Simple Linux-like Cron system


This module defines a simple Linux-like Cron system for Espruino. It supports * wildcard and list formats, but in the interest of minimal footprint, it does not support modulo (/) and range (-) shortcut formats, nor does it support Cron keywords such as @year, @month, etc.

Intended to be a single instance to limit resources and timer overhead. Multiple instances will all reference same job queue and timer, thus multiple instances will see the same jobs and init calls will supercede previous calls by other instances.

Works with DateExt (Date Extensions) module if used to match local time values. A second argument passed to the constructor, set to true, can be used to force UTC if so desired when DateExt has been included. This is only necessary if DateExt is included and you don't want to use local time.



  // create a cron object with 1 min interval
  var cron = require("Cron")(1); // omit "1" for default(=5)


Define jobs using the job method as

  cron.job({id:'...', time:[...], cb:'...', cbThis: this, args:[...], n:#});

Where the cronjob object passed to job may contain:

  • id: Unique reference name for job and event signal name. See Job id Notes.
  • time: String or array that specifies the match time(s). See Time Notes.
  • cb: Optional callback to call instead of 'id' event
  • cbThis: Optional 'this' context for callback
  • args: Optional arguments for callback
  • n: Optional number of times to run job; job deleted after n events

    Calling the job method with or without an object returns the current job list. Jobs triggering on the same time do not get processed in any particular guaranteed order.

Job id Notes

  • Cron uses the id as the reference key to store the job object and as the event-emitter event.
  • Defining a new job with same id replaces an existing job with that id
  • Specifying only a job id with no time spec removes that job from list
  • When the time spec matches the clock time...
    • If the callback (cb) is defined it is called.
    • Otherwise, the cron instance emits an id event

Time Notes

  • The time record specifies in order [min,hr,day,month,dayOfWk] The time may be specified as a traditional cron-style string, for example, '5 0,12, 1' --> 5 min after midnight and noon Monday -- Alternately, the time may be specified as an array, for example, [5,[0,12],'','','1'] --> 5 min after midnight and noon Monday
  • Time fields may be integer, string values, array of integers or strings, or *
  • Cron supports wildcard (*) and comma delimited lists, but does not support modulo (/), range (-), and Cron keyword shortcut syntaxes.
  • Cron will use local time if a require('DateExt') call has been made and utc (i.e. second constructor paramter) is false.

Other Methods


Enables or disables the Cron timer tick interval. Called with no parameter it starts or restarts the timer with the default time period set when the instance was defined, which defaults to 5 minutes if no given. Called with an integer minutes parameter, it starts or restarts the timer tick at that interval. When called with 0 it stops the internal timer tick. When started the timer delays by an offset (os) timeout to sync the tick with the closest time interval. That is, a 5 minute interval for example will fire at 0, 5, 10, ... minutes. The variable cron.tmr can be used to peek at the internal timer state, but should not be altered (i.e. treat as read-only). cron.tmr returns an object specifying dt: delta time in milliseconds, os: initial timeout offset, t: timeout timer handle, i: interval timer handle, and x: a string representing the last time match pattern.

private tick()

Internal callback method that tests jobs records for match to current time and fires off jobs. This method is private and not exposed through the cron instance.


cron.job({id:"job1",time:'* * * * *'}); // define a job, time string format
cron.job({id:"job2",time:[...]});   // define another cron job
cron.on("job1", function() {...});  // event handler, where "job1"=job id
                                    // fires when cron job spec matches time,
                                    // only if no callback supplied.
cron.init(1);                       // start timer w/1 min update
cron.init();                        // start timer w/5 min (default) update
cron.job({id:"job2"});              // delete unneeded job named "job2"
cron.job({id:"job1",time:[...]});   // redefine existing "job1"
cron.init(0);                       // stop cron timer, can restart any time

Test Code Example

// cron test example...

// optional support of local time...
require('DateExt').locale({zone:['MST','MDT'], offset:[420,360], dst:0, str:"Y-0M-0D'T'0h:0m:0s z"});

var cron = require("Cron")(); // a single instance
var d = new Date();

// callback function for job test4...
var color = 'blue';
function cb4(x) {
  var d = new Date().toString();
  console.log("test4 cb: ",this.color, color, x, d);
  this.color = color;
  color = x;
  //console.log("test4 this: ",this);

// define a few jobs...
cron.job({id:"test",time:'* * * * *'});   // time string format
cron.job({id:"test2",time:[[0,15,30,45],'*','*','*','*']}); // time array format
var m=d.getMinutes()+5; var hr=d.getHours(); if (m>60) { m=m%60; hr++};
/// change minute/hour times for test3 example to times appropriate when demo runs
cron.job({id:"test3",time:'57,59 16 * * *'}); // redefined, overrides above if run
cron.job({id:"test4",time:'* * * * *',cb:cb4,ths:this,args:'red',n:3}); // only runs 3 times

// define event handlers as aalternative to callbacks...
cron.on("test", function() {
  console.log("test: ",cron.tmr);
cron.on("test2", function() {
  console.log("test2: ",new Date().toString());
cron.on("test3", function() {
  console.log("test3: ",new Date().toString());
cron.on("test4", function() {
  console.log("test4 err: ",new Date().toString());  // should never get called

// display state of cron and time...
console.log("start: ",d.toString());

// start things going...
//cron.init();  // runs at default 5 min time
console.log("tmr: ",cron.tmr);
// stop things after 10 minutes...
setTimeout(function() { cron.init(0); }, 10*60*1000);

// example output for above test script...
tmr:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": 1, "i": null, "x": "" }
test4 cb:  undefined blue red Mon Dec 12 2016 16:55:00 GMT+0000
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "55,16,12,11,1" }
test4 cb:  blue red red Mon Dec 12 2016 16:56:00 GMT+0000
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "56,16,12,11,1" }
test4 cb:  red red red Mon Dec 12 2016 16:57:00 GMT+0000
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "57,16,12,11,1" }
test3:  Mon Dec 12 2016 16:57:00 GMT+0000
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "58,16,12,11,1" }
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "59,16,12,11,1" }
test3:  Mon Dec 12 2016 16:59:00 GMT+0000
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "0,17,12,11,1" }
test2:  Mon Dec 12 2016 17:00:00 GMT+0000
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "1,17,12,11,1" }
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "2,17,12,11,1" }
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "3,17,12,11,1" }
test:  { "dt": 60000, "os": 37897, "t": null, "i": 3, "x": "4,17,12,11,1" }


See Linux Cron and Crontab man pages for more info. See DateExt module for local time configuration.


(No tutorials are available yet)

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