Graph Library

This is a very simple, lightweight graph library (graph (About Modules)) for displays that use Espruino's Graphics library.

In it's simplest form, you just call drawLine or drawBar with the Graphics instance as the first argument and the data as the second:

var data = [0,1,3,8,10,12,12,10,8,3,1,0];
require("graph").drawLine(g, data);
// Remember to call `g.flip()` to update your display if needed

By default the data is auto-scaled to fit the screen:


But there are other options you can supply via an object as the third argument:

  • title - the title of the graph
  • miny - optional - minimum y value
  • maxy - optional - maximum y value
  • gridy - optional - grid value for x. Also enables labels on axis
  • gridy - optional - grid value for y. Also enables labels on axis
  • x - optional - pixel x offset on screen
  • y - optional - pixel y offset on screen
  • width - optional - pixel width on screen
  • height - optional - pixel height on screen
  • xlabel - optional - function(x_value) to format y axis labels, eg: function(y) { return y.toFixed(1); }. null to disable labels
  • ylabel - optional - function(y_value) to format y axis labels, eg: function(y) { return y.toFixed(1); }. null to disable labels
  • padx - optional - amount of padding to leave around data on X axis (in data points)
  • pady - optional - amount of padding to leave around data on Y axis (in data values, not pixels)

For example:

var data = [0,1,3,8,10,12,12,10,8,3,1,0];
require("graph").drawLine(g, data, {
  miny: 0,
  axes : true,
  gridy : 5,
  xlabel : null

Draws a graph with axes, auto-scaled to the nearest 5 points and labelled:

line graph

var data = [1,3,8,10,12,10,8,3,1];
require("graph").drawBar(g, data, {
  miny: 0,
  axes : true,
  gridx : 1,
  gridy : 5

Draws a bar graph with labels on both axes:

bar graph

The drawLine/drawBar functions also return an object, containing:

  x,    // top left corner of the graph x coordinate
  y,    // top left corner of the graph y coordinate
  w,    // graph width
  h,    // graph height
  getx, // function which given graph data x, returns a x coordinate
  gety, // function which given graph data y, returns a y coordinate

And you can also use just drawAxes with the same arguments to draw axes and return the object above.


To display a graph of the last 64 temperature readings from Espruino, taken every 2 seconds you could do something like the following:

var history = new Float32Array(64);

function onTimer() {
  // quickly move all elements of history back one
  history.set(new Float32Array(history.buffer,4));
  // add new history element at the end
  var temp = E.getTemperature();
  history[history.length-1] = temp;
  // Draw Graph
  var r = require("graph").drawLine(g, history, {
    miny: 0,
    axes : true,
    gridy : 10,
    title: "Temperature"
  // Label last reading
  g.drawString(Math.round(temp), r.x+r.w, r.gety(temp)+2);
  // Update the screen

// Update temperature every 2 seconds
// Update temperature immediately


The code above will work as-is on Pixl.js.

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