes in filesystem
freeBytes // How many bytes are left at the end of storage?
fileBytes // How many bytes of allocated files do we have?
fileCount // How many allocated files do we have?
trashBytes // How many bytes of trash files do we have?
trashCount // How many trash files do we have? (can be cleared with .compact)
NOTE: checkInternalFlash
is only useful on DICKENS devices - other devices don't use two different flash banks
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- [optional] If supplied, filenames are checked against this regular expression (with String.match(regexp)
) to see if they match before being hashed
A hash of the files matching
List all files in the flash storage area matching the specified regex (ignores StorageFiles), and then hash their filenames and file locations.
Identical files may have different hashes (e.g. if Storage is compacted and the file moves) but the chances of different files having the same hash are extremely small.
// Hash files
// Files ending in '.boot.js'
Note: This function is used by Bangle.js as a way to cache files. For
instance the bootloader will add all .boot.js
files together into a single
file, but it needs to know quickly whether anything has changed.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
require("Storage").list(regex, filter)
- [optional] If supplied, filenames are checked against this regular expression (with String.match(regexp)
) to see if they match before being returned
- [optional] If supplied, File Types are filtered based on this: {sf:true}
or {sf:false}
for whether to show StorageFile
An array of filenames
List all files in the flash storage area. An array of Strings is returned.
By default this lists files created by StorageFile
which have a file number ("\1"
/etc) appended to them.
// All files
// Files ending in '.js'
// All Storage Files
require("Storage").list(undefined, {sf:true})
// All normal files (e.g. created with Storage.write)
require("Storage").list(undefined, {sf:false})
Note: This will output system files (e.g. saved code) as well as files that you may have written.
require("Storage").open(name, mode)
- The filename - max 27 characters (case sensitive)
- The open mode - must be either 'r'
for read,'w'
for write , or 'a'
for append
An object containing {read,write,erase}
Open a file in the Storage area. This can be used for appending data (normal read/write operations only write the entire file).
Please see StorageFile
for more information (and examples).
Note: These files write through immediately - they do not need closing.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
Writes a lookup table for files into Bangle.js's storage. This allows any file stored up to that point to be accessed quickly.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
require("Storage").read(name, offset, length)
- The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive)
- [optional] The offset in bytes to start from
- [optional] The length to read in bytes (if <=0, the entire file is read)
A string of data, or undefined
if the file is not found
Read a file from the flash storage area that has been written with
This function returns a memory-mapped String that points to the actual memory area in read-only memory, so it won't use up RAM.
As such you can check if a file exists efficiently using
If you evaluate this string with eval
, any functions contained in the String
will keep their code stored in flash memory.
Note: This function should be used with normal files, and not StorageFile
created with require("Storage").open(filename, ...)
- The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive)
An ArrayBuffer containing data from the file, or undefined
Read a file from the flash storage area that has been written with
, and return the raw binary data as an
This can be used:
with new DataView(require("Storage").readArrayBuffer("x"))
with new
Note: This function should be used with normal files, and not StorageFile
created with require("Storage").open(filename, ...)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
require("Storage").readJSON(name, noExceptions)
- The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive)
- If true and the JSON is not valid, just return undefined
- otherwise an Exception
is thrown
An object containing parsed JSON from the file, or undefined
Read a file from the flash storage area that has been written with
, and parse JSON in it into a JavaScript object.
This is identical to JSON.parse(require("Storage").read(...))
. It will throw
an exception if the data in the file is not valid JSON.
Note: This function should be used with normal files, and not StorageFile
created with require("Storage").open(filename, ...)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
require("Storage").write(name, data, offset, size)
- The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive)
- The data to write
- [optional] The offset within the file to write (if 0
a new file is created, otherwise Espruino attempts to write within an existing file if one exists)
- [optional] The size of the file (if a file is to be created that is bigger than the data)
True on success, false on failure
Write/create a file in the flash storage area. This is nonvolatile and will not disappear when the device resets or power is lost.
Simply write require("Storage").write("MyFile", "Some data")
to write a new
file, and require("Storage").read("MyFile")
to read it.
If you supply:
Note: If an array is supplied it will not be converted to JSON. To be
explicit about the conversion you can use Storage.writeJSON
You may also create a file and then populate data later as long as you don't try and overwrite data that already exists. For instance:
var f = require("Storage");
f.write("a","Hello",0,14); // Creates a new file, 14 chars long
print(JSON.stringify("a"))); // read the file
// any nonwritten chars will be char code 255:
f.write("a"," ",5); // write within the file
f.write("a","World!!!",6); // write again within the file
print("a")); // "Hello World!!!"
f.write("a"," ",0); // Writing to location 0 again will cause the file to be re-written
print("a")); // " "
This can be useful if you've got more data to write than you have RAM available - for instance the Web IDE uses this method to write large files into onboard storage.
Note: This function should be used with normal files, and not StorageFile
created with require("Storage").open(filename, ...)
require("Storage").writeJSON(name, data)
- The filename - max 28 characters (case sensitive)
- The JSON data to write
True on success, false on failure
Write/create a file in the flash storage area. This is nonvolatile and will not disappear when the device resets or power is lost.
Simply write require("Storage").writeJSON("MyFile", [1,2,3])
to write a new
file, and require("Storage").readJSON("MyFile")
to read it.
This is (almost) equivalent to require("Storage").write(name, JSON.stringify(data))
(see the notes below)
Note: This function should be used with normal files, and not StorageFile
created with require("Storage").open(filename, ...)
Note: Normally JSON.stringify
converts any non-standard character to an escape code with \uXXXX
, but
as of Espruino 2v20, when writing to a file we use the most compact form, like \xXX
or \X
, as well as
skipping quotes on fields. This saves space and is faster, but also means that if a String wasn't a UTF8
string but contained characters in the UTF8 codepoint range, when saved it won't end up getting reloaded as a UTF8 string.
It does mean that you cannot parse the file with just JSON.parse
as it's no longer standard JSON but is JS,
so you must use Storage.readJSON
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
These objects are created from require("Storage").open
and allow Storage items
to be read/written.
The Storage
library writes into Flash memory (which can only be erased in
chunks), and unlike a normal filesystem it allocates files in one long
contiguous area to allow them to be accessed easily from Espruino.
This presents a challenge for StorageFile
which allows you to append to a
file, so instead StorageFile
stores files in chunks. It uses the last
character of the filename to denote the chunk number (e.g. "foobar\1"
, etc).
This means that while StorageFile
files exist in the same area as those from
, they should be read using
(and not
f = require("Storage").open("foobar","w");
f.write("o World\n");
f.write("World 2\n");
f.write("Hello World 3\n");
// there's no need to call 'close'
// then
f = require("Storage").open("foobar","r"); // "Hello World\nH" // "ello\nWorld 2\n" // "Hello World 3" // "\n" // undefined
// or
f = require("Storage").open("foobar","r");
f.readLine() // "Hello World\n"
f.readLine() // "Hello\n"
f.readLine() // "World 2\n"
f.readLine() // "Hello World 3\n"
f.readLine() // undefined
// now get rid of file
Note: StorageFile
uses the fact that all bits of erased flash memory are 1
to detect the end of a file. As such you should not write character code 255
) to these files.
function StorageFile.erase()
Erase this StorageFile
- after being called this file can no longer be written to.
Note: You shouldn't call require("Storage").erase(...)
on a StorageFile
, but should
instead open the StorageFile and call .erase
on the returned file: require("Storage").open(..., "r").erase()
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function StorageFile.getLength()
The current length in bytes of the file
Return the length of the current file.
This requires Espruino to read the file from scratch, which is not a fast operation.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function StorageFile.pipe(destination, options)
- The destination file/stream that will receive content from the source.
- [optional] An object { chunkSize : int=32, end : bool=true, complete : function }
chunkSize : The amount of data to pipe from source to destination at a time
complete : a function to call when the pipe activity is complete
end : call the 'end' function on the destination when the source is finished
Pipe this file to a stream (an object with a 'write' method)
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
- How many bytes to read
A String, or undefined
Read 'len' bytes of data from the file, and return a String containing those bytes.
If the end of the file is reached, the String may be smaller than the amount of
bytes requested, or if the file is already at the end, undefined
is returned.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function StorageFile.readLine()
A line of data
Read a line of data from the file (up to and including "\n"
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function StorageFile.write(data)
- The data to write. This should not include '\xFF'
(character code 255)
Append the given data to a file. You should not attempt to append "\xFF"
(character code 255).
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This is the built-in class for Text Strings.
Text Strings in Espruino are not zero-terminated, so you can store zeros in them.
function String.charAt(pos)
- The character number in the string. Negative values return characters from end of string (-1 = last char)
The character in the string
Return a single character at the given position in the String.
function String.charCodeAt(pos)
- The character number in the string. Negative values return characters from end of string (-1 = last char)
The integer value of a character in the string, or NaN
if out of bounds
Return the integer value of a single character at the given position in the String.
function String.concat(args, ...)
args, ...
- Strings to append
The result of appending all arguments to this string
Append all arguments to this String
and return the result. Does not modify the
original String
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function String.endsWith(searchString, length)
- The string to search for
- [optional] The 'end' of the string - if left off the actual length of the string is used
if the given characters are found at the end of the string, otherwise, false
String.fromCharCode(code, ...)
code, ...
- One or more character codes to create a string from (range 0-255).
The character
Return the character(s) represented by the given character code(s).
function String.includes(substring, fromIndex)
- The string to search for
- [optional] The start character index (or 0 if not defined)
if the given characters are in the string, otherwise, false
function String.indexOf(substring, fromIndex)
- The string to search for
- [optional] Index to search from
The index of the string, or -1 if not found
Return the index of substring in this string, or -1 if not found
function String.lastIndexOf(substring, fromIndex)
- The string to search for
- [optional] Index to search from
The index of the string, or -1 if not found
Return the last index of substring in this string, or -1 if not found
property String.length
The value of the string
Find the length of the string
function String.match(substr)
- Substring or RegExp to match
A match array or null
(see below):
Matches an occurrence subStr
in the string.
Returns null
if no match, or:
"abcdef".match("b") == [
"b", // array index 0 - the matched string
index: 1, // the start index of the match
input: "b" // the input string
"abcdefabcdef".match(/bcd/) == [
"bcd", index: 1,
input: "abcdefabcdef"
'Global' RegExp matches just return an array of matches (with no indices):
"abcdefabcdef".match(/bcd/g) = [
function String.padEnd(targetLength, padString)
- The length to pad this string to
- [optional] The string to pad with, default is ' '
A string containing this string padded to the correct length
Pad this string at the end to the required number of characters
"Hello".padEnd(10) == "Hello "
"123".padEnd(10,".-") == "123.-.-.-."
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function String.padStart(targetLength, padString)
- The length to pad this string to
- [optional] The string to pad with, default is ' '
A string containing this string padded to the correct length
Pad this string at the beginning to the required number of characters
"Hello".padStart(10) == " Hello"
"123".padStart(10,".-") == ".-.-.-.123"
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function String.removeAccents()
This string with the accents/diacritics (such as é, ü) removed from characters in the ISO 8859-1 set
This is not a standard JavaScript function, but is provided to allow use of fonts that only support ASCII (char codes 0..127, like the 4x6 font) with character input that might be in the ISO8859-1 range.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function String.repeat(count)
- An integer with the amount of times to repeat this String
A string containing repetitions of this string
Repeat this string the given number of times.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function String.replace(subStr, newSubStr)
- The string (or Regular Expression) to search for
- The string to replace it with. Replacer functions are supported, but only when subStr is a RegExp
This string with subStr
Search and replace ONE occurrence of subStr
with newSubStr
and return the
result. This doesn't alter the original string.
function String.replaceAll(subStr, newSubStr)
- The string (or Regular Expression) to search for
- The string to replace it with. Replacer functions are supported, but only when subStr is a RegExp
This string with subStr
Search and replace ALL occurrences of subStr
with newSubStr
and return the
result. This doesn't alter the original string.
function String.slice(start, end)
- The start character index, if negative it is from the end of the string
- [optional] The end character index, if negative it is from the end of the string, and if omitted it is the end of the string
Part of this string from start for len characters
function String.split(separator)
Part of this string from start for len characters
Return an array made by splitting this string up by the separator. e.g.
'1,2,3'.split(',')==['1', '2', '3']
Regular Expressions can also be used to split strings, e.g.
4'.split(/[^0-9]/)==['1', '2', '3', '4']
function String.startsWith(searchString, position)
- The string to search for
- [optional] The start character index (or 0 if not defined)
if the given characters are found at the beginning of the string, otherwise, false
new String(str, ...)
str, ...
- A value to turn into a string. If undefined or not supplied, an empty String is created.
A String
Create a new String
function String.substr(start, len)
- The start character index
- [optional] The number of characters
Part of this string from start for len characters
function String.substring(start, end)
- The start character index (inclusive)
- [optional] The end character index (exclusive)
The part of this string between start and end
function String.toLowerCase()
The lowercase version of this string
function String.toUpperCase()
The uppercase version of this string
function String.trim()
A String with Whitespace removed from the beginning and end
Return a new string with any whitespace (tabs, space, form feed, newline, carriage return, etc) removed from the beginning and end.
The base class for syntax errors
new SyntaxError(message)
- [optional] An message string
A SyntaxError object
Creates a SyntaxError object
function SyntaxError.toString()
A String
The base class for type errors
function TypeError.toString()
A String
new TypeError(message)
- [optional] An message string
A TypeError object
Creates a TypeError object
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 16 bit unsigned integers.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Uint16Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 24 bit unsigned integers.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Uint24Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 32 bit unsigned integers.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Uint32Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 8 bit unsigned integers.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Uint8Array(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
This is the built-in JavaScript class for a typed array of 8 bit unsigned integers that are automatically clamped to the range 0 to 255.
Instantiate this in order to efficiently store arrays of data (Espruino's normal arrays store data in a map, which is inefficient for non-sparse arrays).
Arrays of this type include all the methods from ArrayBufferView
new Uint8ClampedArray(arr, byteOffset, length)
- The array or typed array to base this off, or an integer which is the array length
- The byte offset in the ArrayBuffer (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
- The length (ONLY IF the first argument was an ArrayBuffer)
A typed array
Create a typed array based on the given input. Either an existing Array Buffer,
an Integer as a Length, or a simple array. If an ArrayBufferView
rather than ArrayBuffer
) is given, it will be completely copied
rather than referenced.
Clamped arrays clamp their values to the allowed range, rather than 'wrapping'.
e.g. after a[0]=12345;
, a[0]==255
This class helps to convert URLs into Objects of information ready for http.request/get
url.parse(urlStr, parseQuery)
- A URL to be parsed
- Whether to parse the query string into an object not (default = false)
An object containing options for http.request
or http.get
. Contains method
, host
, path
, pathname
, search
, port
and query
A utility function to split a URL into parts
This is useful in web servers for instance when handling a request.
For instance url.parse("/a?b=c&d=e",true)
This class handles waveforms. In Espruino, a Waveform is a set of data that you want to input or output.
function Waveform.startInput(output, freq, options)
- The pin to output on
- The frequency to output each sample at
- Optional options struct {time:float,repeat:bool}
where: time
is the that the waveform with start output at, e.g. getTime()+1
(otherwise it is immediate), repeat
is a boolean specifying whether to repeat the give sample
Will start inputting the waveform on the given pin that supports analog. If not
repeating, it'll emit a finish
event when it is done.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Waveform.startOutput(output, freq, options)
- The pin to output on
- The frequency to output each sample at
- Optional options struct {time:float,repeat:bool}
where: time
is the that the waveform with start output at, e.g. getTime()+1
(otherwise it is immediate), repeat
is a boolean specifying whether to repeat the give sample
Will start outputting the waveform on the given pin - the pin must have
previously been initialised with analogWrite. If not repeating, it'll emit a
event when it is done.
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
function Waveform.stop()
Stop a waveform that is currently outputting
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory
new Waveform(samples, options)
- The number of samples
- Optional options struct {doubleBuffer:bool, bits : 8/16}
where: doubleBuffer
is whether to allocate two buffers or not (default false), and bits is the amount of bits to use (default 8).
An Waveform object
Create a waveform class. This allows high speed input and output of waveforms.
It has an internal variable called buffer
(as well as buffer2
double-buffered - see options
below) which contains the data to input/output.
When double-buffered, a 'buffer' event will be emitted each time a buffer is finished with (the argument is that buffer). When the recording stops, a 'finish' event will be emitted (with the first argument as the buffer).
Note: This is not available in devices with low flash memory