Gadgetbridge for Android
Gadgetbridge is an Android application that allows you to use smartwatch-style notifications and health
monitoring without the need for a proprietary application or web service. We have a modified
Bangle.js Gadgetbridge
app on the
Google Play Store
or F-Droid (see below)
If you like Gadgetbridge, please consider donating to help support its continued development
How to set up
- Install Bangle.js Gadgetbridge on your Android phone (see below for more info on our
Bangle.js Gadgetbridge
app). This can be:- Bangle.js Gadgetbridge from the Play Store - easiest for most users.
- Bangle.js Gadgetbridge from F-Droid - not dependent on the Google Play Store
- Bangle.js Gadgetbridge 'nightly' builds - with all the very latest changes
- Normal Gadgetbridge from F-Droid (this doesn't provide any Internet connectivity features)
- On alternative platforms such as Sailfish OS, Ubuntu Touch, or Flatpak, Amazfish can be used as it implements the Gadgetbridge interface.
- On Bangle.js, install the Android Integration app - this is the new and recommended way of interfacing to Gadgetbridge. (The Gadgetbridge Widget is the old, unmaintained way of interfacing to Gadgetbridge)
- Now ensure you disconnect your computer from Bangle.js
- Start the Gadgetbridge app and click the blue
in the bottom right - Choose your Bangle.js device from the list
- You'll be prompted on whether you'd like to Pair the Bangle or not. Pairing will use an encrypted connection, and it's been reported that with enabled on modern Android versions, Gadgetbridge auto-connects to Bangle.js more reliably.
- Everything should now be working. From the menu in the top-left of the Gadgetbridge Android app you can choose
and can test out notifications/etc
Extra Setup
Does Gadgetbridge keep disconnecting from your Bangle? It may be that your phone is doing some 'battery usage optimisation' and deciding that Gadgetbridge should be shut down. See https://dontkillmyapp.com/ for device-specific advice on how to stop this happening.
By default, some features are disabled in Gadgetbridge and you may well want to enable them:
Click on the three bars icon (
) in the top left, thenSettings
- Enable
Connect to Gadgetbridge device when Bluetooth is turned on
- Enable
Reconnect automatically
, so Gadgetbridge reconnects if it loses the connection Sync time
is on by default, but needs to be left on if you want to enableSync Calendar Events
- Enable
Click on your device, then the Gear icon
Text as Bitmaps
detects non-ascii characters (including Emoji) that can't be displayed on the Bangle and converts them to images that can be displayedAllow high MTU
improves transfer speed to Bangle.jsAllow Internet Access
enables HTTP requests from Bangle.js apps (see below)Allow Intents
enables Bangle.js apps to interact with Android appsSync Calendar Events
allows Gadgetbridge to send info on your Calendar events to Bangle.js, to be viewed with theAgenda
On some phones, even though Gadgetbridge requests permissions, they may not have been granted by default:
- Go to
Android Settings
on your Android Device - Go to
(again) - Now click
and scroll down toBangle.js Gadgetbridge
and check if it is underAllowed
. If not, click it underDenied
and then clickAllow
- Now click
and scroll down toBangle.js Gadgetbridge
and check if it is underAllowed All the Time
. If it is, click it and then clickAllow
On some custom Android ROMS (and Xiaomi/Redmi MIUI phones) you need to grant extra permissions for 'Find My Phone' to be able to create a sound. See https://gadgetbridge.org/basics/features/find-phone/
If you're using the Play Store Gadgetbridge, you can also sign up to be a tester - occasionally we will release a new version for testing before rolling it out to everyone and you'll get access to that.
Bangle.js Gadgetbridge app
We have a version of Gadgetbridge for Bangle.js that allows Internet Access (normal Gadgetbridge does not). It is available from:
- the Google Play Store - recommended
- F-Droid
The Bangle.js Gadgetbridge app is built from the same source code as
the normal Gadgetbridge, however the Bangle.js Gadgetbridge
app requires extra internet permissions to install and so can
provide extra features:
HTTP requests
Must be enabled first by clicking the gear icon next to the Bangle.js you're connected to in Gadgetbridge, and then enabling Allow Internet Access
On Bangle.js just do something like this to make an HTTP request:
console.log("Got ",data);
// actual response is in data.resp
// Prints:
//Got {
// "t": "http",
// "id": "89875941444",
// "resp": "Hello World!\n"
// }
For more information check out the Android Integration
Right now you must use HTTPS (HTTP is not supported). The low-level implementation is described in How it works internally
Must be enabled first by clicking the gear icon next to the Bangle.js you're connected to in Gadgetbridge, and then enabling Allow Intents
Bangle -> Android
On Bangle.js send something like:
This will send a Global Android intent which can cause certain apps/windows to open, or can be used with apps like Tasker
Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({t:"intent", target:"activity", action:"android.media.action.MEDIA_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH", flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"], categories:["android.intent.category.DEFAULT"], extra:{"query":'track:"Sittin\' on the Dock of the Bay" artist:"Otis Redding"'}}))
This will search for and play the song "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay". The android device will ask about what app to use. The flag "FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"
is needed in order for the activity to launch in this case.
Gadgetbridge connected to a Bangle.js watch can broadcast intents and start activities or services.
Toggling play/pause of the android music app Poweramp can be done via its API-service:
Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({t:"intent", target:"foregroundservice", action:"com.maxmpz.audioplayer.API_COMMAND", package:"com.maxmpz.audioplayer", extra:{cmd:"TOGGLE_PLAY_PAUSE"}}));
Services can act while the android device is locked and/or sleeping. Activities cannot. A way around this is to fire this intent that wakes and unlocks the device:
Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({t:"intent", target:"activity", flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK", "FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK", "FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS", "FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION"], package:"gadgetbridge", class:"nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.activities.WakeActivity"}));
If the waking intent doesn't work then try sending it twice in a row. If that doesn't do it, make sure to add the Bangle.js as a trusted device in android settings for it to be able to bypass the lock screen. If it still doesn't work, try re-adding the Bangle.js via Gadgetbridge with "CompanionDevice Pairing" activated.
The following type of information can be supplied for intents: target
, action
, flags
, categories
, package
, class
, mimetype
, data
and extra
. Values to pass with the target
-key are "broadcastreceiver"
, "activity"
, "service"
or "foregroundservice"
(falls back to "service"
if below Android 8.0). Intents will default to being broadcast if no target is specified. To accommodate the different Gadgetbridge versions a special package-value, "gadgetbridge"
, can be supplied with the package
Template for initiating an intent from a Bangle.js app:
Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({t:"intent", target:"", action:"", flags:["flag1", "flag2",...], categories:["category1","category2",...], package:"", class:"", mimetype:"", data:"", extra:{someKey:"someValueOrString", anotherKey:"anotherValueOrString",...}}));
Key/value-pairs can be omitted if they are not needed.
The main resource on android intents is the android documentation intent reference. For inspiration search for "tasker intent" in your favourite search engine.
Android -> Bangle
On the Android device, you can send code to execute to your Bangle.js (Programmable must be set to true
in the Bangle's settings).
Just send an intent to com.banglejs.uart.tx
, with Extra Data of line
set to the JavaScript to execute. For example to display a variable from Tasker
on the Bangle's LCD (scrolling everything else up), set up:
Action: com.banglejs.uart.tx
Cat: None
Extra: line:Terminal.println(%avariable)
Target: Broadcast Receiver
Variable: Number, Configure on Import, NOT structured, Value set, Nothing Exported, NOT Same as value
You can also get weather from Gadgetbridge. Install the Weather Widget and check out the Read more...
link on the app page for more information on the setup required. An additional app is required to forward the current weather into Gadgetbridge.
If you're using the Play Store 'Bangle.js Gadgetbridge' app, you need to set the package name to com.espruino.gadgetbridge.banglejs
Sports Activity Sync
Activities recorded with the "Recorder" app can be synced to Gadgetbridge which will store, parse and display them in the app.
Activities with GPS data can be forwarded from Gadgetbridge to other apps via a GPX file. If there're no GPS coordinates logged at the beginning of the activity, the forwarded information will not include these first data points and the starting time will not be the same. To mitigate this make sure you have a GPS fix before starting to record on the watch (updated A-GPS data drastically improve the time to get a first fix).
More info at https://gadgetbridge.org/basics/features/sports/ .
How it works internally
Messages sent to Bangle.js from Phone
Messages are wrapped in the text "\x10" + "GB(...)\n"
, so that if they're
sent to a normal Espruino REPL the GB
function will be executed with the
supplied data as the first argument.
Currently implemented messages are:
t:"notify", id:int, src,title,subject,body,sender,tel:string,reply
- new notificationid
is a unique ID for this noticiationsrc
is name of app sending notificationreply:true
is present when it's possible to send a{t:"notify", id:int, n:"REPLY", msg:"My Reply"}
response (Gadgetbridge 0.80 and later)
t:"notify-", id:int
- delete notificationt:"alarm", d:[{h:int,m:int,rep:int,on:int},...]
- set alarms- rep=binary mask of weekdays
is optional, indicates whether the alarm is enabled (default) or disabled
t:"find", n:bool
- findDevicet:"vibrate", n:int
- vibratet:"weather", temp,hi,lo,hum,rain,uv,code,txt,wind,wdir,loc
- weather report (current temp, days highest temp, days lowest temp, current humidity, rain/precip probability, UV Index, current condition code, current condition text, wind speed, wind direction)t:"musicstate", state:"play/pause",position,shuffle,repeat
- music play/pause/etct:"musicinfo", artist,album,track,dur,c(track count),n(track num)
- currently playing music trackt:"call", cmd:"accept/incoming/outgoing/reject/start/end", name: "name", number: "+491234"
- callt:"act", hrm:bool, stp:bool, int:int
- Enable realtime step counting, realtime heart rate. 'int' is the report interval in secondst:"actfetch", ts:long
- The timestamp (milliseconds since 1970) of the last activity sample received - Bangle.js can then send any data Gadgetbridge might have missed. If set to 0, the Bangle will send all the data it has.t:"listRecs", id:"YYYYMMDDx" (e.g. 20240101a)
- fetch a list ofrecorder
app log id's newer than the log with the supplied id (corresponding to the latest fetched log).t:"fetchRec", id:"YYYYMMDDx" (e.g. 20240101a)
- fetch therecorder
app log with the supplied id.t:"calendar", id:int, type:int, timestamp:seconds, durationInSeconds, title:string, description:string,location:string,calName:string.color:int,allDay:bool
- Add a calendar eventt:"calendar-", id:int
- remove calendar eventt:"force_calendar_sync_start"
- cause Bangle.js to send aforce_calendar_sync
t:"gps", lat, lon, alt, speed/*kph*/, course, time, satellites, hdop, externalSource:true
- a GPS reading once GPS is turned on with{ t:"gps_power", status: true }
- cause Bangle.js to send{ t:"gps_power", status: bool }
t:"nav",instr:"High St towards Null St",distance:966,action:"continue",eta:"08:39"
- Navigation (as of Play Store app 0.74.0)t:"nav"
- Navigation stopped
Bangle.js Gadgetbridge also provides:
- a response to an HTTP request (see below)t:"http",err:"......"
- an HTTP request failed.
For example:
// new message
GB({"t":"notify","id":1575479849,"src":"Hangouts","title":"A Name","body":"message contents"})
// message changed
GB({"t":"notify~","id":1575479849,"body":"this changed"})
// remove message
// maps navigation
GB({"t":"notify","id":1,"src":"Maps","title":"0 yd - High St","body":"Campton - 11:48 ETA","img":"Y2MBAA....AAAAAAAAAAAAAA="})
// music
GB({"t":"musicinfo","artist":"My Artist","album":"My Album","track":"Track One","dur":241,"c":2,"n":2})
// Call coming in
// Set a single alarm, 6:30am, every day of the week
GB({"t":"alarm", "d":[{"h":"6","m":"30:","rep":127}]})
// Send a GPS location
// Send a navigation message
GB({"t":"nav","instr":"High St towards Tollgate Rd","distance":"966yd","action":"continue","eta":"08:39"})
Messages from Bangle.js to Phone
Any line beginning with {
will be parsed as JSON by Gadgetbridge, so to
send a command, simply use Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify(json))
Available message types are:
t:"info", msg:"..."
- display info popup on phonet:"warn", msg:"..."
- display warning popup on phonet:"error", msg:"..."
- display error popup on phonet:"status", bat:0..100, volt:float(voltage), chg:0/1
- status updatet:"findPhone", n:bool
t:"music", n:"play/pause/next/previous/volumeup/volumedown"
t:"notify", id:int, n:"DISMISS,DISMISS_ALL/OPEN/MUTE/REPLY",
- if
can usetel:string(optional), msg:string
- if
t:"ver", fw:string, hw:string
- firmware and hardware versions - sent at connect timet:"act", ts:long, hrm:int, stp:int, mov:int, rt:int
- activity data - timestamp, heart rate, steps and movement intensityact
optional (added in Gadgetbridge 0.82.1) - the current activity type, one ofUNKNOWN,NOT_WORN,DEEP_SLEEP,LIGHT_SLEEP,REM_SLEEP,ACTIVITY,RUNNING,WALKING,SWIMMING,CYCLING,EXERCISE
is optional - in milliseconds since 1970. If not specified the current time is usedrt
is optional - indicates whether the sample is realtime and therefore not to be stored in the database
t:"actTrksList", list:"a list of new non-fetched
recorderapp logs"
t:"actTrk", log:"YYYYMMDDx" (e.g. 20240101a), lines:"four lines of the log"/"erase", cnt: "the current packet count"
t:"force_calendar_sync", ids:[int,int,...]
- Sends a list of Bangle's existing calendar IDs, and ask Gadgetbridge to add/remove any calendar items that are differentt:"intent", target:"...", action:"...", flags:["flag1", "flag2",...], categories:["category1","category2",...], package:"...", class:"...", mimetype:"...", data:"...", extra:{someKey:"someValueOrString", anotherKey:"anotherValueOrString",...}
- sends an Android Intent (which can be used to send data to other apps like Tasker)t:"file", n:"a_filename", c:"contents as string", m:"a"/"w" (append/overWrite)
t:"gps_power", status: bool
- Sends an update on whether Bangle.js wants GPS enabled or not
Bangle.js Gadgetbridge also provides:
t:"http", url:"https://pur3.co.uk/hello.txt"[,xpath:"/html/body/p/div[3]/a"][,id:"..."]
- make an HTTPS request (HTTP not supported right now).- If
is supplied, the document is loaded as XML (not all HTML is XML!), the xpath is applied and the result returned instead - If
is supplied (as a string), the response returns the sameid
(so multiple HTTP requests can be in flight at once)
- If
For example:
Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({t:"info", msg:"Hello World"}))
will display a message on your phone's screen.
You can click Debug
-> Fetch Device Debug Logs
in Gadgetbridge which will save a log of
all data sent to/from Bangle.js to a file on your phone. This is very helpful for debugging
and will show if any exceptions/errors have happened on the Bangle, and what commands
caused them. You can then connect with the Web IDE and re-issue those commands by copy/pasting
them into the IDE's left hand side to help you reproduce.
There's a Gadgetbridge Debug app you can install. When running this
will show you the data that is being received from Gadgetbridge. See Read more...
next to the app for
more information.
Once you know the command that caused the problem you can then disconnect Gadgetbridge, connect with the Web IDE and issue that command by pasting it into the left-hand side of the IDE - for example:
GB({"t":"notify","id":1575479849,"src":"Hangouts","title":"A Name","body":"message contents"})
If there are any errors shown you'll be able to see them and use them to debug what is happening.
Remote Debugging
You can also connect the Web IDE to Bangle.js through your phone running Gadgetbridge.
From Gadgetbridge, start the App Loader, then go to More...
and click Web IDE Remote
You'll see a UUID shown - copy this and 'share' it with yourself, so you can then go to
https://www.espruino.com/ide/ on your desktop, go to Settings
, Communications
, and paste it into the
box for Remote Connection Bridge Peer ID
Refresh the Web IDE page and (as long as the App Loader stays open in Gadgetbridge after Web IDE Remote
has been pressed)
you'll be able to connect via the Web IDE and see what Bangle.js is responding with as notifications/etc arrive.
Building Gadgetbridge
If you want to build Gadgetbridge yourself there's proper documentation at https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge/wiki/Developer-Documentation
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