BTHome Library

BTHome is an energy efficient but flexible BLE format for devices to broadcast their sensor data and button presses. It is supported by popular home automation platforms, like Home Assistant, out of the box.

BTHome devices advertise data in a specific format, which is then received by either Home Assistant directly, ESPHome or Shelly devices (which act as bridges).

Once configured, any new BTHome-advertising device found will magically appear in http://homeassistant/config/integrations/dashboard where it can be used alongside all your other devices.


Call require("BTHome").getAdvertisement() with an array of things ({type: string, v : value}) to advertise, and it will return an advertisement that can be fed into NRF.setAdvertising:

function updateAdvertising() {
      type : "battery",
      v : E.getBattery()
      type : "temperature",
      v : E.getTemperature()
  ]), {
    name : "Sensor",
    // not being connectable/scannable saves power (but you'll need to reboot to connect again with the IDE!)
    //connectable : false, scannable : false,

// Enable highest power advertising (on nRF52)
// Update advertising now
// Update advertising every 10 seconds...
setInterval(updateAdvertising, 10000);

See below for information on events and a list of allowable device types.

getAdvertisement adds an incrementing BTHome packet ID, which ensures that the data sent by the device will only be treated as a 'new' packet the next time getAdvertisement is called. This stops duplicate events and other data flooding your Home Assistant instance.

Note: No size checking is performed, so if you advertise too much data, Espruino will start to remove characters from the device name to make room for the increased data length. As such it's best to try and keep your device name as short as possible.

Device Types

The allowed device types are (most of) what's mentioned in and the names have been kept as similar as possible



As mentioned in the BTHome docs, events are handled in Home Assistant 2023.5 and higher. You don't need to add a button/dimmer event if a button hasn't been pressed, however it may be easier to keep the field in, and if you want to have more than one button on a device then to get an event on the second button you need to define the first button with no event, for example:

  { type: "button_event", v: "none" },
  { type: "button_event", v: "press" }

Each time you update the advertising, the packet ID will increase, and another event will be sent to Home Assistant. As such we'd recommend that you make sure you clear the event flag after updating the advertisement.

Note: Most BTHome scanners won't spend 100% of the time scanning - ESPHome scans for only 30ms out of 320ms by default (see here). To ensure you get events reported quickly and reliably it can be a good idea to increase the advertising interval when you have an event to report, and then to lower the interval again after to save power.

For example, to report a button event, as well as battery and temperature:

var slowTimeout; //< After 60s we revert to slow advertising

// Update the data we're advertising here
function updateAdvertising(buttonState) {
      type : "battery",
      v : E.getBattery()
      type : "temperature",
      v : E.getTemperature()
      type: "button_event",
      v: buttonState
  ]), {
    name : "Sensor",
    interval: (buttonState!="none")?20:2000, // fast when we have a button press, slow otherwise
    // not being connectable/scannable saves power (but you'll need to reboot to connect again with the IDE!)
    //connectable : false, scannable : false,
  /* After 60s, call updateAdvertising again to update battery/temp
  and to ensure we're advertising slowly */
  if (slowTimeout) clearTimeout(slowTimeout);
  slowTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
    slowTimeout = undefined;
    updateAdvertising("none" /* no button pressed */);
  }, 60000);

// When a button is pressed, update advertising with the event
setWatch(function(e) {
  var buttonState = ((e.time - e.lastTime) > 0.5) ? "long_press" : "press";
}, BTN, {edge:"falling", repeat:true})

// Update advertising now

// Enable highest power advertising (4 on nRF52, 8 on nRF52840)

💡This code can be uploaded in a few clicks with the Espruino App loader


Just supply these with a single boolean value as v, for example: {type:"door", v:true}

Bidirectional Communication

At the moment, BTHome devices can only transmit data (not be connected to), however you can use the LED BLE Library to make your device appear to be a Bluetooth Light which is supported by the LED BLE integration in Home Assistant.

You can use both this and the ble_led library at the same time, just be sure to keep the advertising name beginning with LEDBLE as this is what Home Assistant uses to detect the LED lights.


If you don't need to be connected to, you can increase battery life of your device substantially by making it non-scannable and non-connectable. Note that you then won't be able to connect to reprogram it until you reset it!

The default advertising interval is 375m and you can also make that longer if you don't have updates to send very often.

You can also increase signal strength with NRF.setTxPower(power).

    type : "temperature",
    v : E.getTemperature()
]), { name : "Sensor1", scannable: false, connectable: false, interval: 600 });
NRF.setTxPower(4); // NRF52840 devices like Bangle.js 2 can use 8!

Espruino will not normally advertise when you're connected to it, but on firmwares 2v19 and later you can add whenConnected:true to the options at the end of the NRF.setAdvertising call to override that.


There are:

Some tutorials use BTHome:

It's also mentioned on the forum in:

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