Puck.js with SMS control

This video shows you how use Puck.js and a GSM modem to control devices via SMS text messages.

The video further down shows how to read data from BLE devices within range and then send that as an SMS text message response.

Note: You'll need the latest firmware as of Sept 2017 on your Puck.js device for this. That means at least 1v95 (when released) or a 'cutting edge' build (http://www.espruino.com/Download).

You'll need

  • A Puck.js device (or other Espruino board if you don't need Bluetooth LE
  • A SIM800 or SIM900 module. The one I'm using is designed for a 5v input (if yours isn't you'll need to change the wiring accordingly)
  • A 3.3v voltage regulator (LD1117AV33) if you're not going to use Puck.js's battery
  • A 5v power source
  • A Breadboard and patch wires if you're planning on assembling as in the video

Wiring Up

Connect as follows:


Pin Connection
1 (GND) GND on everything else
2 (Output) Puck.js 3V
3 (Input) 5v Input


Pin Connection
GND GND on everything else
3V Puck.js 3V
D28 SIM800 RXD
D29 SIM800 TXD


Pin Connection
GND GND on everything else
5V 5v Input
SIM800 RXD Puck.js D28
SIM800 TXD Puck.js D29


Controlling Puck.js's LED from an SMS

Serial1.setup(115200, { rx: D29, tx : D28 });
var ATSMS = require("ATSMS");
var sms = new ATSMS(Serial1);

sms.init(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;

  sms.list("ALL", function(err,list) {
    if (err) throw err;
    if (list.length)
      console.log("No Messages");

  // and to send a message:
  //sms.send('+441234567890','Hello world!', callback)

sms.on('message', function(msgIndex) {
  console.log("Got message #",msgIndex);
  sms.get(msgIndex, function(err, msg) {
    if (err) throw err;
    print("Read message", msg);
    var txt = msg.text.toLowerCase();
    if (txt=="on") LED1.set();
    if (txt=="off") LED1.reset();
    // delete all messages to stop us overflowing

Controlling an Awox BLE Lightbulb

Serial1.setup(115200, { rx: D29, tx : D28 });
var ATSMS = require("ATSMS");
var sms = new ATSMS(Serial1);

sms.init(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;

  sms.list("ALL", function(err,list) {
    if (err) throw err;
    if (list.length)
      console.log("No Messages");

  // and to send a message:
  //sms.send('+441234567890','Hello world!', callback)

sms.on('message', function(msgIndex) {
  console.log("Got message #",msgIndex);
  sms.get(msgIndex, function(err, msg) {
    if (err) throw err;
    print("Read message");
    var txt = msg.text.toLowerCase();
    if (txt=="on") setLight(1);
    if (txt=="off") setLight(0);
    // delete all messages to stop us overflowing

function setLight(isOn) {
  var gatt;
  NRF.connect("98:7b:f3:61:1c:22").then(function(g) {
    //         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  your light's address here
    gatt = g;
    return gatt.getPrimaryService("33160fb9-5b27-4e70-b0f8-ff411e3ae078");
  }).then(function(service) {
    return service.getCharacteristic("217887f8-0af2-4002-9c05-24c9ecf71600");
  }).then(function(characteristic) {
    return characteristic.writeValue(isOn ? 1 : 0);
  }).then(function() {

Returning temperature

The code on the Puck.js sending the temperature is:

setInterval(function() {
    0x1809 : [Math.round(E.getTemperature())]
}, 30000);

and the full source is:

Serial1.setup(115200, { rx: D29, tx : D28 });
var ATSMS = require("ATSMS");
var sms = new ATSMS(Serial1);

sms.init(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;

  sms.list("ALL", function(err,list) {
    if (err) throw err;
    if (list.length)
      console.log("No Messages");

  // and to send a message:
  //sms.send('+441234567890','Hello world!', callback)

sms.on('message', function(msgIndex) {
  console.log("Got message #",msgIndex);
  sms.get(msgIndex, function(err, msg) {
    if (err) throw err;
    print("Read message", msg);
    var txt = msg.text.toLowerCase();
    if (txt=="on") LED1.set();
    if (txt=="off") LED1.reset();
    if (txt=="get") getTemp(msg.oaddr);
    // delete all messages to stop us overflowing

function getTemp(number) {
  console.log("Getting temp");
  NRF.findDevices(function(devs) {
    devs.forEach(function(dev) {
      if (dev.name=="Puck.js 5736") { // <--- change this to the name of your Puck.js
        console.log("Got temp");
        var message = "Temp is "+dev.serviceData["1809"][0];
        sms.send(number,message, function() {
          print("Sent text!");


See the Puck.js Lightbulb page for links to where to find the Awox lights for sale.

The SIM900 page has links to where to find the SIM900 module.

Puck.js devices can be ordered from here

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