Graphics Library

Espruino has a built-in graphics library, exposed via the Graphics class.

On most boards (without built in displays) you can create your own instance(s) of the Graphics class using a module that is designed to interface to a display (see 'Graphics Drivers' below), or you can manually create you own using one of the Graphics.createXYZ functions.

On the few boards that do contain LCDs, there is a predefined variable called g (which is an instance of the Graphics Object).

Note: All coordinates in the Graphics library treat 0,0 as the top left corner of the display. However you can rotate or mirror what you draw using the Graphics.setRotation method.

Graphics Drivers

Below are a list of currently available modules that will interface to hardware and create a Graphics object for you:

Note: several of the graphics drivers use offscreen buffers. This means that draw operations won't immediately effect the display, and a method needs calling to copy the buffer's data onto the screen. By convention this method is usually called .flip().

Internal Use

If you don't already have a graphics object set up then you can create a Graphics class which renders to an ArrayBuffer:

Graphics.prototype.print = function() {
  for (var y=0;y<this.getHeight();y++)
    console.log(new Uint8Array(this.buffer,this.getWidth()*y,this.getWidth()).toString());
var g = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(8,8,8);
// 1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0
// 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0
// 1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0
// 1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0
// 1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0
// 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
// 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
// 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

See the Graphics.createArrayBuffer reference for more information on possible arguments that can be used.

Or you can create a Graphics instance which calls your function whenever a pixel needs to be drawn:

var g = Graphics.createCallback(8,8,1,function(x,y,c) {

Text / Fonts

Simple Hello World text using a bitmap font:

g.drawString("Hello World",0,0);

The final two arguments are colours (background and foreground)

Or use vector fonts, which are scaleable!

g.drawString("Hello",0,0); // 40px high in red
g.drawString("World",40,40); // 60px high in green

Note: Some non-official Espruino boards don't have vector font support built-in.

You can then switch back to the bitmap font using:


You can also use custom Bitmap Fonts. For more information, see Fonts


In Espruino versions since 1.87, support for drawing circles has been added.

You can draw filled or outlined circles using the two circle functions. For each, the current foreground colour will be used. The three required arguments are x,y,rad. The x and y coordinates for the centre position of the circle and rad the radius of the circle.

// Draw a circle
g.drawCircle(100,100,50); // A circle with a radius of 50, centred at 100x100

// Draw a filled circle
g.fillCircle(100,100,50); // A filled circle with a radius of 50, centred at 100x100

However if you want to add your own support in earlier versions then you can always do something like this:

g.fillCircle = function(x,y,rad) {
  var pts = parseInt(rad)/2;
  var a = [];
  for (var i=0;i<pts;i++) {
    var t = 2*i*Math.PI/pts;

Random Lines

Randomly draw lines on the screen:

while (true) {
    Math.random()*g.getWidth(), Math.random()*g.getHeight(),

Images / Bitmaps

Espruino has a function called Graphics.drawImage which can be used to draw images.

Images are either a special kind of object or a String.


Objects are of the form:

  width : int,
  height : int,
  bpp : int (bits per pixel, optional - default 1),
  transparent : int (transparent colour index, optional),
  palette : Uint16Array/string (colour palette),
  buffer : string/arraybuffer (image data)

For instance this is a 8x8 pixel, 1 bit smiley face where any pixel that is 0 is treated as transparent:

var img = {
  width : 8, height : 8, bpp : 1,
  transparent : 0,
  buffer : new Uint8Array([


You can also specify the image as a string or arraybuffer, in the following form:

Multiple frames

An image can contain multiple frames of the same size (eg for an animation). To do this just ensure that the image bitmap contains all the frames one after the other, then specify the frame when drawing with Graphics.drawImage: g.drawImage(img, x, y, { frame : n });.

To generate an image like this, the easiest way is to use the Image Converter with the images tiled vertically one after the other, and then change the width. As an example, if you want to store 10, 64x64px images:

It is also possible to create an image with frames in an image string, but you would have to modify the height in the image string (second byte):

var tmp = atob("......"); // decode the image
E.toArrayBuffer(tmp)[1]=64; // or whatever you image height is
print(btoa(tmp)); // re-encode as base64

Note: For this to work, each frame of the image must contain a multiple of 8 bits - eg. (width * height * bpp) & 7 == 0.

Creating images

You can:

var img = Graphics.createImage(`

 X   X


X      X
var img = require("BMPLoader").load(require('fs').readFileSync("foo.bmp"));
g.drawImage(img, 10, 10);

Beware: Microcontrollers don't have much memory - even a small 128x128 pixel 8 bit image may be too big to fit in Espruino's memory!


You can then simply draw images to the screen wherever you want:

g.drawImage(img, 10, 10);
// or draw an image directly from Storage
g.drawImage(require("Storage").read("myimage.img"), 10, 10);
// draw an image twice the size
g.drawImage(img, 10, 10, {scale:2});
// draw a large, rotated image
g.drawImage(img, 10, 10, {scale:1.5, rotate:Math.PI/4});

If you use a single-bit image, the foreground and background colors will be used instead of the image's colours. Otherwise the color data will be copied directly so it's an idea to use a bitmap of the same bit depth as your display.

See the reference for Graphics.drawImage for more information...

Creating an image via command-line

The easiest solution is to use our online Image Converter.

Or you can use command-line tools locally to create a raw image that can be uploaded separately. It's best to install ImageMagick. Then you can type commands like:

# Create a 24 bit RGB image called output.raw
convert myimage.png rgb:output.raw

# Create a 24 bit, 16x16 pixel RGB image called output.raw
convert myimage.png -resize 16x16\! -depth 8 rgb:output.raw

# Create an 8 bit, 16x16 pixel Greyscale image called output.raw
convert myimage.png -resize 16x16\! -depth 8  gray:output.raw

# Create a 1 bit, 16x16 pixel black and white image called output.raw
# Note this one only works if your image is a multiple of 8 pixels wide
convert myimage.png -resize 16x16\! -depth 1  gray:output.raw

On Linux, you can type base64 --wrap=0 myfilename.raw to convert the raw file to base64 - or on other platforms you can use the File Converter webpage.

Once you've got the base64 encoded image, simply decode it with atob and create an ArrayBuffer from it. For instance this is the Espruino logo:

var img = {
  width : 32, height : 32, bpp : 1,
  transparent : 0,

Tutorials using Graphics

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