HP03S pressure sensor module


The HP03S is a pressure and temperature module with:

  • standard I2C interface plus two additional output pins required
  • 300-1100hpa absolute pressure range
  • -20..+60°C temperature range
  • Supply voltage 2.2v-3.6v with automatic power down switching
  • Low power consumption: 1µA standby supply current; 500µA supply current during conversion

Use the HP03S module for it.


You need an SO-xx adapter if you want to use it with a breadboard.

You can use any I2C port, e.g. I2C1. Additionally a simple output pin and one pwm pin are required.

Device Pin Espruino e.g. Wifi Description
2 SDA B9 I2C1 SDA Don\'t forget I²C pullup
3 XCLR B0 Any Espruino output pin
4 MCLK B7 PWM pwm pin - internal clock for the AD-converter
5 VDD 3.3

Important Notices from the datasheet: Never unplug the module when power is on.


I2C1.setup( { scl: B6, sda: B7 } );
var hp03s = require('HP03S').connect( { i2c: I2C1, mclk: B4, xclr: B5 } );

Reading pressure in Pa and temperature in °C

I2C1.setup( { scl: B6, sda: B7 } );
var hp03s = require('HP03S').connect( { i2c: I2C1, mclk: B4, xclr: B5 } );

hp03s.getPressure( function( pressure, temperature ) {
    console.log( "Pressure    = " + pressure + " Pa" ); 
    console.log( "Temperature = " + temperature + " °C" ); 
} );

You can only start a new measurement when a previous measurement is completed.



exports.connect = function (option, onReady) { ... }

/* Read the pressure in Pa and the temperature in °C from the sensor
 * @param callback with parameters pressure {number} and temperature {number}
HP03S.prototype.getPressure = function (callback) { ... }

/* Trigger one measurement (either pressure or temperature)
 * @param pressureOrTemperatureCommand select pressure or temperature measurement: 0xf0 → measure pressure, 0xe8 → measure temperature
 * @param completed called when result is available
HP03S.prototype.measure = function (pressureOrTemperatureCommand, completed) { ... }

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