Espruino WebServer Module

Espruino WebServer let your Espruino act like a real web server and serve static and server generated content, including from an SD card.

Note: You don't absolutely have to use this WebServer module as you can just use the built-in web server directly - however this module does automate the task of serving multiple files.

To use the WebServer.js module, you must be connected to WiFi/Ethernet/etc.

How to use the WebServer module

var WebServer = require("WebServer");

var webs = new WebServer({
    port: 80,
    default_type: 'text/plain',
    default_index: 'index.html',
    file_system: '/some/path',
    memory: {
        'info.html': { 
            'content': '<html>Hello World!</html>',
            'type': 'text/html'
        'info.txt': { 
            'content': 'Hello World!'
        'info.njs': {
            'content': function(){
                return {
                    'type': 'text/html',
                    'content': '<html>Hello World.</html>'

Available events

webs.on('start', function(request, WebServer){
    console.log('WebServer listening on port ' + WebServer.port);

webs.on('request', function(request, response, parsedUrl, WebServer){
    console.log('WebServer requested', parsedUrl);

webs.on('error', function(error, WebServer){
    console.log('WebServer Error', error);

The web server setup parameters

  • port: The listening port. Default is "80".

  • default_type: The default Content_type for pages. Default is "text/plain".

  • default_index: The default index page to serve on /. Default is "index.html". default_not_found: The default File Not Found text. Default is plain "File not found"

  • file_system: An optional string with a path on your SDCARD or Disk with pages and files to serve.
    For every file, you may have another file with a ".type/" added to its name with the original file mime type text. For example, for a favicon.ico file, you may have a favicon.ico.type file containing "image/x-icon" (without quotes). If the file has ".njs" extension it will be a server side javascript file. In this case it will be required to have a function that outputs the object containing the content string and type string or header object.
    If you want web service endpoints like, just make a folder to each endpoint with an index.njs file, and set the default_index to it.

  • memory: An optional object holding files to serve. It takes precedence over the file_system.
    The object is as follow:

          "file_name.ext": {
              "type": "mime_type",
              "header": {"Content-stuff"},
              "content": "the_file_body_content"

    The content may be a function. In this case, the file must have the .njs extension, to indicate a server side interpreted file, and it must return the object containing the content string and type string or header object.

Working Espruino Example Code

  • Copy and Paste this code into the WebIDE right panel
  • Send to Espruino
  • If it is running on Espruino hardware, connect to the Espruino_Server Access Point
  • Open your browser and go to
  • If it is running local on your machine, go to
    You need to access it via your local network IP to load the favicon icon
var wifi = require('Wifi'), WebServer = require('WebServer');

function onInit() {
    if (wifi)
        wifi.startAP('Espruino_Server', {}, startServer);

function startServer() {
    var webs = new WebServer({
        port: 8080,
        file_system: '/var/www/',
        memory: {
            'index.html': { 
                'type': 'text/html',
                'content': '<html><head><script src="index.js"></script></head><body>' +
                    '<p>Hello from in memory HTML!</p>' +
                    '<br><button onclick="hello()"> Run client side JavaScript</button>' +
                    '<br><br><button onclick="\'index.njs\', \'_top\')"> Run server side JavaScript</button>' +
                    '<br><br><button onclick="\'index.txt\', \'_top\')"> Go to a simple text</button>' +
                    '<br><p align="right"> <small>Espruino WebServer</small> </p>' +
            'index.txt': { 
                'content': 'Hello from in memory text!'
            'index.js': {
                'type': 'application/javascript',
                'content': "function hello(){ alert('Hello from in memory client side javascript'); }",
            'index.njs': {
                'content': index_njs
            'favicon.ico': {
                'type': 'image/x-icon',
                'content': "\0\0\x01\0\x01\0\x10\x10\x10\0\x01\0\x04\x00\xf0\0\0\0\x16\0\0\x00\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a\0\0\0\x0dIHDR\0\0\0\x10\0\0\0\x10\x08\x06\0\0\0\x1f\xf3\xffa\0\0\x00\xb7IDAT8\x8d\xa5S\xc1\x0d\x03!\x0csN\xb7\x91w\xcaP\xde)3\xd1G\x09\x0a\x85\xab\xa8\xea\x0f\x02\x82c\x1b0\x92x\x82\xbb\xb7:\x8f\x08D\x84\xd5\xb5\x1b\x00H\xb6>N\x04uN\x12\x92\x10\x11S\xcd]\x0b\xbf\xa9\xe9\x8a\x00\xa0I\x1a*\x06A\x97\xb7\x90\xd4\x8e$A\x12\xee\xde\xb2vR\x90$\xc8q\xf6\x03\xbc\x15Ldw]\x88zpc\xab*\x8c\x08H\xb2A\x90\x1e\x97\xce\x1bd3\x00\xb8v\x9b\xa7p\xf7\xb6\x10\x9cb\xc9\xe0Wd\x06\x17\x80v\xe2\xfb\x09\x17\x00H\xfa\x8b\xc0\xba\x9c\xe3CU\xf1\xc8@\xd2\x08fW\xf8i3?U\x12\x18z\x16\xf5A\x9ddc_\xee\xbd~e{*z\x01|\xcdnfT\x03\x0an\0\0\0\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82"

    webs.on('start', function (WebServer) {
        console.log('WebServer listening on port ' + WebServer.port);
    webs.on('request', function (request, response, parsedUrl, WebServer) {
        console.log('WebServer requested', parsedUrl);
    webs.on('error', function (error, WebServer) {
        console.log('WebServer error', error);


function index_njs(req, res, uri, webs) {
    return {
        type: 'text/html',
        content: '<html>' + 
            '<p>Hello from in memory server side javascript!</p>' +
            '<p><b>Espruino Memory Usage: </b><br>' + JSON.stringify(process.memory()) + '</p>' + 
            '<p><b>Espruino Flash Usage: </b><br>' + JSON.stringify(require('Flash').getFree()) + '</p>' + 

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