Bangle.js Clock Info

If you've been following the Bangle.js Clock tutorial you should have an idea how you can go about making a clock.

One feature you might want in your clock face is to display some other information - be that step count, altitude, or the time until your next timer.

We have Widgets that you can use with Bangle.loadWidgets() but these sit in a 24px bar at the top of your screen which may not integrate well with your clock, and they may not display what you need.

Note: If you just want widgets to appear only when needed, you could check out Widget Hiding

While you can write any code you want in your clock face, you may soon decide that you want to display more than one thing, and to be able to cycle through what is displayed.

We've already implemented this for you with the clock_info.js module

The clock_info.js module provides a series of 'info cards' for things like battery, heart rate and altitude.

Not just that, but you can install other apps (like Sunrise Clockinfo that can add other information cards, so any clock that uses clock_info.js can then display this information. A full list is available at


Recently the clock_info module turned into an app. So all you need to do is to ensure you install the clock_info app on your Bangle.

Before that, clock_info was a module in BangleApps/modules and so to develop with the Web IDE you need to do a bit of setup first to set the include path - check out That isn't needed now.

How it works

First, in your clock's metadata.json you'll want to add "dependencies" : { "clock_info":"module" }, to tell the app loader that your app needs to have the clock_info module pre-installed.

In your clock, calling require("clock_info").load() will return an array of the form:

    name: "Bangle", img: ...,
    items: [
        name: "Battery",
        hasRange: true,
        get: function () { ... },
        show: function () { ... },
        hide: function () { ... }
        name: "Steps",
        hasRange: true,
        get: function () { ... },
        show: function () { ... },
        hide: function () { ... }

The object in the list returned by require("clock_info").load() contains:

  • name : text to display and identify menu object (e.g. weather)
  • img : a 24x24px image
  • items : menu items such as temperature, humidity, wind etc.

Each item in items contains:

  • : friendly name to identify an item (e.g. temperature)
  • item.hasRange : if true, .get returns v/min/max values (for progress bar/guage)
  • item.get : function that returns an object:
    'text'  // the text to display for this item
    'short' // optional: a shorter text to display for this item (at most 6 characters)
    'img'   // optional: 24x24px image to display for this item (if not supplied, text may be 2 lines separated with \n)
    'color' // optional: a color string (like "#f00") to color the icon in compatible clocks
    'v'     // (if hasRange==true) a numerical value
    'min','max' // (if hasRange==true) a minimum and maximum numerical value (if this were to be displayed as a guage)
  • : called when item should be shown. Enables updates. Call BEFORE 'get'. Passed the clockinfo options (same as what's returned from addInteractive).
  • item.hide : called when item should be hidden. Disables updates. Passed the clockinfo options.
  • .on('redraw', ...) : event that is called when 'get' should be called again (only after '')
  • : (optional) called if the info screen is tapped - can perform some action. Return true if the caller should feedback the user.
  • item.focus : called when the item is focussed (the user has tapped on it). Passed the clockinfo options.
  • item.blur : called when the item is unfocussed (the user has tapped elsewhere, the screen has locked, etc). Passed the clockinfo options.

Using clock_info.js

You can call require("clock_info").load() and can display the information directly - an example is at the bottom of the clock_info.js module.

However we'd strongly recommend that you use the addInteractive function. This implements all the user-interaction code and leaves you to implement just the way data is to be displayed on the clock.

After this, you'll end up with an information screen that you can focus by tapping on it.

  • By default there is one list of info cards, called Bangle. Other clock_info add-ons (for example the scheduler) may add other lists
  • Once focused (by tapping):
    • Swipe left/right moves between lists (by default there is one list so this has no effect)
    • Swipe up/down moves between info cards in the current list
    • If the clock_info supports it you can even tap to activate it
// Load the clock infos
let clockInfoItems = require("clock_info").load();
// Add the
let clockInfoMenu = require("clock_info").addInteractive(clockInfoItems, {
  // Add the dimensions we're rendering to here - these are used to detect taps on the clock info area
  x : 20, y: 20, w: 80, h:80,
  // You can add other information here you want to be passed into 'options' in 'draw'
  // This function draws the info
  draw : (itm, info, options) => {
    // itm: the item containing name/hasRange/etc
    // info: data returned from itm.get() containing text/img/etc
    // options: options passed into addInteractive
    // Clear the background
    g.reset().clearRect(options.x, options.y, options.x+options.w-2, options.y+options.h-1);
    // indicate focus - we're using a border, but you could change color?
    if (options.focus) g.drawRect(options.x, options.y, options.x+options.w-2, options.y+options.h-1); // show if focused
    // we're drawing center-aligned here
    var midx = options.x+options.w/2;
    if (info.img) g.drawImage(info.img, midx-12,options.y+4); // draw the image
    g.setFont("6x8:2").setFontAlign(0,1).drawString(info.text, midx,options.y+44); // draw the text

After calling addInteractive it returns the options parameter with the following added:

  • index : int - which instance number are we? Starts at 0
  • menuA : int - index in 'menu' of showing clockInfo item
  • menuB : int - index in 'menu[menuA].items' of showing clockInfo item
  • remove : function - remove this clockInfo item
  • redraw : function - force a redraw
  • focus : function - bool to show if menu is focused or not

If your clock implements Fast Loading you'll want to ensure you call clockInfoMenu.remove(); when your clock unloads.

Multiple clock_info

You can easily call require("clock_info").addInteractive more than once with different areas (see slopeclockpp for an example). As long as the areas don't overlap they can be individually focussed and modified.

clock_info Add-on files

Now we're using clock_info, you might want to add your own info cards to it.

You can create a storage file called example.clkinfo.js and populate it with the following:

(function() {
  return {
    name: "Bangle",
    // img: 24x24px image for this list of items. The default "Bangle" list has its own image so this is not needed
    items: [
      { name : "Item1",
        get : function() { return { text : "TextOfItem1",
                       // v : 10, min : 0, max : 100, - optional
        show : function() {},
        hide : function() {},
        // run : function() {} optional (called when tapped)
        // focus : function() {} optional (called when focussed)
        // blur : function() {} optional (called when unfocussed)
}) // must not have a semi-colon!

You create the images as 1bpp 24x24px with In the preview the image should appear white on transparent.

Next time you load clock_info a card with an icon and TextOfItem1 will be shown

For example if we want to add a stopwatch that you can start and stop with a press, you can add the following:

(function() {
  var startTime;
  var interval;
  var running = false;

  return {
    name: "Bangle",
    items: [
      { name : "Timer",
        get : () => ({ text : startTime ? (( : "--",
        show : function() { // shown - if running, start animation
          if (running)
            interval = setInterval(()=>this.emit('redraw'), 100);
        hide : function() { // hidden - stop animation
          if (interval) clearInterval(interval);
        run : function() { // tapped - cycle between start and stop
          if (interval) { // stop
            running = false;
          } else { // start
            interval = setInterval(()=>this.emit('redraw'), 100);
            startTime =;
            running = true;

Note: the mix of function and arrow functions (() => {}) is very intentional here. show/hide/run/focus/blur need to access this (which points to the object they are a member of), but when using setInterval arrow functions must be used so this is preserved when they are called.

To add this to the app loader, simply create a new app with this as the only file (ideally with a name starting with clkinfo). Then set "type": "clkinfo", in the metadata.json file.

See clkinfosunrise as an example.

Adding Clock-info just to your clock

If you want to add some custom info card to your clock, you can do that too.

If you don't want to package a file along with your clock, you can add it direct to your app:

let clockInfoItems = require("clock_info").load();
// add as the first item
clockInfoItems[0].items.unshift({ name : "Item1",
  get : function() { return { text : "TextOfItem1",
  show : function() {},
  hide : function() {},
// create the menu
let clockInfoMenu = require("clock_info").addInteractive(clockInfoItems, {

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