BTHome Door Sensor for Home Assistant

This video shows you how to create a door opening sensor with Espruino Puck.js and use it with Home Assistant to control a mains socket!

The code is based on:

And the full code is below:

if (E.getBattery===undefined)
  E.getBattery = ()=>100;

var slowTimeout; //< After 60s we revert to slow advertising

// Update the data we're advertising here
function updateAdvertising(buttonState) {
      type : "battery",
      v : E.getBattery()
      type : "temperature",
      v : E.getTemperature()
      type: "button_event",
      v: buttonState
  ]), {
    name : "Door",
    interval: (buttonState!="none")?20:2000, // fast when we have a button press, slow otherwise
    // not being connectable/scannable saves power (but you'll need to reboot to connect again with the IDE!)
    //connectable : false, scannable : false,
  /* After 60s, call updateAdvertising again to update battery/temp
  and to ensure we're advertising slowly */
  if (slowTimeout) clearTimeout(slowTimeout);
  slowTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
    slowTimeout = undefined;
    updateAdvertising("none" /* no button pressed */);
  }, 60000);

// Update advertising now

// Enable highest power advertising (4 on nRF52, 8 on nRF52840)

var zero = Puck.mag();
var doorOpen = false;
function onMag(p) {
  p.x -= zero.x;
  p.y -= zero.y;
  p.z -= zero.z;
  var s = Math.sqrt(p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y + p.z*p.z);
  var open = s<1000;
  if (open!=doorOpen) {
    doorOpen = open;
    digitalPulse(open ? LED1 : LED2, 1,1000);
    updateAdvertising(open  ? "long_press" : "press");
Puck.on('mag', onMag);

Don't want to play with code? You can upload it directly to a Puck.js with a few clicks at:

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